Hey ladies,
It's been long since I wrote a post as couldn't access the website.last time I posted that I was going to get induced at 41+4 .i went in the hospital had the pessary very painful contractions started had codeine and paracetamol , diamorphine twice which didn't seem to work for me when I got to 6cm dilated was move to delivery suite to have an epidural which only lasted an hr.had it topped up,could still feel the whole pain ,examined me again,went back to 5cm dilated obviously not progressing well,asked for c section as I had been in labour for almost 24 hrs the doctors also suggested csection as my labour wasn't progressing.had the spinal block in the theatre felt faint after that but everything went quick within 15 to 20 mins my gorgeous little girl was born!shes 2weeks old now breast/ bottle feeding very well and am the happiest mum!! Recovering very well from the csection I took painkillers for the first 3days but all fine now just taking it easy.congrats to all the mums who have had their babies recently and all the best to all enjoy your pregnancies!!