Well all those braxton hicks, niggles and pains paid as baby Grace was born Thursday Morning 29/9/2013 weighing 7 pounds 12 oz. I had been in agony with pre labour pains for about 2 days, had lost my bloody show wednesday morning and was admitted to hospital wednesday night about 11pm with really painful regular contractions. Sadly i was only 1cm dilated but got admitted because i was in so much pain. Managed to get to 5cm dilated with only 2 codine as pain relief. Active labour began at about 5am, and my partner and mum were phoned to come up to hospital. I planned to have a water birth and managed to stay in the pool untill I needed to start pushing (baby pooed inside of me so couldn't deliver in pool), midwife couldn't find baby heart rate and told me I needed to get her out ASAP or would need a section. Managed to push her out at 9 and 1/2cm dilated in 15 minutes with no pain relief at all. (had gas an air earlier for contractions but had no pain relief during pushing stage). Got to say its the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but the best because my daughter is here safe an healthy and gorgeous Meet Baby Grace Gallagher
Baby grace born 26/09/13 at 11.29am w... - Pregnancy and Par...
Baby grace born 26/09/13 at 11.29am weighing 7 pounds 12

She is beautiful congratulations and well done to you xx
Absolutely gorgeous...well done xxxx
Huge congratulations, been waiting to hear your good news x
Aw congratulations. Little sweetheart x
Oh wow, How brave were you! Well done and baby Grace is totally beautiful. xx worth every second of pain x
She is beautiful congratulations xx
Congratulations! She's lovely, enjoy her x
Ahh that's wonderful news, she's gorgeous!! Well done you xx
Congratulations shes beautiful..ur birth sounds the same as mine...just how mine went xx
Congratulations lovely name xxx
Oh congratulations xx
Little Angel she so beautiful. ...... congratulatios xx
congratulations she is beautiful. Enjoy her as much as possible as she will be one before you know it x
congratulations dear..
Well done you, Congratulations! x
She's beautiful. Congratulations x
Just gorgeous - congratulations x
Oh gorgeous baby! Congratulations ...
Awww! Beautiful! Im 37 weeks nearly and feeling all soppy, my eyes are all teary lol! Congratulations x