Hi, I am new here.
my 84 year old dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer (limited spread to hip bone and pelvic lymph nodes) in Nov 2023 and had radiation to pelvic area. He then started lupron in Jan. He really struggled with the radiation- diarrhea, gas, very uncomfortable. He started feeling better about 3 months after radiation. He started working again (yes, he still works! ) Working outside, gardening, and getting back to normal.
He is now having rectal bleeding. So bad his blood count has come down to 8 range. He saw a gastroenterologist who did colonoscopy and endoscopy and cauterized wounds but was concerned about a narrowing in rectum where he couldn’t get his camera through. He had a cat scan and biopsy in a few areas. We don’t know results yet. He had a pet scan 3 weeks ago which indicated no cancer but it did show “possible diverticulitis “ or something like that.
While in hospital a surgeon came in and said dad may have to have surgery to remove part of colon that has radiation damage , due to stricture. I have no additional info at this point. My dad is so down. He doesn’t want to go through a major surgery. We really don’t know our options at this point but the fact that a surgeon came in makes me very worried. so I am probably posting too early. We have to talk to the gastroenterologist once he has the biopsy results back to understand our options. My biggest question is whether he can try less invasive approaches first.
If you are still reading this, thank you. I am angry that he had radiation; we didn’t know any better to ask questions then. I am so upset. If anyone has any experiences to share I would really appreciate it.