I’ve been scouring the internet for advice in my specific circs and finally found this page 🤞
I was treated with chemoradiation and brachytherapy 9 years ago for 2a cervical cancer. I’ve always had (since the treatment) iffy bowels and bladder - but low level, manageable if I’m careful. Very aware of the fibrotic changes this late on as I professionally treat patients who have radiation to a different area of the body.
A few weeks ago after doing some strenuous exercise, I suddenly had blood in my urine. Actually thought ‘I’ve clearly overdone it, bet that’s my dodgy bladder playing up’. After a few days of a few aches, no further bother. Then it happened again and sometimes when I went there was blood and sometimes not. Low level UTI type signs as well. Then yesterday, there was a big bleed, clots and all. Massive panic. Still aching, urgency, feel under the weather. Scared to go to the loo in case there’s blood - often not - feel like it’s taunting me.
GP has given me antibiotics to kick things off and then in a few days will do more referrals as required depending on what symptoms are left.
Obviously I firstly assumed I had bladder mets. Then after googling these symptoms, I wonder if I’ve either got a strange UTI that isn’t like one I’ve ever had before or maybe it’s the start of pelvic radiation disease??
Has anyone else has large bladder bleeds / clots etc and sort of UTI symptoms?