Individuality is a non-egotistic phenomenon; it is pure am-ness, there’s no “I” in it. Only the individual can rise to the peak of consciousness and awareness. The more you belong to the crowd, the more you adopt a personality that is dangerous to your spiritual growth. Society tries to make you a person, never an individual. A person is one who has a personality. A personality is a mask and society teaches you how to sit, how to stand, how to behave, how to act in certain situations. In every possible way, the society is preparing you so that you can fit into its mold. Personality is nothing but “I”; it is aggressive, violent, dominating, political. You are identified with it so much you think you are it but you are not it. Who you are, you are not aware.. Society has a pattern, a model on you. It contains all artificial things for you to make you to what is suitable to society. Every society creates its own kind of its personality because it has its own structure and you follow like it is your true nature. Empty yourself, empty all contents, all junk gathered all your life so you can be an individual because individuality is silent, loving, and compassionate. If you are emptying yourself you will become more and more blissful, you will make room available to your existence and it is joyful, blissful to celebrate your own core of being each moment. You will transform the smallest thing into celebration without analyzing it. Your existence is unique so do not destroy that gift from existence. Individuality gives you mastery; it makes you very liberated, grounded, rooted. It gives you substance that you are no longer living in dreams. It gives you solitude, clarity, transparency and vision. Your awareness will be heightened with the beauty of existence that you are more susceptible to all beauty around you, inside you.
Society always gives you an identity; it starts making you, manufacturing you to its own needs so it has all power to either create or destroy you. The whole purpose is how to make the individual exist for the society so you go on conforming yourselves for acceptance, validation and praises like an obedient child. All it’s vested interests are there: it’s culture, civilization, its way of living, its system of beliefs. And to make the individual function as a cog in the wheel that you are conditioned by education, scriptures, institutions the moment you are born. It kills the individuality, the freedom, the intelligence, and any possibility of revolt. Unlearning yourselves in order to return to the source, your own existence, your spiritual growth. The real danger from spiritual growth is from things which are dramatically opposite but look very alike. The real problem doesn’t arise from things which are apparently opposite, it arises with things which are not so apparently opposite, yet they are opposite. The real opposite of hate is not love, the real opposite of love is not hate; it is so apparent, who can be deceived by it? The real opposite of love is pseudo-love, love that pretends to be love, and it is not. The real opposite of compassion is not anger, it is the cultivated compassion, the kind of compassion that is not within you but it is only character, compassion that you have painted on your circumference. Always remember, the false is the enemy of the true. If your smile is true, your tear is true then they are your friends. They will help each other because they will both strengthen the truth of your being. If your tear is false, your smile is false then they will strengthen your falsity, your personality, your mask. You have to be watchful about that real opposite.
Society hates individuals. Society wants you to mix with the crowd, to fit with the crowd. Stop being yourself; just be a carbon copy of the ideal that the society has determined is how a person should be. It has not asked you how would you like to be; the ideals are determined by others. You simply are a victim. Every individual in this world is a victim of the crowd; therefore, an individual is bound to be a rebel. An individual is a nonconformist. He can only say yes to things which he feels are worth saying yes or no; it depends on his own feeling, his intuitive understanding, his own intelligence. He cannot be forced to yield. He can surrender out of love but he can’t be forced to surrender. He cannot be an obedient slave, not that he doesn’t know how to obey. When he feels for something, involved with something, he obeys totally in his inner light, in his deep inner consciousness. So drop all facets of those so-called personalities and do whichever appeals to your heart, your inner lights, your existence. Free yourselves, spread your wings and fly as high as you can reach your own freedom. ❤️
This would result in no one living together and only the strongest individuals surviving. Give me civilisation any day thank you. I'm not sure how blissful you could be when you are cold and hungry and know you won't live that long. A lot of pseudo babble!
Extremely important post about why you should always be yourself and resist outside forces who try to shape you into being what they want you to be. ❤❤🙏 Thank you for posting!
Thank you 😊🙏 “Conscience is always created by others. It is a manipulation, it is a subtle slavery. Consciousness is created by YOU. It is your own effort to stand on your own two feet, to look at life and to gather enough courage to live according to your light.”-Osho❤️
We are truth seekers. We are not conditioned by the whole beliefs system. Let’s not let society kill our individuality, our freedom, our intelligence. 🤗🙏❤️
there's over 200 replies here; and i'm working my way thru...
so i apologize if she answered that and i haven't seen it yet...
you say "you wish people would leave Marnie22 alone"....
that gives me the impression that you think i'm picking on marnie... which i'm not. she made a statement "that's rubbish"; but provided no support as to why she thought the statement was rubbish.
i didn't disagree with her - i only wished to know why she thought that.
in fact - in a reply i made to marnie after that one - i agreed with her!!
i get the feeling that you're upset with me for "jumping" on marnie - when so far... i'm completely impartial. i don't know enough about her statement to even form an opinion.
so at this juncture - i'm confused by your reply - because pending marnie's answer - i may yet be in support of her opinion.
maybe you know something i have yet to read...
maybe i shouldn't post a single reply until i've read 200 others... but that's not practical... so i'm posting as i go... if there's an answer to my question - marnie need only ignore my reply or refer me to her answer.
what's not clear to me - is why it seems you've jumped in to defend her, when i've not attacked her... ???
You seem to have misread what I was saying. I was not accusing you of picking on Marnie . Nor was I accusing you of attacking her. I was speaking generally. And I was simply stating that she had already answered your question.
Well if everyone did what their heart desires I doubt there would anyone to work in shops, care homes, bus drivers, cleaners, dustmen etc. Who would do those jobs?
So using this model could you say that a narcissist isnt really indivdual becuase they are bassicaly just silly putty to what other people think of them (or whatever they think will make them liked/hated/popular)? In other words, the common conception of the indivdual as the loud iconoclast misses the point of how this caricature is a slave to what others demand that they be (like most social media celebrities).
As a side note, I don't think society actually loves or hates anything, I think it's just a performance of love or hate. I think it's more of a cynical usage of the idea of of a feeling rather than the feeling itself. Like any cynic society is very wishy washy and incconsistant about what it does or doesnt like, it like somethings when it's convenient and dislikes other things when it's not.
Anyway, loved your post! Lots of interesting stuff to unpack there.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me Reading_Rando 😊🙏 There’s always a fine line between love and hate. The awareness is we need to be watchful how that line can cross not according to our own existence. We are aware how our subconscious mind plays more than 90 percent in our daily life and it is conditioned by society, institutions since we are born. If we can use our intelligence instead of intellect, we are able to live according to our own lights and freedom. Have a wonderful day! 😁🙏☀️🌈
You see intelligence is of the soul. Intellectual is of the mind and the mind is a collection of all knowledge conditioned the day we are born. The mind with thoughts is the root of many problems. A no mind man is a happy man. 🙏
Are you saying intelligence is infinite and intellect is finite? If so I dont know how intellect isn't also infinite. There is an infinite amount of things to know and what we think is based on what we know, so there are potentially an infinite amount of things to shape our perception of the world.
Here’s the concept when it comes to intelligence vs. intellect. In Intelligence, Osho challenges the common conception that the best way to promote intelligence is to train the intellect. Intellect is very logical, however, intelligence is paradoxical. Intellect takes things apart to see how they work; intelligence puts things together to see the functioning of the whole. We use our intelligence to treat things as a whole, totality.
So it's bassicaly and argument against reductionism (the idea that you have break things down like a machine to understand them) and for wholism (the idea that you cant break things down into parts to understand them). Both ways of thinking have value but some are more useful in some contexts than others. I look at these two ways of thinking as being part of a dialectic where both need eachother to be complete not unlike Yin and Yang.
Intellectual knowledge is great also to apply to our practicality in our daily life. I made a post about how Eastern philosophy influences on Western psychology. When East looks at things it looks at the total, and when West looks at things it always looks at the part. The Western attitude is analytical so it analyzes. The Eastern attitude is synthetic so it synthesizes, it tries to find the one in the many. The Western attitude tries to find the many in the one. The Western attitude has become very efficient in analyzing, dissecting, taking things apart. Eastern philosophy is spirituality’s approach to changing man. Western psychology’s aim is to fortify the individual’s ego so that he may become less neurotic, slightly happier and ultimately function ‘better’ in society. In the East, the goal is instead to dissolve the ego rather than strengthen it. And the mind with racing thoughts is root of all the chaos. 🙏
Well what I proposed is a synthesis. What I'm sugesting is an agnostic neutrality to the ego rather than it's destruction or fortification. What I'm doing here is what is called Hegalian Dialectics where you take two seemingly opposing ideas and and ask what they would look like if you merged them together into a singluar whole.
Yes Osho does mention about Hegelian dialectics, it is a beautiful concept of dialectical movement which Hegel was standing on his legs. I do love what Hegel says, “The progress of an idea, the progress of consciousness, is dialectical. Consciousness progresses through dialectics.” Life force progresses through dialectics and meditation is the deepest phenomenon happening which is the explosion of life force.
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I tend to follow my instincts and let my intuition be my guide 🤗🌝🌛💛
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Awe that is beautiful Sis ❤️ Yes follow your instinct, follow your guts, whatsoever rings a bell in your heart, do it. Spread love as you always do. 😁😘❤️🙏xox
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Thanks sis I try to spread love and peace wherever i go have a lovely day 🧡💛🧡rain rain go away my ceiling will be falling in 😂😂
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Thank you for your love and support Sis! 😁😘😘🌹 You are a great example of love and authenticity. ❤️ Oh my that is a project when it comes to roof leaking 😅. Take one step at a time and breath 🤣😂. Hope pixie is keeping mommy company joyfully. 😻😽
Reading_Rando Probably because you can then think for yourself and not follow "the teachings of how to be an individual.' God forbid we think for ourselves.
Just speaking my individual thoughts. No offence intended.
i would posit, that Reading_Rando is only capable of thinking for himself - because he's educated himself on the teachings of others. he's taken the knowledge handed to him by society; as well as knowledge he's sought on his own - compared and contrasted them; formed and broken opinions at least a few times... and finally arrived today, as someone that's able to see the difference between truths and agendas.
but those truths, if he is anything like me - and i'm pretty sure he is - are temporary truths - because we both are willing to abandon them, if further knowledge drives us to a more accurate, and deeper understanding of a whole truth.
i suspect that if RR and I both - were to read the 'teachings of how to be an individual' - and we deemed those teachings as valid, and sensible; or even just useful - we would follow them until such time as they fail to meet our expectations.
is that not the very definition of "thinking for yourself" ??
i respect "your individual thoughts"; no offense taken!
Hi like fashion everyone well not everyone goes with fashion on house decor at moment it's all grey they do there houses to suit fashion and spend fortune 6 months later it's old fashioned, I had a friend who was like that he said it takes some doing keeping up with the Jones s lol I like colours I like and my fireplace is wood had it 17 years some are even changing the pvc to dark grey all that landfill waiste money too, I remember when the fashion was to have dark roots half way down the head what a mess in my opinion well came in handy during lockdown for some 😂😂😂🤗
Your post seems to think that we are all incapable of thinking for ourselves while you spout your rhetoric. You say society hates individuals. Society/community is a very similar thing. PWB is a community and no one seems to hate individuals.
I find it amusing when I hear people trying to "trash" society, principles and a respectful way of life and encouraging non-conformity. When in fact it's just a bunch of people encouraging others to conform to non-conformity. Where is the sense in that? "Hey, we're all going to be different look at us." Well, in my opinion if you look beyond the superficial we are all very different anyway.
I am an individual already. I am able to think for myself and I don't need to be guided by some guru into greater enlightenment.
As you value freedom of speech I thought I would share my views with you and please, no need for an unpleasant PM.
But I will say this about the advice you give in your post.
If I fall into darkness I'll turn my torch on and if I need emptying I'll take a laxative.
i've already questioned your tone in a previous reply.
in this reply - i only question the 1st and almost last paragraph ...
you said the post "seems to think that we're incapable of thinking for ourselves - while you spout your rhetoric".
HT - i read the same post you did - at least - I THINK i did! i didn't see anything of what you described. i most certainly did not see anyone spouting their rhetoric. i saw someone passing along the thinking of a published author. you're certainly free to disagree with the author - but i don't think it's respectful to accuse the poster of spewing rhetoric - when she clearly indicated the sources of these thoughts, and possibly inserted her own opinion at worst.
by her posting - i see an invitation to debate her... question her about the subject matter... but to question her motives in the way you do - doesn't seem appropriate.
i get the impression from your reply - that freedom of speech requires that the speaker conforms to your idea of freedom of speech. i'm sure my impression is wrong - especially if you support freedom of speech...
i'm just sharing the impression your wording has left me with.
13ga I think that what HT and many others are trying to get across is that this is a positive wellbeing forum and that this kind of "debate" contributes nothing to the wellbeing of others, it's preachy, pushy and quite frankly very boring 😊
thank you for your reply, as well as your explanation of HT's intent.
i'm still left in a state of confusion, however.
1st - i can say, that personally, the philosophical debate that ensues from these types of posts - does contribute to my wellbeing. even if i don't agree with them. i simply love the idea of testing my convictions. if a post can convince me to change my mind about something - then i've grown - and i owe the poster a thank you. the expansion of my understanding of how others think - absolutely contributes to my wellbeing.
the assessment of 'preachy', 'pushy' - this is an individual interpretation. you say "poetaytoe" - i say "pahtahtoe". if an individual find it preachy or pushy... they can stop reading; and they can avoid future posts from that poster.
now - the juicy bit! "very boring". it's not even slightly boring to me! and i've noted numerous replies that clearly agree with me. that said - i can absolutely understand why many would think this boring. i completely validate that claim, and agree with you that some do in fact, find this boring. but my question is simply this....
if it's so boring... why are so many of the 'bored' posting so many replies ???? 😊😊😊
I think part of the problem with trying so hard to fit in is that we hide or lose our authenticity. But, one can go too far the other way too. I can be an individual by walking around with a tin foil hat on my head. But wearing a tin foil hat, while individualistic, is not authentic to me as a person. The true key, (I think— this just me thinking out loud), is to be as authentic as possible. Part of my authenticity is that I want to connect with others, and some of my innate individuality (not all! but some, like shouting in a library) may interfere with social connection. So I get to choose which of my values in a particular moment prevails. Is that in line with Osho’s teaching? I think it is, because he suggests being true to an inner light. If I replace “individuality” with “authenticity,” I get this!
Yes being authentic is key to being your true self. Let your inner light guide you. Being an individual is not about doing the opposite of everyone else or trying to stand out. It's about following your inner light in whatsoever you do. Well said opportunity 🙏❤
Thank you for sharing your wisdom Ava. 😊🙏. Be authentic to yourself is key. I can’t add more to what Zazenriver345 said. Living in your own light that is true to your heart desires. Have a beautiful day! 🤗🙏❤️
It's pretty ironic that a post that claims to encourage us to be individuals is lecturing us on how to be, using plagiarised ideas from a 'guru' with a highly questionable background. It strongly implies that the person posting doesn't believe that we can work out our own ideas for ourselves.
1) i dont see this post as lecturing us. it's offering ideas - we can accept, reject, or question and debate, and then accept or reject. we also have the option of skipping it, and going on to the next thread.
2) plagiarized ideas ????? seriously??? how can you call this plagiarism when the poster clearly stated the sources for the statements ??? unless you have a different definition of that word than me - i think your accusation is out of line.
3) 'guru with questionable background' - not even sure what to say about this. would you label buddha that? doesn't plato also qualify as the same? socrates? what about 'jesus' ??? i can argue that if anyone ever had a questionable background - it was that guy!!!! my point here - if you want to argue this point - it would greatly add to your ability to influence this free-thinker, if you explained why the 'guru' has a questionable background - and specifically how that background discredits the writings. you could claim he was a womanizer (i'm not saying he was - i have no idea) - that's a questionable background - but not one that discredits the writings.
in short - if you want to convince me this is a bunch of crap - i need you to discredit the statements - not the author, or the messenger.
thank you for sending a PM much appreciated your posts hurt people who have mental illness and PTSD I was saying the truth my own opinion you got upset about it but know what it’s ok but I don’t like that your hurting people you need to understand what others go through and be more empathetic
Hb2003 Looooooove seeing that you're being your own individual and standing up for your own rights while defending the rights of others. Hiba's slogans are #NoBullying #NoAbusivePM
Using one's own intellect to decipher everything and standing up for justice is EGO FREE
And Hiba you've stop apologising. Good girl. Never apologise for what you believe especially when it's the right thing. Proud of you Hiba. We're all with you 😘😘😘
Don't get me started..... I am a massive X-Files fan, I even travelled to America three time to meet the actors & the creator. I have the theme music as my ring tone!
Yes a true individual has no desire to join a cult👍🙏. Jim Jones was the leader of a notorious Christian cult. He used their faith against them. There is no faith here☝️❤
Egocentric society that embraces power to rule others when the fundamental thing is to rule our own self. They go on destroying freedom of others. This is the problem to many individuals when their sexuality is not embraced. The whole LGBT community speak up and exercise their human rights and live according to their lights peacefully. 😊🙏❤️
How great to include the LGBT community❤. A great example of if you dont fit in the mold of society you will be punished. The LGBT community have had to fight the society tooth and nail in order to be treated humanely and allowed to express their individuality.
zaz - only a small possible issue with how you said that...
"express their individuality" - could be interpreted as them having the luxury of choice - which they do not.
they simply are what they are -- and because society (or large portion of it) is afraid of what they don't understand - the LGBT+ community was formed to provide cover and protection, and their own sense of community - where society has failed.
Please don’t talk about LGBTQIA+ people as though they can all be spoken about as doing /saying/being part of one entity. It's not good to generalise about any group of people. It's a form of stereotyping. You can't say, 'The whole LGBT community,' as if you have a knowledge of each individual person in that community.
Very well said Marnie22 . I have one family member and friends in this community and they detest it when people speak of them as a stereotype or when they get generalised. They point out that they might be part of that community but they are also all INDIVIDUALS which is what this initial post is all about.
(Sorry, I can't seem to reply to people at the moment so I am having to add your name so you know it's you that I am addressing).
you have me wondering if i just did what you're describing.
if i've stereotyped anyone in that group - i'd like to correct my behavior / attitude.
could you please explain to me, how would be the better way for me to have said what i said? how should i have made my point in a way that no one would construe as stereotyping?
I can't speak for my transgender family member or my friends in the LGBTQI+ community, that would be wrong of me to do so. It's their experience that counts, not mine.
the LGBTQIA+ community started out as LGBT, and evolved to LGBTQ, and then.... and so on...
it did this - because society on the whole failed to include all the different sub-groups of individuals with some commonality. and so all the disparate sub-groups banded together to provide their own community. BUT - they're not really sub-groups, as they ALL have something in common - and that something has to do with sexual/gender/preference differences from what 'society' has decreed the norm.
the fact that these people exist - shows that society has no idea what 'normal' really is.
so while i agree with you - that no individual should be lumped into some group... the group in question here - can be discussed as a group, without insulting the individual members - as long as that discussion applies to the things common to all members.
i think Hidden was doing just that. the sexuality of every member of that group - has not been embraced by society on the whole. this statement applies to every individual of that group. and i don't think that discussing that truth demeans anyone individually, nor as a group.
I can tell you they didn't 'all' like anything. They are not even 'all' aware of it. You can't lump all those people together and claim to know something about them 'all.' That's not logical.
together all raise a very important point... jim jones was a cult leader - and a cult leader requires followers to be empowered; in order to feed their ego.
what's interesting to me... i think INR was close, but not quite on the mark. i don't think cult followers - or 'followers' in general - i don't think they 'give' their personality to the leader.... i think they have no personality at all. and to fill the void where their personality should be - they substitute that of their leader!!!
this would explain why when a president exudes hate - that hate is adopted blindly by the followers - because they are so desparate to fill that void - so desperate to feel belonging to any "community", that they will engage in any activity that might shine their leaders' light upon them!!!!!!! just like a little child pleading for attention from their parent!!!! and isn't that what a cult relationship really is??? a cult-leader-PARENT, who loves and nurtures and provides a 'teddy bear' and 'blankie' to the follower-children! and the children, like namesake - do not; can not; or will not think or do for themselves - so they can fulfill the child role, and absorb that which they think fills them. but they are far to childish to know, it will never fill them - and they will go to farther and farther lengths to find the fulfillment!!!! including 'drinking the kool-aid with poison' or becoming a violent mob trying to overthrow what they perceive as oppressors - or any 'threat' to their parent-leader!!!
this idea can be applied universally...
if i get upset with INR due to a post, i'm not really upset with INR - i'm upset because INR hit me in my 'empty' spot, and reminded me that i'm not getting enough love or attention. and then i act out - either to shine some light of attention on me - or - because i'm angry at INR for revealing my weakness and pain - or BOTH!!!!
i think Opportunity 's reply about authenticity - fits directly, and dovetails with this idea perfectly!!!
the children have no authenticity - and seek to obtain it from a leader they follow - and they beat down anyone that sheds a light on that ugly truth, to feel better about themselves and to deter anyone else from joining the "truth seekers" that are the sworn enemy of all 'followers' !!!!
how can we, the truth seekers, use this to our advantage?
if we can see the children as they are - childish, selfish, "id"-controlled (or inner-child-controlled)... then maybe, just maybe - we can shed the anger response in ourselves!!! would you get mad at a puppy for pooping in the house? no... but that's a really bad example - because a puppy can be taught by putting their nose in their poop. the "children" are not capable of learning - and especially not by rubbing their nose in their own crap!!! doing so - only proves to them, that they're right!! they are permanently childish. we can not force them to grow up.
they cannot be anything but what they are. WE are the only ones capable of change!!!! we can find acceptance that these are 'permanent children'... and if we can see them for what they truly are - then we don't need to get angry at them. and - we will understand they are not worth our time to even engage with!! we might as well yell at the sky to change from blue to green !!
My biggest, most thought-provoking question is.....
INR=Imnotright. Right? 😂
I agree with the sentiment: we can’t change other people, unfortunately. I mean, we can hurt them or spend a lot of energy trying, but in most cases, we can’t really change what is in their hearts. We can only change ourselves.
Hi Rob, for the most part I agree with you. 👍Here’s what i think: we have to divide into two categories:
1. it’s not they do not have personalities, they have plenty of ego and a cult leader is the one will embrace and lead them to achieve all those desires.
2. They don’t know themselves so they need directions and be part of something.
Parenting POV you brought up, this is what I think: from your very childhood, you have been taught not to be responsible. You have been taught to depend. You have been taught to be responsible for your father, your mother, your family, your motherland, to all kind of nonsense; but you haven’t been told to be responsible for yourself. There is nobody is going to take your responsibility, on the contrary your parents will take your responsibility. Your family takes on your responsibility. The community takes on your responsibility for your spiritual growth. You were just to follow all people and do what they say. When you are grown up and no more a child, a great crisis rises because you have to take responsibility when you have never taught taking responsibility for yourself. You start feeling chaotic with guilt and shame and sin. Whatever you have done because you want to do it, that’s why you do it. Who is there to decide what is mistake and what not? Will you call your family, your community to decide for you? There’s no criterion anywhere, no scales to measure how much sin you have committed? One yard, two yard, three yard? One kilo, two kilos, three kilos? And what is mistake? what is sin?who can judge that but yourself?
The solution is do not be responsible for the father, the mother, the family, the country, the party lines, to anyone, just be responsible to yourself and there’s no chaos 🤷♀️😁👍🙏
No. I haven't watched TV at all for a couple of years now because it worsens the sensory overload that I get from my brain injury. I have heard it was good though.
Replying to Hidden (I can't seem to reply to individuals at the moment).It does take a village. A community. A society. Individuals coming together to help, nurture, care and protect.
With respect, you talk about people being individual and themselves..... but you are quoting that which other people have quoted in the past.... or am I looking at this wrongly?
Live in the society but dont be a product of the society🙏☝️❤
That is very well written KoKo. We shouldn't be who society want us to be but we should be ourselves.
Alicia 🙏🤗😘😊xxxx
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Thank you Alicia for your love and support 🤗🙏❤️ Being ourselves is the most beautiful thing. When we are happy from within, we can share our joy to others. I hope you’ve had a great day so far and got your walk in nature as the weather and your body allowed. Have a wonderful rest of the day! 😁😘❤️❤️❤️☀️🌹🌸🌻🙏🌈xxxx
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You are welcome KoKo. I aim to be me, some people in the past have tried to make me a different person but I am an individual and am me.
If we are happy we share that with others as well as give our love and support. I see it important to help, love and support others.
I didn't get out to as forecast wasn't good and my IBS wouldn't let me but that will improve and I'll be back out there again.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Alicia xxxx 💜💜💞💞💜💗💗💗🤗🤗
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Yes we move forward without letting the past as our barriers. I see it as a stepping stone for us to find ourselves and live true to our own lights. You are such a great inspiration for us to look up to. I hope your body will recover in no time so you can get out there and enjoy life. Yes I’m relaxing with Sonya and wonderful participation from truth seekers on this post. Have a relaxing evening also with your yummy and healthy treats! 🤗❤️❤️❤️☀️🌻🌹🌈xxxx
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Most definitely, my past is history, I have some amazing memories of my past, particularly my parents but the future is for me to be me and to enjoy helping others where I can ie. charities.
Thank you for saying that about me, much appreciated.
I'm glad your relaxing with Sonya, I've had my yummy treats, now drinking water.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Alicia xxxx💗💗💜💜💞💞🤗🤗🤗
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Thank you for sharing your true feelings with me always. ❤️🙏 Past is past as we shift our focus where we want, we plant the seed. I let the past die and took my responsibility upon myself to make a life according to Koko without repression and oppression. And now here I am in this beautiful planet and embrace all life to give with freedom😌 Water is life and yummy treats are candies of God 😋🙏❤️❤️❤️☀️🌹🌻🌈xxxx
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You are welcome. I thank my wonderful parents for giving me the childhood I had, they were amazing. They've both gone now and I gave beautiful memories.
Yes my life is my responsibility, only I can change things.
Am amazing planet, nature surrounds us in all it's glory.
💞💞💜💗💜💞 xxxx
Anyone googled Osho? Not my sort of guru. I like people who practice what they preach....
In my personal opinion Osho was a manipulative, narcissistic individual who duped vulnerable individuals out of their wealth and mental health by talking in ever decreasing circles .... he was successful enough at this to be able to relocate from India to America with with money to spare to see to his failing health needs (and have a fleet of Rolls Royce cars to boot) .... I don’t know much but I do know that the exchange rate from the Indian rupee to the US dollar was never in anyone’s favour so that’s one heck of a lot of dosh he’s gathered to meet his needs not the community’s .... now that’s true individualistic mentality for you! (don’t get me started on the child abuse and other issues that surrounds this person’s ‘practices/teachings’)
Thank you, yes I have come across these gurus before. I like Krishnamurti - he didn't want disciples - so there are are few consistently decent ones around And of course our great JC although I'm not a Christian I value what a good man he was.
Look at how they lived their lives and not just what they said - that's my 'philosophy'.
Ah yes, Rajneesh the self styled guru. He did very well out of his followers. Then changed his name to Osho. I would recommend reading My Life In Orange which shows what life was really like for children growing up in the ashrams. They weren’t afforded the opportunity to be their authentic selves.
In the 70s there were a lot of cults flogging there wares around and I fancied a weekend away, was young and naive, didn't appreciate how these cults operate but it was an eye opener and has informed my opinions ever since.
They operate by preying on vulnerable people. Take away their ability to think for themselves but worse, tell them they must be deficit in some way if they don’t subscribe to the doctrines.
Definitely. There were people preying on lonely first year students when I went to university. I despise that behaviour. I was in my mid twenties when I went, so had a little bit more life experience, but it's easy for the young and vulnerable to get caught.
That many church leaders. It’s all a business. But in everything that has bad there is good. One can learn from the bad to not make those mistakes. And it’s all about personal choice. No one needs to join a cult. Lol none needs to follow anyone. It sounds by this post. It’s saying the opposite. Stop following the programming of others.
while i don't think i know enough about osho to speak intelligently on the subject - i especially appreciate that you've specifically laid out your objections.
it's those specific objections that cause me to question more about how osho lived, and maybe even motivate me to do my own research.
whether i can make the time to do this - doesn't matter. you've provided actionable and verifiable claims - that can be discussed intelligently.
ZazenRiver345 Just being individuals and making decisions for ourselves. Are we not allowed to form our own opinions of Osho or do we have to agree with you?
I mean this in support of you happytulip. Anyone can form your their own opinions, of course. Shoving them down others throats is what quite a few of us object to. Why not just say, 'I think this person makes a lot of sense to me. Why not read their stuff for yourself?' Rather than spouting endless reams of second hand ideas as though they are the gospel truth.
Marnie22 was that reply meant for me? I can't seem to reply to people at the moment but I'm definitely not shoving things down people's throats.I think something has gone amiss my lovely x
These posts are for critical thinking. Like an exercise for the mind. Not to follow a cult.
It’s like reading an article. And reflecting. Reflecting on ones own life and path. And finding connections to ones way of being and/or living.
If one can see , one way is not working maybe it’s because the person would benefit from the changing their belief system. For instance, a person hates the way they look at themselves. So they constantly change everything they see. Why not accept themselves. Change the way they see themselves. Like start by what do you like? Or lol don’t look in the mirror.
I Iike critical thinking. What I don't like is when posts are are put up that contain statements that can affect people with mental illnesses really badly. Posts that do not take into account that there are vulnerable people on here. I also don't think it is acceptable that if a person posts a response challenging the 'philosophical statements,' that they should be subjected to bullying, aggressive and intimidating comments.
This community is to help, support and uplift people, not to tell them that they need to follow a certain 'path or they are not being authentic.
Never saw that. Many people say things like god this or that. It don’t mean a person needs to believe in a god. It’s just to think about life differently than in sorrow. People are on here because they feel and think and need support. Some people will give tough love, some feel empathy, and some sympathy. Everyone heals differently. Everyone needs different perspectives.
Yes it is not good for bullies. I have reviewed all the platforms. I have not seen any yet. Thankfully.
But it's not a forum for critical thinking!!!!! Can somebody please tell me when it became that ? I haven't seen any official change of title or focus.
It's amazing how can follow someone's 'philosophy' when there is documented evidence of them having a very unsavoury, manipulative and negative influence on people. It's not just a quick Google search, there are serious accounts by journalists and also books. This 'philosopher' was very controversial at the time he was active and there are plenty of reliable resources to tell you why. Have a read.
This is a puzzle to me as well Marnie - knowing what we all know about Osho, how can anyone ally themselves with his 'teachings''? I think it's different if you are blissfully ignorant and then find out.
Please do not assume that I get my information from google as I was aware of Rajneesh in the 1970s when, as young girl, the Orange People as they were then known, were actively trying to recruit young girls for their ashram and I saw first hand that their wonderful, persuasive preaching did not quite equate to authenticity. With respect, I’m not even sure why you should feel uncomfortable that people question some of what is being said here? We each have a truth and whilst it may not be yours, it should not concern you😌
ZazenRiver345 "Everything is allowed here" Wow, you really do think you have taken over this forum with your preachings. Thank you for giving me permission to speak.
I've spoken my mind on this subject before and as a result I was insulted and dismissed for not agreeing with certain views.
I also detest the manipulation and coercion of vulnerable members in private messages.
People who preach that they are a peace loving and respectful group do not send nasty messages to belittle and hurt.
I could say much more but I want to focus on the positivity, care, love and support that this group gives. Not some teachings of a highly controversial cult leader. It's also insulting when it appears that you and your gang assume that people on this forum are incapable of being an individual and making their own decisions. It seems that you feel the need to pop in and guide/lead them into a better life.
Maybe they have managed so far?
I can't speak for everyone, only me. But I see no kindness, no compassion and no empathy in these posts.
It's all about ME not WE and that isn't what this forum is about.
Not everything. We should be keeping in mind that there are vulnerable people on here, people with PTSD and other mental health conditions and also learning disabilities. We need to consider this when we post.
A person's conscience comes from many things, but it can also come from within. I don't need someone influencing me to have a conscience. I can tell that certain things are not good without being taught it.
Exactly Marnie, so you don't need anyone to tell you how you feel because you know. Don't take comments on here to heart, you are a lovely caring lady and we all know that. 🤗😘
Bless you.I agree. I'm getting sick of all this now. Its all taking a rather unpleasant turn and is a massive departure from the original purpose of the forum.
Correct 👍😁 Philosophy is not a way of life but a practice to exercise your critical thinking! Use your own intelligence to form your own perspectives however you choose. Spread your wings and fly as high as you can reach your own freedom! Happy reading truth seekers 😋❤️🙏
That is a ridiculous thing to say. When someone begins to read a post, they won't know if it will affect them badly until it has done so. Are we all supposed to have someone pre-read each post for us? Far better that we post with an awareness that vulnerable people will read what we write.
It's not about being a bad or good person. Perhaps a deeper knowledge of human psychology might be helpful if you want to understand more about this subject. It's very complex, but interesting stuff.
I agree. So maybe we just give our views rather than assert that we know the absolute truth about stuff.
Interesting post. I’ve spent so many years trying to fit in. I changed my style and still I never fit in. It made me feel so bad. But this passage you wrote makes me think maybe it’s ok not to be like people that want others to be the same. Hmm.
• in reply to
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. 😊🙏 I’m glad you will ponder on my post and decide whatever is going to make your heart sing. Whatever makes you happy that stays true to your authenticity. Have a wonderful rest of the day! 🤗🙏❤️☮️🕊
With respect, every one is entitled to their thoughts and opinions, and the HU Community refrains from discussing religion and politics in its community’s because we all have our own religious beliefs or not...., I am not a religious person, but hey, that’s me!
Yes everyone is entitled for their own opinions as this post is rolling with different perspectives. I followed HU guidelines with my post. Let the truth seekers see for themselves and live true to their authenticity. Regarding to your comment on you are not a religious person, if I’m not mistaken someone got offended with your joke post about someone farted in church and you came out said you were a Christian! Thing changed I supposed. 😁🙏
Oh goshhhh it is true. It’s terrible to even think about it 😅 Is that why their AC is always so strong? I always got so cold in church once upon a time 🥶🤣😂
zaz - i completely disagree with you!!!!!! and i can prove without any doubt that you're just plain wrong!!!
if god didn't approve of farts in church - then we wouldn't have been made to fart!!!! OR - we'd be able to control when we fart - and then we could prevent ourselves from doing so in church.
since none of that is true - your statement is obviously false. farts in church are NOT the worst - and god wants us to fart freely!!!
the only thing that's 'very uncomfortable' - is when you try to hold in a fart!!!
i'm sorry if my pointing out your wrongness hurts your feelings - that was not my intend... i just wanna get the truth about farting out there!!!
I think the post was saying that it’s ok to be true to your beliefs. So, for example, if you believe in kindness, it’s ok to be kind. If you believe in love, it’s ok to be loving. It’s ok to love yourself. The worst thing we can do is hate ourselves so much that we wear a mask and hide who we really are.
Lovely! Mine is a multi coloured sparking diamante. I had seen someone wearing one in a shop and loved it. Some time later went into my fave clothes shop and there it was. 😁😁
Enjoying causing upset, distress and discord more like. You clearly get off on it. You must be so bored in your life to enjoy stirring up so much trouble.
We can be a part of society be part of the group and still exist as individuals. It has rules in place for a reason. You wouldn't want your freedoms to be taken away; that would be counterproductive and non sensical. Don't be different just for the sake of being different. Just be who you are authentically 👌
Well said Kainan 😊 Exactly we can be part of anywhere on this planet as long we do things out of our consciousness. Be who you are and listen to whatsoever your heart desires. Have a wonderful rest of the day.🙏
Rob, that’s one way to look at it.🤣😂 But we are on the same page here. ‘I’ represents the ego. As being an Individual, you loose the ego from your so-called personality creates not true to your nature.😊🙏
I take your challenge Rob☝️😁. It depends on how you define hate. Hatred means a desire for the destruction of others. So I can tell you that i have no desire/ego to destroy anyone then I simply do not hate at all 🤷♀️🤣😂🙏
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