During My Isolation Doesn’t Matter Now Because It’s Winter.
Isolation.: During My Isolation Doesn’t... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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I'm sorry but I dont understand.
Please tell me what don’t you understand?
I just love The Heat. Winter I’m Isolated regardless. With Or With Out The Conronavirus.
I understand now. It doesn't matter to you whatever season it is because you are shielding. It is a difficult time for everyone but apart from the pandemic you say you are isolated. Do you mean the place you live is isolated making it difficult to get out and about? Or is it because of your physical condition that prevents you?We are a caring, friendly group of people on here and if you feel lonely we are here for you. Please keep in touch as you will not regret it.
Well actually due to The Pandemic. In My State. I no longer need to be isolated.
I just never go out In Cold weather.
This afternoon I had a crying fit due to the fact we couldn't go out in the car say to Penarth or Barry due to lockdown as the weather was nice today as I felt it wasn't fair!
There have been posts on here that have upset me as they have shown the things I enjoyed prior to lockdown but aren't available at the moment.
We did go for a short walk round the neighbourhood this afternoon though which helped.
I felt loads better after a good cry though!

Oh Cat, Are things finally getting to you? It really is hard I agree and know how you feel.. Like you I enjoyed trips over to Barry, Penarth and Porthcawl before lockdown. As today was such a lovely sunny day it probably reminded you of what you used to enjoy doing but unable to at the moment. You dealt with your disappointment well and will probably feel better for having a good cry to release your innermost feelings. A couple more weeks and things are sure to be a little better and shops and restaurants will start opening again. We will, no doubt, soon enjoy those simple trips again and appreciate them even more then.Another lovely day is forecast for tomorrow so get outdoors and enjoy the day.
Cheers for now, Chrys
I'm meeting my sister in law tomorrow which I am looking forward to and I have requested a visit to Cardiff bay which should be enjoyable.
We will take some sandwiches and drinks to keep us going during our walk as I dont think the police will begrudge someone sitting down for 5 minutes for a break as it's a long walk round there!
Its not that I dislike the local area or anything and whilst I was walking round I had a think how I haven't been singled out to be disappointed and about how more people are disappointed than not through the pandemic which helped like the cancelled exams.
Those posts that remind me of what I am missing out on have been eating at me for ages and yesterday was a nice day and it just triggered off jealousy and anger in me but when I looked at what's going on it was more to do with sadness and grief due to my own situation and what wasn't available at present here.
Anger likes a target and those posts were what I directed my anger over which was to do with missing out which is irrational but you can't help how you feel.
One friend had said to me how those things are ones that are important to me and how I had just wanted the same things and that crying does you good.

Well I think that's an honest answer! You have analysed your feelings perfectly! By doing that you have taken the first step with dealing with your mixed up feelings and come out the other end of the tunnel. There will be so many people who are feeling the same - anger, guilt and remorse to name just a few. Enjoy your walk tomorrow. Being outdoors in the sunshine, and with somebody like your sister in law will help as she will understand how you are feeling.
It will do you both a lot of good and great for your well being. You will probably find you will sleep like a log tomorrow night.
Take care.
Thing is we all get episodes when we feel upset don't we?
I feel lots better now though.
Tomorrow is another day!
Hi I know so many that feel frustrated about bee held back from doing normal things I've been easily brought to tears a lot passed months and short tempered too and sensitive about things more than usual and I feel better when go out walking and I did lot work in my garden try and foccus on what you can do that brings you enjoyment, I've been a bit unhappy about my living arrangements and things and keep making a list ten positive things about my life then think of another a friend on here told me this helps her and it's helping me hope you feel better soon things are changing for the better trending a hug 😊🌝🌈🤗🐯


I think you have the right idea. Knowing where you would like to go, but not being able to at the moment, is depressing for us all.. Making plans for when you are able to go out and about has to be the next best thing and something to look forward to. Not long now, only a few more weeks! We are even restricted with walking around locally as my DH has bad mobility, so we have not been more than half a mile from home for almost a year. Coupled with not being able to see family, is driving everyone mad, but hopefully we are starting the exit road now. Take care.
Here too and I can’t wait.
Hi my dext yes it was arful I couldn't visit my dad in the last week of his life I may have told you but he did sit up and wave when I looked through the window I took a photo of him me and mam looked through the window my sister sat with him in her mask Vasa etc they said we could go in as he was dying but I felt best not to as with me living with mam it was too risky well that time has gone now and I know my dad is still around I can feel his prescense but not see it it's invisible like the wind well no side effects from my jab sleep ok even laid on the arm I think maby I'm shock as don't feel like I've had the jab I think I'll always feel I don't know like life's will never be quite the same again I'm more concerned about other things than the jab n virus as you say my mam, as she's old and I'm sure this year's took it out of her she's been nodding off a lot and doctor wants to speak to her about her blood test results take care hope you slept well I had about 5 hours had one of mams lanzaprozils as shouldn't have had supper gave me indegestion had big tea that's it when don't have drink sometimes eat too much had 2 mugs cocoa half bounty crisps 2 slices of tiger bread open with cheese n chive spread on think had bit coleslaw in I don't know why I had it as know cheese often upsets my tum on a night do you take lanzaprozil mam can't eat without them as you mentioned bad tum 🤗🐯🌝🌟🐈
Apart from cleaning out the car yesterday, I've been too busy today to go out - trying to order curtains online. I nearly ordered twice the width I needed, as I was watching TV at the same time. LOL. I'm usually too busy inside to go out and can't walk far, so going out is limited to going to the hospital. I make the most of it.
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