Good afternoon fellow shielders. I hope you’re all having a good day 😘😘 (not sure if this has been posted before but ...)
Isolation reality: Good afternoon... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Isolation reality

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Hope you are okay. We're here to listen if you want to speak.
Hi Jerry, I’m doing fine. I’m one of the ones whose lives it hasn’t made much difference to. Thankfully I’m also one of those who like their own company and can always find stuff to keep me busy.
I hope you are taking care of yourself. 😘
Hi Crazyfitness, thank you but I’m fine. I’ve lived on my own for the past 20 years and been pretty much housebound for the past eight so I’m used to this situation. My sister and nephew keep in touch daily too.
I hope you and everyone on here are doing okay and staying safe. I know there are others finding it difficult so I’m here too if anyone just wants to chat. 😘
Some people will definitely relate to this! Quite sad really!

Hi MissKota life as usual for me too!
I hope you are doing okay and getting everything you need.
I'm also quite isolated but gregarious by nature so am finding this really hard. Some of you may understand having no energy at all so I pretty much do very little. Am trying to cook some meals though, my husband usually cooks. I have loads of craft stuff so am making up a couple of packs to send to friends, hopefully will make a few cards. Sorry, not a cheerful post. Stay safe everyone.
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