Re self isolation : Morning all hope... - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Re self isolation

paulc1011 profile image
18 Replies

Morning all hope its ok to post this on here

I'm just out of hospital after suffering a minor stroke 10 days ago been told i should make a full recovery so fingers crossed have most of the mobility and feeling back on my left side so I'm back on 14 days self isolating just to be on safe side as have a few other health problems too

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paulc1011 profile image
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18 Replies
Veteran250 profile image

Welcome paulc...... I have had mini strokes at night, so I’m told by medical experts....., and I have numerous other medical problems too!

Hoping you make a good recovery, back to full health, as much as is possible😀

Talk about whatever you want. It's a free country and I'm glad to hear you are on the mend.

RoadRunner44 profile image

Hello Paul, Such a shock experiencing a stroke of any kind. Good news that your symptoms will improve. Keep fit and well by following medical advice.

My best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Plain profile image

Wishing you all the best , and hope you continue to improve. Take care.

bobbybobb profile image

Welcome paulc1011, it is great news you are making such a good recovery and I bet your glad to be back in your own home. Good luck with the rest of your recovery. 👍🌈

1962jns profile image

Hi Jerry. I live alone also and due to COVID my life now consists of just shopping. Food mainly. I do keep my Dr. appointments also. It’s starting to really get depressing due to the fact that there doesn’t seem to be an end to it. I’m concerned things will never be the same as they were for at least another year or so. That’s a long time to put life on hold as an older person. How do you cope with the life change?

springcross profile image

Hi paul. I'm glad to hear that you're home and the frightening experience is now behind you. You can rest easy now that you're home and take care. All the best. x

thara9643 profile image

you are in my prayers!

thara9643 profile image

Take care

Paul, a few yrs ago I suffered what I thought was a TMI, mini-stroke. When I called cardiologist office was told to come right in. Once there, I couldn't sign in and right side of mouth was drooping. Cardio told me I'd had a full blown stroke!! Shocked beyond belief, I'd driven the 10 miles to office and then 10 miles home again. A month later had a carotid artery surgery.

I made a wonderful recovery and hope you will too!

When I found this on the 'net, I copied it and posted it inside a kit. cabinet for quick reference. Hoping it may help others be aware of signs: FAST: F--face droops; A: arm drifts down when attempt to raise; S: speech slurred; T: Time--act fast make emergency call

I'd spilled a mug of hot tea and just thought I was clumsy; next morning, arm was weak and speech was slurred which prompted call to cardio. My dad had several mini-strokes before a major one so that's why I thought mine was a mini....Wrong!

paulc1011 profile image
paulc1011 in reply to FlowerPreciousLover

Hi thanks for your reply this is my second mini stroke in 12 months and I spent 8 days in hospital only getting home Thursday

In 2018 I had an angiography and was told I needed a triple bypass and 5 weeks later was transferred to Broad Green hospital in Liverpool to have it done but another consultant cancelled that saying he would put in 3 stents but owing to problems and I've suffered from there and had 2 heart attacks earlier this year March and April

Goodness Paul! Hope you'll be taking extra care of yourself during this recovery time.

san_ray70 profile image

Glad you are recovering, my husband has a heart condition and is on warfarin, but so far he is well. Keep on taking care of yourself, we are all here for you.

RLN-overcomer profile image

My mom had a T.I.A. 4 years ago, and it was so scary for my family, and loved ones :( . I know it sounds crazy, but I am so grateful that my mom didn't suffer a debilitating more serious type of stroke. Anyone who has had a TIA stroke is much more likely to have a more serious stroke in the future, especially if they don't begin a healthier eating, and exercise lifestyle . My mom is eating healthier, and taking an aspirin, and 1200 mg's of fish oil daily. :) My mom's Dr. agreed with the fish oil in replacing Warfarin or any other pharmaceutical blood thinner :) . Due to this Covid-19 pandemic she hasn't been able to walk 5 day's a week. Her blood test are still good. I know you will be as good as knew in no time, and ready to do next years marathon with my mom :| . GOD bless you. :)

paulc1011 profile image
paulc1011 in reply to RLN-overcomer

Dont know about running a marathon many walking a half marathon be better or a 5k

SuZQ154 profile image
SuZQ154 in reply to paulc1011

Dear Paul, you sound like you have a positive attitude! I respect and admire your perseverance through your health struggles! Keeping the balance, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually is usually what works best for extremes in any area:)

Determining what is "balance" in your life is HARD to figure out when you have new health concerns. What do you feel is best for you right now?

paulc1011 profile image
paulc1011 in reply to SuZQ154

At the moment for me its getting the balance between my mental and physical state into an equal balance and work on staying fit and healthy and know there is help and people out there who care and willing to listen and help

SuZQ154 profile image
SuZQ154 in reply to paulc1011

Do you have a church? Would it help to connect there, too?

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