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Diviculitus disease

Oscar091 profile image
16 Replies

Hello has anyone have diviculiter disease I’ve been diagnosed with this and I’m I’ve been sick for 8 months now I have pain no appetite chronic fatigue nausea indigestion . Has anyone else suffering like this. And my doctor is doing nothing about it. Please help any advice. Amber

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Oscar091 profile image
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16 Replies
Narwhal10 profile image

Hi Amber,I am so sorry to hear you are poorly and getting little help from GP. sorry, I don’t know much about your condition, maybe posting in the bowel disease forum and see if they can help ? 🤗

Hi Oscar, I don't have Divicuiltus but have similar problems due to ulcerative colitis and gastric problems , I take lanzoprozole and Octasa for colitis and I have bowel problems due to Cervical myelopathy the medication helps a little but I have to be careful what I eat.

wiserlady profile image

are you saying your doctor is no good and you are changing to another? HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON.

Hi Oscar091, my sister is a fellow sufferer. Like many sufferers this began in older age for her and she managed it as best she could with diet, but now she's awaiting an operation as she's in quite a bit of pain. She's been asked if she's willing to have surgery during the coronavirus and she is, but she still hasn't been called forward.I hope you can find your way through this. I suspect that, for a time at least, you will be encouraged to manage your condition through diet too.

Yes I have had this for about 2 years and it is very painful and disrupting in daily life. With a better diet and medical care it is manageable. As for your doctor I hope you haven’t had him for too long because you need a new one. With this condition it needs to be monitored and at times specialists should be involved. It will get better don’t worry.

anrean profile image

Amber, the best advice is to get a second opinion - no one should suffer without doing anything about it! If your doctor isn't paying attention, you really deserve to see another who does!!

HamishBoxer profile image

Do not wait,get a second opinion.Change your GP if needed.

margaretpaloma profile image

Hi Amber, Have you been diagnosed through a colonoscopy? Unlike things like fibro it is very clear cut whether you have a diverticula or not.My understanding is that diverticulitis problems tend to come in flare ups, not long term so I am sceptical that all your symptoms are diverticula disease, and if they are you should be getting help, so I agree with others who say you need a second medical opinion.

My husband has it, has for many years. Before he was diagnosed it would cause him many times of pain, acute diarrhoea and bleeding but now we have it pretty well under control. It is different for everyone but you need to find out what foods agree with you and what don't. You also should work out how much fibre you need in your diet, it should be neither too little or too much. You must be 'regular'. There is information on the web on what the food 'suspects' are but it is not clear cut. My husband cannot eat cauliflower, for example, but can eat brocolli. He doesn't have a very restricted diet though, just a few things to avoid and a few things to make sure he eats. He can eat curry and drink alcohol (much to his relief!!)

Learn what the warning signs are of an attack, and what to do, when to see a doctor. my husband knows where his diverticula is so can recognise pain there. His doctor prescribes anti-spasmodics which he takes if he has 'a twinge'. If it get serious he may need antibiotics though tries not to take them often.

Love Margaret xx

Oscar091 profile image
Oscar091 in reply to margaretpaloma

Hello thanks for replying. I am also vomiting now would that be a symptom too . I really don’t know what to do as doctors no help.

margaretpaloma profile image
margaretpaloma in reply to Oscar091

All I can say is that has never happened to my husband but if you google they say it is a possible symptom. Do you have a fever? Do you have pain in your stomach when pressed?Just to be clear, a diverticula is a pouch or bulge in the intestine, in itself it causes no trouble. When it becomes infected and inflamed it is then diverticulitis. From what you describe if this is your problem you have diverticulitis and that needs treatment.

Oscar you need to insist that your doctor helps you, or see another doctor or A&E. You can't just leave this, you can't self medicate..

best of luck

Oscar091 profile image
Oscar091 in reply to margaretpaloma

Thank you so much yes I’m in 2 minds to go and e I can function at all and my pain is at top of my ribs . I feel like I’m squashing my stomach and bowels just sitting down. Amber

margaretpaloma profile image
margaretpaloma in reply to Oscar091

Amber, these are difficult times and I know going to an emergency room is scary. But if you have diverticulitis, and if it is left untreated then the results can be very bad. I don't want to scare you but look at Lowraind's post further down. See a doctor, urgently, don't be fobbed off. Do you have someone who can go with you and 'stick up' for you? It's very hard when you are ill.If it isn't diverticulitis then you need a proper diagnosis because you have worry and uncertainty on top of the physical issues.

Ouch, Oscar91! I had a terrible bout of diverticulitis a year ago and my pcp first thought I might have a ruptured appendix. A quick sonogram showed the problem to be diverticulitis instead. She immediately put me on a liquid only diet followed by a very bland diet.

This site is highly reputable and I followed it along with other sites which listed foods to avoid until completely well: mayoclinic.org/healthy-life...

Additionally, I daily charted all foods I ate starting with the bland foods and continuing as I added new foods. I waited 2-3 days between trying a "new" cooked veggie to see if I could tolerate it.

Raw veggies were hardest on my system; I had a warning flare-up after trying chopped raw brocolli and romaine lettuce so I went back to all bland for a few days before again introducing just one raw veggie at a time. It was probably 6-8weeks before I tried a tossed green salad witha few veggies I tried separately and that salad I ate without any dressing.

I am careful not to load up on meal portions and find eating smaller meals with a nutritious snack between if better for me.

My concern for you is that you report you've been sick with this for months. Once you've healed from the Diverticulitis episode, one can go back to a more normal diet without continuing problems. So it sounds as though you may be having some other digestive/elimination problem that needs attention, additional testing, diagnosis and treatment.

I would strongly encourage you to seek the advice of a different physician because you shouldn't be having this continuing problem. Once a patient has an episode of diverticulitis and recovers, life should go back to normal. We may be more susceptible to additional flare-ups over time but following the initial recommended diet and then monitoring what we eat and what we need to avoid or reduce should do the trick. Hope you'll let us know what you decide.

S11m profile image

I had diverticulitis - but the main problem was a polyp - extricated when they did a colonoscopy. Have you had a colonoscopy?

Oscar091 profile image
Oscar091 in reply to S11m

Hello no I have had a ct scan which should diviculear disease. I have been sick again today I can’t function at all. Really don’t know what to do.

lowraind profile image

Several years ago I had an attack of diverticulitis that almost killed me. I had a burst diverticula, which resulted in a colostomy and later, a reversal of the colostomy. After that, because of scarring of the intestine, I had pain resulting in hospital visits, every few months. Finally, they had me go back to the surgeon who had done the colostomy and reversal and he advised me to drink prune juice. I drink a few ounces nightly and have not had a return of the pain.

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