Dear All,
I suggested a little 'idea', some months ago, but it didn't attract much interest... so I'm going to do so again.
Have any of you, got access to a Magnet? Only a Small one, maybe like me, a little 'Block' one.. although the sort isn't important.
Empty, your Wallet, Purse, Pockets, Handbag, Bum Bag- even your Hat- of Change. Put the Change into a Pile, then hold the magnet over it..... Some Money is Magnetic, and some- apparently the same- isn't. Some Years seem to have more 'Magnetic' coins, than Others. Coins are made of 'Alloys', mixtures of Metals- Brass, for example is Copper & Zinc, Bronze is Copper and Tin. Steel is Iron & Carbon (not actually a metal, strangely enough). Stainless Steen is Iron & Chromium. Coins are Alloys of Copper, with Various 'other' metals- if Iron, Cobalt or Nickle, are present, then the coins will be magnetic. Nickle is the most 'likely candidate in fact, The Americans, even have a coin called 'a Nickle'.
In my 'Change' yesterday, were a number of Magnetic coins....Nine Pennies, two Two Pence, one Five Pence and One Ten Pence. I have never found a Magnetic Twenty Pence, but I have a Fifty Pence. The 'Newer' coins, (two) pounds are Not Magnetic.
Anyway, as I have said before... have Fun Folks.