Quotation for Thursday 21st May 2020 - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Quotation for Thursday 21st May 2020

11 Replies

Hi everyone,

I was leafing through an old poetry book of mine this morning. One that contains several poems very special to me.

It’s another book that’s been with me for a long time, and I was really surprised to notice on the dust jacket that its price was quoted in old time shillings, (15 shillings to be exact), together with its decimal equivalent of 75 pence.

I was shocked. 75 pence is such a measly sum now. But when the book was published, around the start of decimalisation in the 1960s, its equivalent 15 shillings was a significant amount of money. I looked it up and the average wage back then was less than £10 a week!

Anyway, I’m digressing. It made me wonder what others had said about surprise and finding the unexpected.

In the end I chose this quotation from Alan Watts, (a well-known writer, speaker and Buddhist teacher).

“The only way to make sense of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance”

I think that if you want to protect yourself from the worst effects of change, that’s a good idea. Resistance usually does end up being futile. We either join the maelstrom and get swept along with it, or get left behind to sink and drown.

And I think that applies to the current crisis too. We didn’t want it to happen. We hate it and all of the new restrictions suddenly placed on us, but we’ve had no option but to accept and get on with things as they are and not as we wanted them to be.

Hope you have a good day and maybe even a good surprise or two!

(Photo Roger Bradshaw Unsplash.com)

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11 Replies
RoadRunner44 profile image

Yes, this Virus was a surprise we didn't expect! My grandmother used to write a few words or quotes in each book she bought me. The following is one I particularly like .........

"You can't start the next chapter in your life if you keep re-reading the last one".

I suppose it is a fact that unless we adapt to new circumstances we cannot move on with our lives.


in reply to RoadRunner44

I like that RoadRunner44. I have a special illustrated book for saying I like, and this one's going to be added! Thank you! 🌈🙏

cherv profile image

What wonderful words move on with the current I so need to hear that in my ears, I do fight this virus tooth and nail. Hate what it has robbed from me my freedom og movement A chance to be with gand chilren and my son in town. My daughter is was due to give yesterday so any day in TX a mothers place to be. But NO not with the virus hanging over our heads fear of expose the new born. My dear sweet Eliot she will see me in God's time, time I will not harm her. I do blame China for all og the damage and cheer our President Trump for al he has done! We will over come positive thoughts as the words convey!

This is very true it’s better to swim with the tide and more importantly be positive rather than negative. 🌹

Well that's an excellent quote Hidden and I totally agree with your take on it. Resistance is futile, it's here so we just have to get on with it and make the most of what we have.

Thank you.😊🙏🌈

Mia898 profile image

Pillow is so true :). I have just got my dreams so happy :). I am flying and moving on :)

bobbybobb profile image

So true Callendersgal, life is ever changing, we are wired to adapt, we should not fear it, just move with it. xx

Yes, so so true, thank you. We have just got to get on with it. Take care and stay safe Lynne xxxx ❤️ 🤗

Sierrastar profile image

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.

Forrest Gump.

in reply to Sierrastar


Sara_2611 profile image

Good aftenoon Callendersgal. thats a lovely pillow - yes the quote on it is very true -very true indeed

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