Dear All,
A 'Red' Letter, 'Act Now To Stop An Investigation'..... What have I 'Done', what Henous Crime have I committed? Well actually it's all about a TV Licence and, really and truely, 'Nothing' to do with me actually. Allow me to explain....
When I moved here, in September 2016, I bought a TV Licence. However, a few months later, I was told that- because we are in Supported Living, we are entitled to a Communial Licence, for £7:50 peryear. By the time THIS was 'Sorted' however, I didn't receive Much of a Rebate, however
The Following year we all Paid £9:00 because there was a 'Vacant' flat, and we didn't want to lose the Concession.
The 'Trouble' started This year.... we All paid £7:50, in about March/ April- just before the Lockdown. Apparently 'TV Licencing' had requested some more details, regarding the Building- according to our Housing Manager. Quite what 'Happened', after that, is a bit 'unclear'..... but we ALL keep getting Licence Letters, some quite 'Threatening'- even though we HAVE paid our Money.
Clearly 'They' have got their Knickers in a twist, from MY Point Of View, I Have Paid My Licence and The Estate Officer WILL Confirm this..... so let this BE Investigated, I- indeed ALL of us- have Commited NO Crime. You never know, the Upshot, Might even be.... that This is 'Sorted Out'.... Well I Can HOPE, can't I?
What a 'mess' up