Again not much, cleaned the kitchen and just pottered around, tomorrow more cleaning as my friend who is coming Tuesday can spot a speck of dust from 100 miles away!!! Had a text from my manager at work last week, so meeting her Wednesday for a socially distanced catch up in a local park
What's anyone done today : Again not... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What's anyone done today

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Met up with my sister in law and had a walk and a chat and she said I did the right thing on Friday to have called the police when there was that disturbance when the chap upstairs got arrested and it's been quiet there ever since so I think I did everyone in the neighbourhood an accidental favour when I did that!
Also been on future learn as well.
I had a relaxing day. I Skype called a few people and then I watched a church service on my laptop too.
Listened to a motivation speech outside on youtube.
Hi Jennymary
It does feel good to see a clean house doesn't it,I'm not sure about the dusting though, I'm shocking keeping up with that.
I hope your meeting goes well on Wednesday.
We did the housework this morning, I then went on a bike ride, made bread dough, had a late lunch and then looked at my emails and typed up my food diary.
Hope you're having a good evening.

Hi Jennymary. I had my grandson come for the afternoon,he is 5 and quite the action man, full of energy. We had a great afternoon before his dad picked him up early evening. I did the chores and took the dogs out before he came. Watched some TV in the evening. 😊🌸
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