Possible Covid19: Hi hope everyone is... - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Possible Covid19

Optimistic_22 profile image
21 Replies

Hi hope everyone is well. I went over my stepmoms for the 4th of July. Well we tried to stay 6 ft we were inside the house and at times not 6ft away. I finally let my guard down and hugged my niece. I was having panic attacks because didn’t feel comfortable inside. Yesterday I has severe headache and chills. Today chills severe headache , severe fatigue , confusion and sore throat developing.

It has been 90 plus we’re I live so maybe its just from the humidity .

So now I have a drive threw test on Friday. Results take 7-10 days

This was definitely a scare will not be visiting any family. My son is high risk due to his asthma. So this scares me. I have no health insurance.

Please keep me in your prayers.

So worried.

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Optimistic_22 profile image
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21 Replies
happytulip profile image

I hope it comes back negative for you and you feel better soon.

Have you informed everyone who was in the house so they can self-isolate?🙏

Optimistic_22 profile image
Optimistic_22 in reply to happytulip

Yes I have informed them to isolate. Both my sisters were present also. They work for the post office so was very concerned getting together with them in the first place. I hope test is negative too. Will inform forum once know.

leo60 profile image

I have everything crossed for you. Hopefully its just the heat, take care xx

daveh121 profile image

Hard not to hug and be close to little ones.

Hope everything is ok.

Berrytog profile image

It normally takes from five days to twenty one days to incubate and symptoms start mild and develop

Optimistic_22 profile image
Optimistic_22 in reply to Berrytog

Im currently on day 3 of symptoms with mild symptoms if have. Hopefully don’t get worse. My fingers are crossed just due to heat. The worst os this headache and fatigue. Thanks

tjo52 profile image

Sending much love


springcross profile image

I hope it comes back negative for you, in the meantime, it's going to make you feel ill just thinking about it. I feel very sorry for you. Take care. xx

Hi Optimistic_22. So sorry you are feeing so worried now. I can't say whether you have contracted covid19 of course, but it would be a very unusual thing to have had contact with someone suffering from c19 and have symptoms as soon as the following day. And what about your niece. Is she feeling ill too? For you to have caught it from her, she would also have to be infected. Anyway, I hope all your fears are unfounded, and the test is, of course, essential.🙏

Optimistic_22 profile image
Optimistic_22 in reply to

Yes symptoms became present 3 days after contact. I know the chances are low of contacting from asymptomatic people. That was my concern from the beginning. I asked she has no symptoms yet. Thanks I hope everything ok too. Thanks

ellj profile image

Hoping very much that this is a false alarm..

I can imagine how difficult it is to avoid hugs, we are all so hug starved.

Hoping you will feel better soon and this scare will be just that.

As others have said your symptoms came on very quickly so hopefully not Covid.

Thinking of you.


Sylvia22 profile image

Prayers sent

Mia898 profile image

Sending a big hug

Mrsdoozer profile image


Sorry to hear you are feeling unwell. I just wanted to say i had a covid test a week ago at a drive in. My GP needed to rule it out as i had been feeling unwell and developed a rash across my back, thE test thankfully came back negative. I just wanted to say I had the test a week ago today at lunchtime 12.00 and I had the result by 8.00 am the next morning! Hopefully you will get the test result quickly to.I hope you feel better soon xx

Optimistic_22 profile image
Optimistic_22 in reply to Mrsdoozer

Thanks very much. Was it a nasal swab test?

Yeah hopefully don’t have but have headache, on off chills and worsen sore throat, fatigue since Tuesday. Hope it’s just cold or bad seasonal allergies.

My niece has fatigue and headache but were being hopeful that its due to weather just common cold. No fever yet. Thank God.

I was told should have results by Thursday.

Last night was a night mare for me. I couldn’t sleep and had a bad anxiety attack. Its was awful. I had this crazy thought that since coronavirus effects your heart and lungs that I was going to not wake up if I went to sleep. My chest felt heavy.

Also They say 35 year olds -55 can end up in hospital. Idk but I’m 35 and scared. Im the only surviving parent to my son. He high risk too. I want Thursday to be here. Thanks again sorry I wrote a lot just feel alone and scared at times.

Mrsdoozer profile image

Hi, no need to apologise I totally understand x The night time and early hours are the worst as its when all our worries and fears surface I have had my fair share of those times to.It is understandable to be worried and even more so if you are a lone parent . I am 54 and had what felt like cold flu symptoms and felt awful sore throat, headache , my chest felt like i could not catch my breath at times & my whole body ached my joints more stiff than normal.I had been to work and it was one of those days that I had to push myself and just wanted the day to be over. In the evening I was about to get in the bath and help ease the aches when my husband said you have a rash on your back . The Dr thought I might have Shingles but the rash did not turn to blisters.Once the Dr mentioned Covid I became ultra aware of every symptom every twinge i was fast convincing myself I had it !!

How I would have got it would have been a mystery but not impossible as I have been shielding! Long story short Dr said to have the test as a rash can be a Covid symptom which was news to me . It was a very quick and painless one swab up the nose and the other in the throat, as i say test at lunchtime result by breakfast the following day. I think the symptoms are Hay fever Summer cold, the rash has still to disappear or to find the cause.Apart from the rash ,your symptoms sound very similar to mine, hopefully your Covid result will be negative to. This forum is an absolute god send everyone is so helpful and friendly we are all going through our battles but always willing to listen and support and share our experiences day or night .So many of us on here are awake in the twilight hours you are never truly alone, and to be honest this is the only place where i feel people really understand what is going on and our symptoms and feelings . I will be thinking of you and here if you need to chat . Sending Hugs

Angela xx

Optimistic_22 profile image
Optimistic_22 in reply to Mrsdoozer

Thanks so much Mrs doozer also known as angela.

My sons middle name is angelo.

This message comforted me and made me cry. Its been very stressful during this isolation. I have tried to stay safe during isolation. I get my test Monday tomorrow and results hopefully wont take till Thursday.

I want to live my life but realize I just cant visit family now.

I will keep you posted as I learn the results.

Hoping it’s negative then I still worry of a false negative.

This headache will be a week on Tuesday and tiredness. Sore throat very faint.

How long did your symptoms last?

Was your headache the worst symptom too?

Would you get tired easily after trying to do chores?

I also have aches with sickness.

Mrsdoozer profile image
Mrsdoozer in reply to Optimistic_22


Sorry for the late reply I pushed myself into work yesterday but it was a real struggle with aching joints and feeling yuk. However I am off today to rest and gather my energy for the rest of the week. How are you feeling today ? I know every day is different for us all ,every day varies and so do our symptoms so i hope you are having a better day and feel a bit better now you have had your test xx. I still have my rash on my back, I had to send a photo to my consultant who has dismissed it as photo sensitivity, which would be ok but i have not been in the sun!! When i am out and about I am always covered up, I am the odd one wearing long sleeve t shirts while every one else is in shorts and t shirts lol I have no faith in my consultant he does not listen to me and makes me feel like a liar and fraud. However i did prove him wrong on more than one occassion. The best was when he told me my hip pain( i was in a lot of pain and stuggling to walk) was fibromyalga and i just needed physio and hydrotherapy. Both hydro and physio said it was nothing of the sort and in fact i needed a new hip it was worn out bone on bone! I had a complete replacement hip last September !!!My consultant has never acknowledged he was wrong , just dismissed it all .I still feel under the weather and was told that is because my white blood cells are low due to the immuno suppresent I am on, but have not been offered any advice or help other than we will monitor you. I still have the headaches but i think its coming from my sinus which make me feel sick and i keep getting bouts of real dizziness, I have called my Dr today to have a phone consultation. Yes i get very tired after doing my chores or anything else come to that i find it so frustrating and get so annoyed with myself, the sore throat comes and goes.It is very hard to be away from our families and the ones we love , but it will not be long now and we can see them again. Try not to worry about the test being a false negative I am sure it will be correct. They were very professional & thorough , in fact they repeated my throat swab for a second time straight away as they were not happy with the first. Lupus and Sjgreons can give very similar symptoms as Covid 19 I know its easy to say and not easy to do but try not to worry to much the stress makes the Lupus and Sjgreons symptoms worse as i found out to my cost. Take care of yourself and let me know how you get on , we are all here for you on this site day or night

Big Hugs Angela xxx

Mrsdoozer profile image


How are you?I was wondering how you got on with your test and if you are ok . Just remember you are not alone , Hugs Angela xx

Optimistic_22 profile image
Optimistic_22 in reply to Mrsdoozer

Thanks sorry for such a late response.

Well I got my test back false negative. I had the nose swab one. I have concerns because its been 12 days and still getting better.

Most symptoms are gone. A little sore throat.

But my concern is what is either shortness of breath or panic attacks for the last five days

I have been living in a hell on earth.

Multiple times a day I lay down or get up and my heart starts racing my left arm hurts, pressure across my chest. I feel as if Im going to have a heart ache. Then I concentrate and try to focus on my breathing feels like going to pass out. I get dizzy. It last about 5 minutes one was 5 hours. Then Im dizzy after the environment around me looks unfamiliar and I have confusion. Its scary.

So I was told could be bad attacks and to exercise. Ive been laying in bed for 12 days and have normal anxiety when my normal life is active.

So possibly anxiety. Today I said I cant deal with this so even though I was fatigued and scared that if I pushed myself these symptoms would come on and I would have a anxiety attack.

I went for a walk today and layed in my backyard.

It did make me feel better.

I still have the consistent left arm pain.

But my body feels so tense. I currently dont take any meds for anxiety and was struggling before I got sick but not like this.

I’m going to doctor on Wednesday. So they can evaluate if anxiety or possible heart. My father had a clogged aorta valve and died at 64. My sister has a heart condition that makes her pass out.

I get light headed if get up fast but never anything else.

I’m leaning towards severe panic attacks but just have to rule out my heart.

I’m healthy and eat right. My father was over weight they say that lead to his heart disease.

So have you had bad anxiety attacks?

What symptoms do you experience?

Also thanks for checking up.

I hope all is well with you also.

Sending love and virtual hugs.


Mrsdoozer profile image
Mrsdoozer in reply to Optimistic_22

Hi Sorry to hear you feeling not so good ,but pleased to hear that some of your symptoms of eased. It sounds very much like that is partially anxiety attacks. I have not suffered one myself but my elderly mother does and she lives in a constant state of anxiety so i understand how it can effect you. I have suffered with heart racing and palpitations in the past very scary, and my first thought was of my dad who died at 65 from a heart attack. He had his first one at 55 ,(i am 55 in a couple of months so its playing on my mind lately). However when i went to the doctor they ran tests and decided that it was probably due to my concoction of my meds , many of them have this possible side effect. The one that was most concern was Salagen to help with saliva increase, i no longer take it and things have calmed down. As far as the anxiety of my father dying so early, i think that things have moved on with prevention these days with drugs and knowledge is king. My father was very over weight in his 40 s & used to smoke heavily, all things that 50 years ago where acceptable. Thinking back to his diet I see that was a major factor he loved all the naughty foods , as do I but I control my intake not so in his case. Statins & cholesterol where not really a thing in the world of medicine back then. I take heart that i watch my weight and diet and take my statins religiously. It doesn't take away my fears and worries ,but I know that I am doing all I can to remain healthy in the knowledge heart problems run in the family. So you are not alone in your fears and worries xx. I hope you manage to get things at a comfortable level for you .Sending virtual hugs and healing light

Angela xxx

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