What's anyone done today : A few days... - Positive Wellbein...

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What's anyone done today

Jennymary profile image
24 Replies

A few days ago I posed the question about whether I should get a mask despite having a visor, this was prompted by seeing on the Facebook page of my local country market that they were selling masks with a button back for people who wear glasses, so last night I signed up to Facebook, ordered my mask and 2 x apricot cakes topped with almonds, it was all delivered just after 6.00pm, so mask sorted, cake sorted, the nice thing is the cakes can be frozen so one for now, one for a few weeks time, I also did the ironing, but achieved a lot without doing much

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Jennymary profile image
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24 Replies

Busy day today finished off no angel that I have been reading all week, went on future learn, applied for 5 jobs, had a short walk today and had our usual friday dinner party with our friends and we ordered Chinese and I had a shock when I saw the chap who delivered it as he used to work at my old job but got sacked for being off sick and tells me I did the right thing in leaving there off my own back after being bullied there!

He used to work in the department I worked in and then had ended up being redeployed somewhere else after he was off sick himself and his wife who wasn't very old had a stroke so he had gone part time as a carer and he has had other episodes of being off sick and had ended up sacked and I think they have done him a favour!

They have sacked quite a few people there for having been off sick and they were genuinely poorly as well!

There was a girl there who management really had it out for who had gone sick for ages and had ended up sacked as well after she had been bullied by management and I feel I made the right choice in leaving off my own accord denying them the satisfaction of pushing me out like they have done to others there!

Jennymary profile image
Jennymary in reply to

Sounds like you made the right choice by leaving of your own accord, good luck with the applications you've made today, any idea what book you'll be reading next

in reply to Jennymary

Yes a mills and boon book for some light entertainment as I enjoy them if I just want some good old fashioned light entertainment rather than anything heavy!

It is called the secret his mistress carried by Lynne Graham.

bobbybobb profile image

Hi Jennymary, apricots are a favorite of mine and the cakes you bought sound delicious. Glad you got your mask's. I have been busy. My ear ache and sore throat are resolving now. I've been getting the single bed put together for the spare room and put the fairy bedding on. I put a light bulb in that changes all different colours. Put a small bedside table in there with children's books. Then I video called my granddaughter to show her it all ready foe when she is allowed to stay again. She was made up. I must admit, I'm quite tired tired now. Hope you are having a pleasant evening. xx

in reply to bobbybobb

That will be lovely when your grandkids can start staying over again.

I remember as a little girl staying over with Nana and grandpa on my own along with my sister and it was like an adventure to a little kid.

bobbybobb profile image
bobbybobbAmbassador in reply to

I always stayed with my gran, most weekends as a little girl. We where very close. I think Grans have a special bond. I loved staying there. xx

Well you certainly did achieve a lot today, got your masks and cakes plus you did the ironing, always good to clear the ironing.

Funny thing is, I got the masks I ordered delivered today, 2 for me and 2 for hubby, I will now be wearing mind every time I go shopping.

I went shopping this morning, got back and washed the floors in the house, completed a questionnaire for an IBS study, did a few other things on line. This afternoon I blanched red cabbage for the freezer and made sweet potato brownies.

Take care

Alicia 🌈xx

Robinson1 profile image
Robinson1 in reply to

Sweet potato brownies sound delightful 🤗

in reply to Robinson1

They really are, here's the link and a couple of tips, they are definitely worth making, they are so good.


I use 252g cooked sweet potato, 160ml maple syrup, 129g peanut butter, olive oil (I can't have avocado oil), 55g cacao powder (I prefer to cocoa), 68g oat flour (I make my own by grinding down oats in my food processor), 61g chopped pecans, 48g dark chocolate chips and 90ml of almond or oat milk, I'm a Vegan hence plant milk. These are absolutely stunning. The recipe doesn't include milk but this makes them extra gooey.

Happy baking

Sounds like a great day, I’ve been having a really lazy day after being awake in the night. I was in my dressing gown until 12.30 🤭 I did some washing, watched some TV and did some paintings. X

Activity2004 profile image

Hi Jennymary ,

This is good news that you were able to get masks for yourself. Glad to hear it.

The apricots and almond cakes sound fantastic to me. It gives me an idea that I should see if we have enough dried apricots to make a gluten free cake for an after dinner idea. I may want to wait until the temperatures cool down a bit before I do the baking.

My day has been less hectic today compared to yesterday, so that's good. I texted a few friends, sent e-mails on and off HU, had breakfast and lunch, replied to postings and did some editing. I plan to do some reading before dinner and bedtime tonight, get ready for dinner, watch some TV, work on the new word scramble postings for tomorrow morning and see what the temperature will be for the next day before going to bed tonight.

Have a good evening, Jenny. :-)

Jennymary profile image

Sorry you've had a bit of a tough day, hope tomorrow will be easier for you

Those masks sound good Jennymary and very practical for glasses wearers. A pretty good delivery time too. And cake! They sound good!

I had my shopping trip today which was very different for me after 3 months without entering a shop! It all went very well and has broken the ice for going out a bit more now. I bought a rotisserie chicken and we ate the breast, still warm, in some crusty rolls for lunch. Really good!🌈🙏

in reply to

Did Kazar get any chicken in his dish as baby gets given leftovers so nothing is wasted in our house!

Sheila_G profile image

You are very disciplined with your cakes. "One for now and one for in a few weeks time." If it were me, it would be one for now and one for in a few minutes time.😃

Want2BHappy3 profile image

Proud of You, the Mask could Save your Life? The cake is a Delicious Plus...ENJOY 🍛😷

Picklebum profile image

Hi good Gondar you got the masks for glasses wearers where cld I get these please ?

The young person I look after had a panic attack wearing her mask so I have got her a visor she has anxiety disorder and various other needs ie adhd asd etc

Jennymary profile image
Jennymary in reply to Picklebum

Close to where I live they have a Country Market once a week in a Church Hall, home made cakes, preserves etc, currently closed but selling a few bits through their Facebook page, that's how I got my mask with a button back, if you're in the UK Google Country Market and see if there's anything in your area

katieoxo60 profile image

Sounds like you had a busy day, ironing is not my favourite pass time but I do do it now and then when it piles up. Today I spent most of the day talking to people who live alone on the phone, with a bit of emailing in between. Did an email in respect of some reseach going on amongst women who live alone also. Today I hope to start a puzzle, as the paint by numbers I ordered is too small print for me to see & the brushes are a bit thin to handle . That's why buying on line is not the perfect answer for all purchases. Enjoy your day

Veteran250 profile image
Veteran250 in reply to katieoxo60

Jenny, I have a face shield but no mask, they mist up my glasses, could you post a photo of the mask please! 😀

Jennymary profile image
Jennymary in reply to Veteran250

Hi Don, I've posted a picture of the mask today, under a, post called Mask

cljones profile image

Today I made chicken piccata and salad for a friend who just had surgery and for ourselves. Then cleaned up the mess. Now I have no dirty dishes except in the dish washer which isn't quite full yet. Also a nice clean kitchen. It's now time for a rest. I am give out.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to cljones

The chicken piccata and salad sounds great for any meal.

We had a big salad with tuna on top for dinner tonight. Lots of protein and low carb.. We also had Greek yogurt on the side.😀👍🌈

cljones profile image


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