It's been quite busy here today, pottered around, zoom coffee morning, went to the shops, came home via the chip shop, tidied up the kitchen, few more odd and ends sorted and a phone call from a friend, left myself a few things to sort tomorrow
What's anyone done today : It's been... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What's anyone done today

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Hi Jennymary
What a busy day you've had, I hope you enjoyed your Zoom coffee morning, it's so good to catch up even if it's a strange way of doing things.
Glad you got out and also tidied your kitchen, well done.
I baked my sourdough bread, went out to the DIY with hubby, spent some time on the computer and cleaned my bike and pumped the tyres up.
Enjoy the rest of yiur evening.
Alicia xx😊🌈🌈

You have had a busy day. I planned to go out today but the weather has been so bad I changed my mind. I've done the daily chores, got wet walking the hounds. I've been practicing with the painting. Phoned around the family. Have been on here and watching a bit of TV. Hope you are enjoying your evening. 😊🌼
Had a great day job hunting, a long walk, trip to the supermarket and time on future learn as well.
Hello! This morning I started another future learn course in thinking skills. I went to my hairdresser this afternoon. I had a great time as I have not seen her since early March. This evening I am chilling.
Hi Jennymary, I hope you not only came home via the chip shop, but bought some! You've got through a lot considering you say you were only 'pottering'. I've been really quiet today. Too much excitement yesterday. I'm not used to not only being out and about but actually having fun! Hope you are enjoying your evening! 🙏😊
Hi Jennymary, I’ve been cat watching my cat all morning because she’s been really sleepy with her medication, this afternoon I was working at my desk and she sat watching me until she laid down and fell asleep
Sounds like a good day. Maybe tomorrow you can take a break.
We went to town today for supplies. Shopping (groceries), fruit stand, hardware store, lunch.
A three hour round trip for us so it took most of the day. Tomorrow we get to stay around our area.
Going to town is always a long day for us. Fortunately it doesn’t happen often. If we are lucky maybe once a month or more.
That sound like a good day, I never thought about a zoom coffee morning, I havnt seen my friends since February, we live an hour away, maybe I will try that. I went a walk with hubby to the bakers and butcher, he goes in and I stand outside. I made an enormous chilli for my grandsons party next week which I’m so glad I will be able to drive to and see some of my family. I just hope it’s a good day and we can stay outside. It’s good the first minister relaxed a few more things for shielders as this means I can travel to see them. And perhaps get a big hug from the birthday boy. Getting my Tesco shop today, the things that brighten your day lol. Have a good one everyone xx
You really need something about what you did for somebody else. You’d feel better if you did.
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