Went for my walk, pleased I wore my coat as it was a bit nippy, cleared out the bottom of the airing cupboard, sorted some of my old Guiding uniforms to let my friend have and she'll get them archived. Did some washing and as I had 2 empty suitcases I've put some bits in them so it's a lot tidier now
What's anyone done today : Went for my... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What's anyone done today

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Cleaning out cupboards is necessary now and than but normally the last thing I get to. Good for you.
Bike ride earlier, now a bit of birding. That might be about it for today.
I used to go to brownies and guides many years ago as well.
Today though I have done a French lesson on Duolingo and courses on future learn about coping with covid 19 and the lockdown this morning which I enjoyed and learned how low mood can distort innocent comments into something malicious and how to deal with that when it comes up again in the future which was helpful.
After I finished the course I had my daily walk and did 6 miles in total and then came back home and started a course on supporting adolescent learners which was very interesting and checked the news afterwards and then put on skyfall on DVD and this evening starting a favourite book called unchained Melanie by Judy astley.
Hi Jennymary ,
Glad to hear that you were able to get outside and go for a walk today. It's great to get into the fresh air and sunshine.
It's good to be able to use other items for storage of other things around the house. I use old containers to store some snacks/bars/crackers, so I can get to them right away and not have to go looking for them at the last minute.
For my day, it has been a little busier than planned, but okay. I had breakfast and lunch, did messages on and off HU, read and replied to postings, plugged in my CGM so it can charge its battery and went on my phone and used the computer. I plan to do some reading before dinner and bedtime tonight. I also plan to do some new word scramble puzzles for tomorrow morning. I also plan to watch some TV tonight before bedtime.
Have a good evening, Jenny.

Hi Jennymary, It's been very warm here today. I downloaded a steps app today. Took the dogs for a walk. Cleaned the windows in the conservatory, it was hot in there I had the fan on. The two dogs are flat out at the moment. I'm watching a program on the Yesterday Channel about D-Day. Have a relaxing evening. xx
You've had a very productive day Jenny Anderson pleased you got out for a walk, it was nippy out there today.
Well done on sorting out your airing cupboard, you've done really well sorting out a lot of things,I bet that feels good.
I've been out for my daily exercise, had lunch, been on the computer, watched the daily Government briefing, cooked dinner and I've now had a shower.
Rain here tomorrow so I'll be looking online for exercises.
Enjoy the rest of your evening.😊
It was nippy today wasn't it Jennymary. I did not want to walk this morning! I've spent the day cooking and baking today, as well as being here on the PW community for some of the day. It sounds as if you were very productive once again! 😊
Been doing a bit of gardening, fortunately it is only very small, and our local garden centre is doing deliveries. So over the last week I have tidied the back, which is mainly slabs and lawn, and put the bedding plants in pots. Yesterday tidied the front patch and Intend to put the remaining plants in the border there later. DH has cut the grass (would say mowed the lawns, but that sounds a bit pretentious in view of the size). At least it is tidy now. After that, might get around to doing a bit more of the jigsaw my granddaughter has lent us. 1000 pieces and very fiddly as it is of ten comic front pages, Beano and Dandy. Keeping me and DH occupied when nothing on TV.
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