Thought tonight it would be a short update, just been cutting up pictures, shredding looking on the Internet and generally having a 'me day', but 5 minutes ago get a text from NHS Coronavirus Service saying that I need to stay in until the end of June, but I can sign up for support with food and basic care
What's anyone done today : Thought... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What's anyone done today

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Hello Jennymary,
we had the letter 2 weeks ago advising us to stay in, in our area there is lots of support,
we have been identified by local supermarkets for priority delivery slots. also there is a local group that will get prescriptions or milk etc. so many people being so helpful.
it is hard when I am used t going out for a walk, my yoga or hydro class, but I am going to stick with it to protect my husband.- he has COPD and high BP
all i can say to you is try and stick it out, we are all on here for you. so you are not alone, just keep up with your lovely messages of all that you have been doing. I read them most days, you put me to shame. i really must sort out our spare bedroom.
take care, keep safe. jenny.x

Thank you, I live on my own and one day I just wondered what anyone else had been doing, so I'm pleased people are enjoying them, I was surprised to get the text but I think it's because I've got high blood pressure, there are other health issues but I don't think they count, until now my sister has brought me over lots dry food, I've got a couple of small supermarkets 5 minutes walk away, so I've just being going out for food or a short walk, don't think I've been out for for than 30 min since lockdown started
Hello again, you could get your sister to bring things as far as your doorstep. we get our daughter to get a few bits, then drive past her house stop, she puts them into car boot, all contactless, that puts a different twist on its meaning. and we maybe chat through the window at at least 2 m. i have found a phone number that maybe of use to you, 08081963646m it is the NHS & RVS who have linked up to give a hotline that we can phone to get a volunteer to help us. good luck, keep in touch.
ps if I'm right, you are partially sighted, my mum was registered blind. jenny x

Thank you for the phone number, and I'm registered blind
Hi Jennymary ,
It's good to hear that you can sign up for food/basic care support.
My day has been: replies and reading postings, had breakfast and lunch, did some e-mail messages, went to text a few friends and just trying to relax. Later today and this evening, I plan to get ready for dinner and do some reading before and afterwards, watch some TV-- game shows and create the Daily Word Scramble Puzzle(s) for the next day.
Hope you have a good evening now, Jenny. Stay safe!
My day today involved a lesson on duolingo, future learn which I really enjoyed and it was interesting, a walk to another part of town where I hadn't been for ages as part of my lunchtime walk to pick up some bits and bobs from one of the local shops there to put me on, came back home and had lunch and back on future learn and now putting my feet up watching a film on TV.
Hi Jennymary, I hope that text hasn't come as too much of an unpleasant shock for you. It seems such a long way away I know, but you've done really well thus far, and the most important thing is to stay safe. We none of us know for sure how and when we will end our lockdown, and I guess a fair few people, if not all of us, are destined to remain as we are for quite a while yet. Do sign up for any support that's available which you don't already have but will be of use to you.
I hope you dont mind staying in til the end of june? I've had a lovely day. I started off with a long walk. I was in the garden for a while. Then made a lovely mixed salad lunch. Listened to some music and also did a water colour lesson on you tube only my 2nd day of learning. I recieved a lovely video of lola one of my dogs I walked before the lockdown which cheered me up immensely and made a lemon drizzle cake for the weekend.
Hi Jennymary , sorry you've been advised to stay in until end of June. I'm glad though there's quite a bit of support. Do you have neighbours that you can talk to over a fence or garden to garden so you keep your distance.
I went out this morning to do the weekly shop, spoke to my youngest daughter on Facetime and then out for a jog/powerwalk. I've been on the computer this afternoon, phoned a friend and then a friend popped round and we talked from a distance.
I hope the rest of your evening is relaxing.

Hi Jennymary, It's been a shopping day for me today. The queue's where long and it was very hot. Shopping takes such a long tie these days. then I was late starting the painting again in the spare room. I should get it finished for Monday I reckon. xx
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