Not had a, great day, didn't get up very early, but got the washing done, last Saturday when I unexpectedly ended up in a supermarket I didn't really know what, if anything, I needed, so I've made a list in case I can shop tomorrow
What's anyone done today : Not had a... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What's anyone done today

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I actually tried out yoga today for the first time in so long. I’m so weak though!

Do you like Zumba or Tai Chi?
Had a day doing nothing in particular, except waiting for my new mattress to arrive...... and its here, at last!😀👍
I have done Zumba once but don’t remember what it’s like lol.

Dance/fast movement exercise with an instructor to lead the class.

Hope you enjoyed your yoga, will you do it again
Had a nice lunchtime walk after there was a disturbance upstairs and I called the police to report it and they were on the phone earlier asking me for more details and said that the chap who caused the disturbance has been arrested and detained at one of the local police stations!
I was terrified though making that 999 call this morning!

Well they obviously thought it was a big deal, often with "domestics" they just go in and calm stuff down. Think you did the right thing, well done xx
Went into town today. I then went to the library too and to some of the shops.
After my walk this morning two of my grandchildren came for lunch and after four months of not being in the apartment they were amazed at the changes we’ve made , We all had a lovely time 😉
Well I had nothing on today, apart from vaguely planning to go down town, so when a friend rang and suggested lunch at the pub I jumped at it. Lovely.
Hello ! Sorry your day hasn't been so good I'm not feeling great either, I have a chest infection, but antibiotics should kick in tomorrow hopefully! I pottered around the garden this afternoon, deadheading and light weeding. Then I got the hose out and watered, everywhere is so dry here - such a drastic change from all the floods at the beginning of the year! Remember them?! Then I picked some courgettes, lettuce, runner and French beans. Now I am going to cook something, but not sure what yet! Have a lovely evening xx

Hi Jennymary. sorry to hear you have not had such a good day. I have been out to get the dog treats today. I go to Wilko's for them, it's not on y regular run of shops but I get their treats from there. It's been very humid and I found that with the heat and wearing a mask, it was very uncomfortable around the shop. Anyway, I got my washing out on the line and it was dry in no time. Hope your evening is going well.😊🌼
Does the cat get treats as well?
Hi Jennymary, Well you can write today off I guess, because tomorrow you know you have something to look forward to, and you may get to do that shopping you didn't manage to accomplish today.
My day was a bit of a wash-out too. I'd planned to go out but then had several deliveries to deal with and it all went a bit pear-shaped. And my internet has been and still is, playing up, which is always annoying.
Oh well, tomorrow's another day! 👍
Hi Jennymary
I'm sorry your day hasn't been very good for you. I hope tomorrow is better.
I've been with my daughter today and her girls. We've got the girls overnight tonight, they've been very good.
Alicia xx
Went to the Sierra Foothills and rescued a fawn. Had dinner with our son and girlfriend. Been lazy other than that.
A list for us is required since we live an hour and a half from town.
I had a great day, for the first time I drove for an hour to visit my grandson, it was his 7th birthday and had a small family party in her garden, he had a disco dome in it, I had a wee shot on it, didn’t do well, felt sick and had to get out of it quickly lol. Had lunch and saw family that I’ve not seen for months. Came home knackered and rested the rest of night, but it was worth it.
Hi. Apologise in advance. Am having a bit of a gloat and posting it anywhere and everywhere. You have all listened to enough of my worries and depressed days, I really need to post a good day for a change. Yesterday was that rare thing - a good day, so I think for once I am entitled. Probably not a big deal for anyone else but for me it is only about a once a year thing.
Sunny day for starters. Tick. Managed to finally get my hair done. Tick. Daughter delivered weekly shop. Tick. Spent a couple of hours in garden in afternoon, reading and having a short nap. Tick. Tick. Tick. Daughter and granddaughter called round later and spent a pleasant hour with us in the garden. Tick. Tick. And as a bonus, a chap was cleaning the house gutters next door, so did ours at the same time. Another job done, that I don't have to sort out. Tick Tick.
I wonder what today will bring? Take care all, and stay safe. xx
If I ever do speak to my partner again, I'll try and remember to do it S L O W L Y. He says I mumble and he doesn't have trouble understanding anyone else. I know I don't mumble because strangers used to ask me if I was a teacher because of the clear way I spoke. Things haven't changed except I am hoarse from having to shout. So no Good Morning today and he's asleep in his chair.
I'm going to fast today to give my weight loss a bit of a boost after having a carb-rich meal last night. Also to put the shielding sign on the front door ready for our pushy visitor tomorrow.
It's a bit overcast at the moment but hope you all have a good day going out into the world.
mowed the lawn,cut back trees and shrubs and started tidying the garage.
Yesterday was my 65th birthday and I tried to make the most of it! My Mum passed away on my 60th so the day is always tinged with sadness. I work from home and received lots of good wishes by email, text and phone along with a lovely M&S bouquet from my colleagues. My niece called by and bought puppy dog with her. We had a socially distanced chat in the garden before her Mum turned up with a Thai take away which we ate in the garden. The weather was stunning! Today I am finally getting my hair cut and tomorrow friends are coming for a tea party in the garden so fingers crossed for good weather. Enjoy your weekend! X
Good start today. Up by 8, sweating in the night so shower needed and my hair washed.... one wash load is far so good. Have a peaceful day folks xxx
The postman delivered a Cliff Richard twin Cd. this morning.....
Wow , am back to being 16 again........except then I didn't have
a sore cartilage in my left knee. ......and a bit short of breath.
Had beautiful very dark hair. It's ok now but silver grey.
Oh what lovely memories. 😉😁
Jo. 😀
Had a bother sort of day.
Builders damaged our tarmac chucking old tiles off the roof and missing the truck parked on the drive no news re what they will do with large damp patch in ceiling when they took tiles off in rain and the old felt underneath leaked.
However on a positive note material stuff can be sorted it's just annoying😢
Washing & housework. Watching programmes about London 2012
Went and sat in our son’s back garden for coffee this afternoon. Usually he is traveling around the world for his business and the family joke is we make an appointment to see him at his office. They do have good coffee. However, one upside of lockdown we have seen a lot more of him. First of all video calls and then once people could travel for exercise he cycles to see us and we stand in our car park and chat.
Well at least you're doing something, keep active!
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