My name is Alan I am new to this but I am visually impaired and have ADD in dyslexia
Visually impaired: My name is Alan I am... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Visually impaired

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HI Crazyman, Just to say hello and welcome to this fzbulous forum. Please free to ask or answer any questions we will happily try to answer any you may have.
Some members post great photos, others write poetry, and there's also quizzes and fun things to take part in. . So much goes on. Pleased to meet you.

Hi there and welcome. We are all here to help and support each other. Join in, ask question. If you have any worries we will try to support you. We are a friendly community. xx
Hi Crazyman80, I too am visually impaired, I was born with glaucoma, which has been well controlled with drops for about 40 yrs, in December 2015 I had successful cataract surgery, but my eye rebelled and in October 2017 I was registered blind.
How are you coping, are you self isolating for 12 weeks, away from lockdown do you work, what social life do you have, are your family and friends supportive
Hello Jenny Marry.
Really nice to hear from.
I can really relate to glaucoma that you spoke about as I have always been visually impaired but 25 years ago I had a major glaucoma attack which damaged my night vision and made me extremely sensitive to light Including sunlight and night lights.
Emotionally I found it difficult to accept but about 2 years later I got a guide dog.
One year before this became the first visually impaired person to work for the CAB as an adviser and I now work for Merton Council as a Revenue Officer.
Since the lock down I have been working from home but without zoom text Fusion that reads the comper.
I am only using screen magnification so been struggling a bit.
I very infependent but get help from friends.
Anyway enough about me please tell more about yourself?
I am very lucky my glaucoma is now stable thanks to Moorfieds.
Do you also have ADHD?
How have been finding the look down?
I am really missing walking and socialising.
Sorry think u have
Gone on too long.
Morning Alan
As I said I'm 4th generation in the family with glaucoma so I've always known I could lose my vision, since having the cataract done I've become very sensitive to sunlight and I go out wearing sunglasses and anorak hood up in the winter, or baseball cap through summer months, I have been asked by friends if I'm a famous film star in disguise!!!
Although I don't have ADHD, I do have other health issues and I work part time as a receptionist in a leisure centre, which is currently closed, so I've got a lot of time on my hands so I'm clearing out my flat..
Socially I go to a Shared Reading group which is usually in my local library, but last week we had the session using Zoom which worked well, I'm also a member of the U3A and go to a couple of social groups just for a coffee morning, which gets me away from home and my local area and gives me a change of scenery a couple of times a month.
I love Star Trek and football.
Enjoy your day, Jenny
Hello Jenny nice to hear from you.
I to wear sunglasses when I'm out in the sun 1and
Hello Jenny.
I to wear sunglasses when I'm out in the sun and even though I look like the terminator that doesn't bother me too much. Well anyway I enjoyed watching all the terminator films but haven't seen the latest one yet. I too like science fiction and Star Trek. I have to sit close to the TV to see what's going on and find that audio description is very useful.
Do you find getting out and about is harder following your changing.
I'm very into gadgets and especially if they helped me be more independent.
is zooms just a magnification program?
I too enjoy coffee shops and used to be a bit of a drinker until I gave up alcohol five years ago and am now attending regular AA meetings. I do not mind being around people that drink as I have now no compulsion to drink alcohol and can still enjoy myself without it.
Not that into football but what team do you support?
Have a good day.
Welcome, I have a Chronic Short Term Memory disorder so I keep forgetting what I was up to during the day. We just need to grin and bear it. We move through life as quiet as we can so we do not wake anyone up
Welcome Alan and good to have you join this group.
This is a very supportive group.
Stay safe and well.
So many of us have issues further complicated by the 'stay home' order! I have secondary progressive MS, myasthenia gravis, type 2 diabetes. I am a bit down because my little grand girls are thousands of miles away, and we are ALL stuck in our own little burrows.
I used to enjoy working in the garden, but my advancing issues with MS make that unwise. I have a quad cane now, which helps, but if I turn my head too quickly, there goes my balance, I fell 3 times last week! Luckily my hubby is here, working from home for now. He has figured out how to help me up without wrecking his back, thank goodness!
Several years ago, I repeatedly fell backwards, over a years time. My neuro diagnosed me with RBI (repeated brain injury), since each tumble left me with a concussion. Now I have been told I have an increased risk of dementia!
I am doing what I can to keep my brain in shape, but,,,,I feel like I'm swimming upstream against an increasingly strong current!
Hi LeannEHI,
My daughter suffer from Myasthenia Gravis, which she developed at the age of eleven. Lauren had surgery to remove her thymus gland, which leaves your immune system compromised. She also spent time on a ventilator, plus having a tracheostomy. I was told that she would never survive, but after having the last rites performed on three occasions, she survived, came off ventilation, and is now 47 years of age.
I understand how Myasthenia can affect your balance, and also understand the many falls that you have been experiencing. Your post takes me back to when my daughter was younger, and it is now, that I can see where all of her suffering led to a better mid life prognosis. Never lose heart, as I know how difficult your health issues are. Never give up, as sometimes life can throw some unexpected surprises, good ones, at times. Do not always take everything that you hear, especially from the medics, as gospel. My daughter has proven that that is not necessarily so.
I have to live with my health issues, and I try not to take to heart what the medics have told me. I suffer with Dry Macular Degeneration, Coronary heart disease, thrombocytopenia, and just before last Christmas, I suffered a mini-stroke. No matter how strong the current is, swim against it, and never give in.

Welcome Alan. I have a good friend with visual impairment caused by early onset dementia. She is amazing. Hope you enjoy this community.
Hello and welcome. We are a varied bunch here but you probably noticed that if you browsed through some posts.
The big thing everyone has in common seems to me to be friendliness and caring.
I hope you enjoy being a part of this as much as I do.
Best wishes
Hiya Alan nice to hear from you.This is a good forum for loads of reasons,not least to chat with folk and have the chance to put your thoughts and feelings out there and maybe change your perspective on life,or take comfort that you are not alone !! remember to wash your hands, stay well
Welcome, this is the place to come to seek advice and Not be judged. You will find some that lack Empathy, but for the most part caring people who can Relate. I’m an Expert when it comes to Dyslexia, my youngest daughters have it. One of them I was told she would Never be employed, I cried when I was told that. I would Not allow that to happen, she’s been working and did some college. But I’m sure you Know it’s very Hard to live with. Her earning capabilities are limited she’ll Be limited to minimum wage jobs. She’s 6th grade level. You do know it hereditary? Her dad has it, she’s now 35 Communication is difficult though and her form of dyslexia she also has short term memory issues. I’m concerned about her when I die? She cannot afford to live on her own. I live in California which is a very expensive state to live in. I’d you live in the USA, you can get help with the disability office. They can assist with job training and getting jobs. So Don’t give UP
Hi Alan, and welcome. Thanks for saying 'hello'. How are you managing during this crisis? Are you on your own? I hope you are managing to stay cheerful and positive. We're here to help, whatever your circumstances. Hope you have a good day today. 😊
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