Has anyone rung the Samaritans or other help lines since this started?Does this crisis make you realise how capable you are - or are not?
Has anyone rung the Samaritans or oth... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Has anyone rung the Samaritans or other help lines since this started?

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We have more inner strength than we realise. We just need to tap into it. Yes we have our down times. But summers coming. The days are getting warmer, ends even if we cannot see them lambs are gamboling in the fields

Hi, I have called them in the past, but haven’t called during this time. Do you need to talk? Are you having major depressive issues? They are an excellent resource and please let me know if I can help. I’ve suffered from Major Depressive Disorder since my teens and I am also having trouble during this time but luckily I have been able to reach out to people. If you need to talk, please do call them or let me know if you’d like to talk to me. I’m happy to talk!! Are you thinking of hurting yourself? If so, please seek help immediately. I care!! ❤️❤️❤️

Hi wiserlady, helplines are there to help. They are private and confidential so you are able to discuss freely any of your concerns without judgement. The people on the other end of the line are understanding and compassionate and can really help in steering you in the right direction when you may feel you are loosing your way. We are here to support you so please don't feel alone. If you need to talk we are here. The help lines are there as a support network also. xx
I wrote to the Samaritans last year and I found them extremely helpful.
Well that's good, I think people can be a bit apprehensive to ring the helplines but that's exactly what they are there for and it's good that you have posted the good response and help you got from them. It will encourage others to seek help if they feel they need help so thanks for sharing that . xx
I wrote to them and thanked them for having been so helpful and for not having given me unhelpful advice and just to explain they don't give you advice they leave it to you to make your own decisions of the way forward.
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