22nd October 2018 was the last day I drove my car - that night I was admitted to ER thinking I had a stroke - found out my lung cancer (which had not yet been biopsied) had spread to my brain
So driving licence gone. I applied to get it back last September in goo time for my 1 year anniversary - many, many complaints, anger and sheer determination later SUCCESS! Of course I am on 12 week lockdown😩 - confession I had already cleaned my car inside so no lurking germs from my daughters who drive it when they visit - freedom at last🤣🤣felt amazing, somewhat like a naughty child hoping no policeman stopped me to ask where I was going!!!
Ironic that it arrived at this time but still can’t but be deliriously happy - on that awful night when found out it was in my brain some ‘jumped up registrar’ told me I’d never drive again and likely have a very poor prognosis. I have been absolutely steadfast in my determination to a)survive and b) drive again!
My goal now is to finally take up the volunteering work that I so want to do after this next hurdle of Covid19!!
Meanwhile I’ll keep knitting baby hats for neonatal! Stay strong and stay safe everyone ❤️