It's easy to feel hemmed in and a bit `stir crazy' at the moment while we are all staying in our homes. But a great way to shake off that `trapped' and `anxious' feeling is to get moving. No matter how small a space we have, or what our mobility/dexterity is, theer is always something we can do.Try these mini videos by Julie Robinson.
boosting your endorphins while self i... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
boosting your endorphins while self isolating

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all i could see were dvds to buy
Hi Craftyperson and Zoonie...... mmm sorry about that. However if you go on `you tube' and type in `move it or lose it' you should be able to see at least a couple of short sample vids. That said the're videos to buy are really good. Move or Lose it, company has been devised through research work at birminham University. Julie Robinson is a physiotherapist , so the routines are evidence based, professionally compiled and scientifically researched.
They also do exercise classes focussed on menopause.

Eventually a pop up appears, where with information from you, they say there is a free support pack because of Covid-19.
My view, on the days I am too lazy, is on a fridge magnet I have, stating that "If God meant me to touch my toes, he would have put Chocolate on the floor"
Actually putting a treat on the floor to encourage movement might work really well... as long it's only a small treat! It's so important that we all keep moving in some way especially during lock down.....
LOL so long as it's less calories than you've used. Trouble here is anything on floor Archie thinks it's for him!!!!
Thank you! My mobility was pretty poor to start with but I've promised myself to go to the gym when this is over. But why wait that long? I've got someone local who is running online classes and now this to look into as well. I appreciate your sharing it.
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