Hi everyone I've been apart of the anxiety support group and just come across this one. I have been having symptoms since me second child was about 3 months she's is now 15 months so it's been a year.
it all started with I shortness of breath but I now I think it was heartbpalps. Anyway I started to worry about it I thought the worst and for the next 3 weeks I was a wreck and I started feeling other things like heavy arms and stiffness in my wrists sore legs at times, internal vibrating throu out my body but mainly just a very heavy feeling in my body. I finally made an appointment with the doctor and she strait away asked me how I was coping with my kids I thought I was coping fine and was really happy until this shortness of breath thing started, so she suspected postpartum anxiety depression but sent me for blood tests and chest X-ray all my tests came back fine. I was a little relieved but I was puzzled why was I feeling all these feelings if everything is fine. The next 3 weeks I was fine again except for a little pain in my fingers and feet which was worrying me but I tried to let it go. So 3 weeks went by and I felt the heavy feeling gain then I noticed that I was shaking thought it maybe a sugar drop but it lasted all day and woke up the next day with it. Looked up tremors and of course Parkinson's MS comes up and my anxiety started all over again I had a break down went to 3 different doctors (my doctor was on holiday at the time) they all said it was anxiety and one of them did a neurological test on me (finger to nose etc) and said I was fine. I then went to my doctor when she came back who also said nothing to worry about and referred me to a psychologist and psychiatrist they both said anxiety (I also have ocd but I new that) I tried 2 different medications but could not take the side effects I'm terrified of them. Diazapam helps but I don't want to get addicted so I only took it a few times.
Anyway since this shaking thing started I have had heartbpalps, tingling, feeling sick, couldn't function or get out of bed, brain fog almost every symptom you could think of. I got a heart Eco and wore a halter monitor had more blood tests and all fine. Only thing I haven't done is gone to the nerologist I have a referral but haven't gone yet as I started feeling better over the last 3 weeks I have moved house so it kept me busy and I did accupunture so I started feeling better mentally I can function now but I still have really bad derealization a woozy feeling in my head at times and the heavy arms and tremor. I just can't seem to accept this is all down to anxiety even though I have read so many similar stories from other women after having kids. It's been s year and I'm not getting better I've made an appointment to start seeing a therapist again and in seriously thinking about medication but I'm just so terrified of it as the side effects freaked me out so much I only laste 5 days on them. I would love to hear others experiences with taking medications and pni in general sorry my post is so long