I had my baby 6 months ago and when he was born I had preeclampsia. I still have high blood pressure. Over the last 5 week I have had dizziness, foggy head some days really bad and I forget to do different things, blurred vision, headache and extreme tiredness. I have had blood tests and eye tests done which have all been normal. Has anyone else felt like this? I cry alot and worry what is wrong with me but in no way do I feel like I want to harm my baby so could it really be depression/anxiety? Thank you
Hi. Does this sound like postnatal depression/ ... - PNI ORG UK
Hi. Does this sound like postnatal depression/ anxiety? Dizziness, foggy head, blurred vision and headache?
Hi there
Yes that all sounds familiar! Have you talked this over with your doctor? Don't suffer in silence, get help now !! If you can find someone to look after your baby for a couple of hours don't do any work get as much rest as you can. If the baby sleeps you sleep. But you need help from your doctor.
I have been back and forth to the doctors over the past 5 weeks and they are not very supportive to be honest. I was constantly thinking about what was seriously wrong with me but they told me it was different symptoms they have put me on iron tablets because my iron is slightly low but not low enough to cause this dizziness. I will go back and see if they can give me medication and refer me to a councillor. Thank you for the reply. It's a bit of comfort to know it's not just me who has felt like this and maybe I'm not dying as I thought I was.

Hi charlhawk
It does certainly sound like your symptoms could be down to anxiety and post natal illness....have you discussed this with your gp or health visitor? The good news is it does get better with the correct help. You are more than welcome to visit our support site where you will find lots of help and support from ladies that have suffered or are currently suffering with pni. pni.org.uk
You sound very much like I did with pni. I was plagued with strange physical symptoms - blurry vision, sore eyes, sensitivity to light, exhaustion. The fogginess you mentioned was one of the worst symptoms for me. I felt completely detached as if I was deep in side myself looking out through someone else's eyes . I found out later that this is a well known depression symptom. Like you blood tests only showed mild anaemia which was the norm for me. Tbh these physical symptoms triggered my anxiety as I could not understand why I was feeling this way and became o sessed I was suffering from some terrible illness.
Pni has so a huge range of symptoms attached to it. Prior to falling myself I assumed new mums with pni would feel classically depressed; I never realised about all the other ones.
Do go to ur drs . With support whether that's talking therapies and or meds you will recover quicker. If ur able try and do some exercise . I found that helped hugely with the fogginessx
Hi I'm suffering from the same thing I just had a baby girl 2 months ago. I also had a spinal leak from the epidural but received a blood patch which helped with the headache but now I'm left with blurry vision,foggy brain, confusion, and random outburst of sadness and crying. I'm driving myself crazy I'm not sure if it's the spinal leak side effect or pni. I'm seeing a Dr on Monday hopefully a ct scan will happen to rule out any leaks.
Welcome! I'm so sorry you're struggling with these debilitating symptoms. I'm not a dr but know that many women incl me suffered from strange symptoms such as the ones you described. For me they preceded the horrendous anxiety as well. The turning point was antidepressant medication although I still had the ups and downs which are characteristic of PNI until I recovered.
on a positive note it's good that the physical symptoms have been investigated. Have you had any blood tests ? Thyroid issues can mimic depression symptoms.
Maybe try to treat PNI symptoms? For instance talking therapies work well , exercise if you're able to do it lifted the fogginess and endorphins give you that feel good feeling. Getting out and about and simply giving yourself some 'me' time can be positive .
Do keep talking - we really do understand how you feel x
I noticed you mentioned you had a puncture from your epidural. I had one almost 3 months ago. Also suffered these symptoms. They said it was from depression I went with it for about 6 weeks. Stopped taking the pills. I still have lots of back pain and get pressure in my head. I never had a blood patch done. Wondering if you had any info on the puncture and if a lingering headache and headache pressure while I'm certain positions or from that or something different.
The symptoms you're struggling with sound so debilitating especially difficult with a new born baby to look after.
There is another lady on here who believes her symptoms are from a spinal leak. She introduced me to a fantastic FB page called postpartum neurological issues - it's a closed group -with amazing ladies with varied physical symptoms.
Could you go to GP and suggest a spinal patch or at the very least a referral to specialist? X
Thanks for the reply. I will be sure to request for the group. I had a visit to the hospital they said very unlikely to be from the dura puncture 3 months later. A few friends I have spoke with who say they had similar symptoms turned out to be anemic and low b12. I got a rec for bloodwork to be done. I will keep you posted on the findings.
Hi kmcxox2
Definately keep me posted. Get your thyroid checked out too as apparently this can cause strange symptoms, but I imagine this would part of a full blood test. It's all bewildering ....
How are you getting on kmcxox2? X
all my bloodwork came back A1. been back to the doctor a few times. I have a build up of fluid in my ear so we are working on getting that in order. my symptoms have been slowly improving each week. my GP feels it is all leak related but says it's healing and these things can take some time. he doesn't feel we should do anything invasive right now and see where it goes.
There is a great FB page for women with symptoms like these post partum. I can send you the link if you like X
Hello rocky77. I know it's really hard to accept that foggy head and dizziness can be a symptom of pni. The blurred vision is scary I went to the eye clinic at the hospital where they can look behind your eyes and they said my eyes look perfectly healthy. I am going to see my doctor I just want to feel like my old self again. I'm a little apprehensive about the antidepressants because I go abroad two weeks Saturday and I've heard that not everyone suits the same tablet and have to change because of side effects. But at the same time I don't want to feel like this on holiday

Hi there
What happened to you? How r you doing these days? I m having same symptoms
Sorry i dont receive notifications when someone posts so sorry I didn't reply.
How are you getting on? Have there been any changes in symptoms? Are you getting any help from healthcare professionals?
Yeah, I have seen a heart dr and he prescribed me some meds which helps to calm down little bit. I have bad palpitation so I’m on those meds. My doc said I have to take them at least one month to months until I have no fear.
Do you have any other symptoms other than palpitations? Has this caused anxiety? Did this all start post natally.
In my case the physical symptoms then awful anxiety spiralled until I couldn't cope. I wish at the time I'd been offered counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy as I think it would ha e helped with the emotional side of the problem.
How long have you been struggling? X
I have been struggling with this for 7 months. My baby is 7 moths old now. My palpitations is getting better after taking the pill but still have this foggy and lightheadness. I have visited to a doc who gave me an antidepressant pill. I took the pill reluctantly which made me worse. My doc said it’s a side effect so I stopped talking the pill. After that, I have been having high BP and worse lightheadness. 😩 pleas say something if someone got diagnosed or got over from this awful symptoms.
Hi Sainaa
How are you feeling overall? Do you feel there has been any improvement?
Which antidepressant were you prescribed? Often with this type of medication you can feel worse for several weeks before you start to feel better. Of course if the side effects are intolerable then it's best not to take the type you're on. Often ladies find they have to try a couple of different types before they have one which works well for them.
What has dr said about the high bp and the light headedness. It's probably anxiety but physical symptoms should always be checked out by dr.
I felt awful just like you. I took antids and that worked for me. If you're feeling depressed and anxious perhaps try treating that with some sort of talking therapy - that can help hugely and may alleviate some of your symptoms .
I suffered from the foggy headedness - exercise can help hugely. Is there any chance you could try something? X
Thanks for replying!
Yes, I’m going to see my doc this Wednesday then we’ll discuss about other appropriate treatment for me. In the beginning I was believed it’s a hormone imbalance now I guess it’s something else right? Is it some kind of depression or what? Do you know from your experience? I’m guessing it could be concussion? That’s why having this dizziness?
My doc prescribed me Fluoxetine and olon
I'm not a health care practitioner but would say it's post natal as it started after your child was born and is continuing. As for triggers hormones can be a factor, exhaustion, traumatic birth, not feeling supported all at a time when you're quite vulnerable.
My own experience started when my child was 4 months old and went on for quite a while
Great to see you'll be visiting your dr. There are always alternatives. Would you consider talking therapy? Offloading can help hugely. Let me know how you get on X
It’s me again
Btw, have you heard from these ladies again? I’m just wondering how they are doing these days.
It says they named “Hiddin”
Hi Charlhawk
I felt the same. I couldn't believe my physical symptoms could be attributable to pni but they were. It's good you've had your eyes checked out so at least you know there is no other cause.
Where ru off to on ur hols? Enjoy! Maybe wait until you get back before you try the meds. It's quite normal to feel worse before you feel better.
I do so desperately wanted just to be myself again as its horrible feeling so pants. But I'm sure things will pick upx
Hi I had exactly the same thing as you, about 3 months after my baby was born I started to get what can only be described as a heavy head, dizziness, extreme tiredness and the worst thing was the worry that I was going to die. I was convinced that I was going to die and that my symptoms were signifying a brain tumour. The doctor sent me for a brain scan which added to my anxiety. Luckily the neurologist that I saw gave me a course of antidepressants. After id seen that there was nothing terrible in my brain I decided to give them a go. I only took them for a week and it seemed to be enough to snap me out of it. I suffered for about 3 months feeling like you do now. My baby is now 8 months and i'm expecting number 2 and scared that the same thing will happen again! its utterly terrifying! Are you feeling any better now?
Hi this is me currently now the same symptoms and feelings.. How are you now?
Welcome Thuwaiba!
What sort of emotions are you having? Have you had any tests? X
Yea I did blood work was normal..started feeling this way after my daughter turned 3 months..dizziness under my feet blocked ear tiredness n nervous all the time.. Wondering if I will ever feel normal again
Its horrendous isn't it? My symptoms started when my middle son was 4 months old - weird physical symptoms which spiralled into anxiety.
What does your dr think? How did you feel for first three months?
For me the turning point were antidepressants - most of the symptoms lifted quite quickly though the anxiety did turn to depression and some of the physical symptoms would return periodically. It's hard to imagine this was attributable to PNI but it was.
How old is your baby now?
Thank you for the reply Emily. I don't feel any better but I'm just waiting for an appointment with the neurologist. I feel the same full of worry about what it is. Everytime I look at my baby I just want to cry. Did you have any headaches and foggy head at all? I'm glad you got better fingers crossed same will happen for me. Congrats and I'm sure you will know the warning signs better with number 2 and not worry as much. X

Yep I had the headaches and foggy head and I also had these terrifying scitilating scotomas (however you spell it) which is essentially where your vision goes totally fuzzy for about 10 minutes. I was absolutely convinced that I was going to die and leave my little baby without a mother. When I used to pick him up i couldn't focus my eyes on him and felt so dizzy I had to put him down. They kept testing me for all the minor things like low iron and everything kept coming back ok which made me even more convinced I was going to die. I spent hours and hours trawling the internet for anyone who had experienced the same thing as me but no one seemed to fit everything that I had, it drove me mad. I could barely get out of bed in the morning . When the health visitor tested me for PND she said that shed never heard of anyone who had the same symptoms as me, which worried me more. I never thought that I would feel better but the irony of it is that its the worry and the fear that is making you feel that way and once you actually believe you're not going to die it gets better. I refused to believe this until I had my brain scan. Are you having a scan? You will be fine. Nothing that you are describing is actually the sign of anything horrible....(don't worry I didn't believe it either!)
I also see black floating dots a lot. It doesn't help either that I've found a lump on the back of my head this week that does look and feel like a big spot but it's scaring me more. Well that's it when I read about postnatal depression and how it's supposed to make you depressed and angry and not want to do anything I think I don't feel like that I just feel I want to desperately get better and I want to do things but like you say
getting up is a struggle never mind getting out and about. Supermarkets and shopping malls are bad for me I feel so dizzy there. I don't know, the doctor says the neurologist will decide whether or not to scan me. I hope they do so that hopefully I will see there's really nothing there. I go to Ibiza tomorrow too on holiday such a shame I feel like this. Hope my appointment is soon after I get back too. Feel a bit better though just knowing you had the same awful symptoms and you are better now. X
The supermarket thing is exactly the same, I just couldn't handle it at all, I wasn't sure if it was the strobe lighting but I think in reality it was just all the people around. I was the same, I wasn't angry just desperate to get better and enjoy my baby. Don't worry about the lump its your mind playing tricks on you, I thought I'd got a tumour in my nose because my nose felt funny......in reality that's just what my nose feels like but when you're in the depths of worrying you think it must be something. I also made myself believe that my epidural had caused permanent neurological damage. I had so many top ups but my epidural didn't numb the pain at all so id convinced myself that something had gone horribly wrong. How did yours start? I was just sitting in the lounge one day and my head started to feel really heavy like there was pressure pulling it down. How old is your baby? Did you have a little boy or girl?
Hopefully they scan you to put your mind at ease!
I've had the pain up the nose too, think I've had pains pretty much everywhere though to be honest since this started. Mine started one Saturday about 10 weeks ago now I was just sat playing with my baby boy and I just knew
something didn't feel right mine started by pain in my chest. When I had josh I had to be induced and josh was only 4
pound n they told me I had preeclampsia but my blood pressure stayed high and was on 4 really strong tablets and I thought I'm having an heart attack. Then the next day I can remember ironing and I felt extremely tired like completely exhausted. Then 2 days later I had pressure in my head, I had black floating spots in vision and headache. It just went from there. I had some days where I felt a bit more normal and some where I've felt so foggy headed and confused I've forgot to change his nappy and all sorts. Seem to be around the time of my period and the week after it's worse. My baby is 7 months old now. How far along are you? Do you know if it's a boy or a girl? You are so brave having another so soon after the first. Thank you I'll let you know how I get on x

I have a baby boy called Rupert, he's 7 months too, born on 17th Oct. I'm 4 months so haven't found out if its a boy or girl but hoping for a girl! I really wish id found someone else that this had happened too when I had it! Do you find you look everything upon the internet and it confirms your worst fears!? Try your best to forget about it while you are on holiday, it really is the only way it gets better! x

Hey ! I know it's been 2 years later hopefully you see this ! I've had all the same symptoms as you like exactly ! I've had brain scans and blood test which all came back normal ! I just wanna ask how are u feeling now did the antidepressants work ?!
Josh was born on 21st so quite close together. I know been comforting talking to you. Yes I've googled it lots nothing quite fits
all the symptoms but yes it does list everything you don't want to read. Thank you I will try x
hi,I know this post has been made 3 months ago but im hoping you are still active.i have all the exact symptoms that you have mentioned dizziness,off balance,blurred and fuzzy vision,headache,stiff neck and shoulders and more .my baby is now 8 months and I have some good days when i see the light at the end if the tunnel and a lot of bad days that im convinced im dying.I have had all kinds of test including ctscan just to rule out anything scary all test were normal.Im hoping you might know how to overcome this post partum anxiety as my psychiatrist diagnosed me
Omg these are all my symptoms too!! Along with ringing in the ears!! But iv also had to have glasses. My son is 7 months. With my first baby I was convinced he'd get hurt or sick and now it seems with my second I'm the one left feeling like I'm dying... I'm now convinced I have lyme disease because of my symptoms and remember being bitten by a small spider (maybe tick) 4 months ago now... is it all in my head? Am I going mad I don't even know anymore
I suffered with physical symptoms like the ones you've described and became obsessed that I had done horrific illness . In fact the physical symptoms preceded the emotional / mental ones . Also after lots of tests my dr and I came to. The conclusion it was pni.
For me antids were the turning point . Slowly my anxiety lifted as did my physical symptoms . Probably had I not taken meds things would have improved but much slower.
Are you taking antids? Of huge benefit was exercise. Sine days I would feel foggy headed lethargic and would come out of an exercise class feeling normal ! Also practising relaxation techniques helped hugely as after a time of feeling anxious tensing up becomes second nature so things like breathing exercises can help hugely .
How do u feel ur doing ? Has there been any improvements since ur baby was born ? Do you have help and support ?
I'm glad I have someone who knows exactly how I feel!!I'm having a hard time explaining to people the things I go through everyday cause for them I look normal.I took some anti depressants but only for a short time helped me a bit. I will try exercise hope it works I love my baby so much and I feel guilty that I cant be the hands on all around mom I want to be because of this thing I'm feeling.Im hoping I get out of this funk and yeah you're right it is horrific!
Hi would you go back to your dr? Antids can be really helpful but can take a while to kick in and you have to generally take them for at least 6 months after feeling better. Can I ask why you stopped?
Don't feel guilty ! This is a horrible illness and the demands of a baby are tough! Remember to think of yourself toox
Hi how have u been? Did u get back to drs? Do u know what u were prescribed ? I just ask as with most antids you need to take them for at least 6 mths after feeling better and then slowly wean urself off them.
Hi how have u been? Did u get back to drs? Do u know what u were prescribed ? I just ask as with most antids you need to take them for at least 6 mths after feeling better and then slowly wean urself off them.
Hi how have u been? Did u get back to drs? Do u know what u were prescribed ? I just ask as with most antids you need to take them for at least 6 mths after feeling better and then slowly wean urself off them.
Hi, could you tell me more about your foggy feeling? I feel like I am drunk a lot of the time. Like weirdly detached or something. It’s so hard to explain. I’m 10 months pp and this has been going on for 7 months.
Hi... I’m pretty new to the board but totally know what you are saying about the feeling of being “drunk” and detached! I have had the same feelings consistently!!
Me too! I’m from the US and happened across this board. Have you taken medication for yours? I was but thought maybe they were causing me to feel that way so I stopped them and it all got worse so I went back on last week. It’s so hard to deal with feeling so weird all the time
Yes- I’m from the US too! Went through so many tests bc I was so scared.. but everything was ok.. then anxiety built up bad bc I was afraid I was going to discover something major was wrong with me.. I posted something on the main board a few months back with more details on how I was feeling. No meds for me but was on the verge of taking anti anxiety medication as I heard so many good things about it working with so many other woman! Im trying to work on it on my own :/ how many babes do you have?
I’m from Texas!
I have two, a 4 y/o and a 10 month old. All of this started right around the time my youngest was 3 months. Most of my anxiety is focused around feeling so weird. I’m always thinking that “what if I’m stuck like this forever” or “what if the meds don’t work” etc. it’s exhausting
How many do you have and how long has this gone on for you?
I’m from NY! I hear you.. it’s so exhausting and I would sit there body checking and focusing on the weird feelings.. I went to so many doctors... it’s was scary.. same with me.. was fine with my first who is now 3 and it all started a few months into having my second! I think I was really run down and exhausted... ! My daughter is now 20 months and im still on and off with the detached feeling which is the worst for me but I have been on the ups since I finally mentally feel like I’m accepting it to be anxiety/exhausting mama!
What exactly are you feeling? It’s good to talk about it! Feel free to private message me if there is an option for that on here if that’s easier !
Welcome ryri2013!
So pleased you’re improving! Acceptance really helped my recovery. Really do try exercise as that can help hugely. It’s a cruel illness and who would have thought hormones could create such symptoms.
Do you get any time for yourself?
Thank you! Well I’m starting back at work in the fall and I think that might help things. I need to do more on my own without having he Mom guilt!
I think I read that you got pregnant with another after all of this. How was it for that pregnancy? Did the anxiety get worse or did it not hit!? I would love another but I just don’t want to be back where I was or worse!
Going back to work helped me hugely as it was a welcome distraction from my worries plus I could have adult conversation . I told my boss my issues, had a phased return which worked well.
You shouldn’t feel guilty about doing things for yourself at all ! You deserve to! Imagine doing any job 24/7 no matter how wonderful it would be draining. Think of a little bit of time for you as an investment into your wellbeing . Do you have any interests or hobbies? Was there anything you fancied trying out?
I was always worried about falling ill with a subsequent baby. My PNI I think was triggered by a few different things - previous miscarriages so I was quite stressed during pregnancy, health worries about my eldest son which heightened post birth of my second child, having unrealistic expectations about being a perfect mum, feeling I had to compete with some other friends which meant physically I ran myself into the ground. So with my third child I really made a point of napping, I’d let the house go and really tried to look after myself . Fortunately this was sufficient for me to keep well but I was always mindful of PNI returning and would have seemed help much quicker. Forewarned is forearmed !
Are you thinking of another child? X
I was so happy to find this thread. I am 7 months pp with a 2&3 year old as well. Lately I’ve been feeling so strange. The best way for me to describe it is the way you feel when you get off the ride at a fair. I can’t concentrate, sometimes say a wrong word and/or can’t remener something simple! I feel like I’m losing it. I do have the fear of a brain tumor but after reading all of these posts I’m feeling a little less anxious!
Welcome JRWW
It sounds as if you ha e do much on your plate with 3 children . Do you get much of a break? Is there any chance you could have an evening child free to do something you enjoy to recharge your own batteries.
I too worried about brain tumour - veryvery unlikely to be anything sinister and probably more continuous tiredness however do speak to your dr. Anaemia, thyroid imbalances can trigger symptoms .
I used to feel spaced out or deep inside myself with a feeling of dizziness as if I were on a boat. It’s horrible and for me was the worst symptom not least because no one initially could tell me what it was !
Keep talking x
Welcome Jdjsjs
My symptoms started when my middle son was 4 months old - at first it was probs with eyes but then I noticed I felt very spaced out continuously as if I was deep inside myself and my body was a shell. Everything seemed off through my field of vision but I couldn’t specify what it was. I was visited by a psychiatric nurse who said this detachment is a depression symptom. Up until then no one could give me an explanation and since many women seem to suffer from this symptom which for me was the most distressing and really made my anxiety spiral .
All physical symptoms should be checked out by dr. I’m uk based - I had quite a few blood tests , I saw numerous eye specialists , and paid to see a neurologistwho thought I was having panic attacks (I think) and largely ignored me . All negative! Ladies’ insurers in USA seem more prepared to refer them for mri scans.
Did anything trigger these symptoms?
Recovery for me started with antidepressants which I took after 5 months out of desperation as my mental health had plummeted by then . Most of the physical symptoms including detachment went but the spaced out feeling would return often with pmt. the anxiety disappeared but turned into depression . It did last sometime but I did recover and had another child.
Other things that helped were eating healthily, sleeping well, exercise boosted me hugely - I remember going in to classes like aerobics very depressed or spaced out and would come out normal. I can’t emphasise enough how this helped. Finding support too - I found pni.org.uk which I now run it was amazing for free non judgmental support.
Keep talking x
I've been prescribed setraline and rivotril.I still have not returned to the doctor as I am still waiting for my husband to come home from abroad cause he works there.Although I have been feeling a bit better this past few days except for the pressure in the eyes and dizziness and loss of balance when I carry the baby and when it's hot.I really hope this is nothing serious because I have been feeling like crap for 8 months now
Hi how r u? When is ur husband back? It'll be good if ur husband is around to help out when u start the meds . Do go to drs for reassurance . I felt rubbish for months without respite and in my case the meds helped massively with the physical symptoms . It's hard to imagine hormones can affect ur body in this way. It's always good to get physical symptoms checked out as for instance thyroid issues can also cause weird symptoms.
Keep talking x
hi thanks my husband works abroad and I guess my physical symptoms started when he left and I was always anxious and started googling symptoms.Now I feel a bit better knowing I'm not alone and I'm not dying.I'll be going back to the doctor this week and hoping i'll continue to take the meds and all this physical symptoms disappear.ill keep you updated and will also try to help other women experiencing this
How r u doing ?x
Im so glad iv found this discussion. I have 8 month old twins and iv been suffering with physical symptoms since about 6 weeks after they were born. Iv been through so much worry that iv got a serious illness. Iv had a MRI which is clear and the neurologist has said its postnatal anxiety. The symptoms iv had are feeling unsteady on my feet, aching arm, twitches and foggy head and pressure. I'm trying to listen to what he has said and take some reassurance from that but its hard when iv never experienced this before. I'm waiting on seeing my doctor now who I think will prescribe antids. Did any of you get rid of all your symptoms, will be great to hear from you
the unsteady feeling does it feel like you lost balance?that is how i feel like your kinda drunk?I have been feeling this way for 9 months although if I look back my symptoms where way worse than what im feeling now.I have been diagnosed also with post natal anxiety and as what they say to me it will get better once the anti d kicks in.
Yes it does feel like when you are drunk and I'm really concious of ever step I take. Thanks for your reply its reassuring to know yourssymptoms arent as bad. It's crazy to think postnatal things can do this to you.
hi how is everybody doing?
Just found this discussion and know how you feel! I've been suffering with anxiety, a foggy head, insomnia which has more recently developed in to depression. It started when my daughter was about 1 (she's 3 next month). I've been on all sorts of pills but I feel increasingly worse, the foggy head is now with me 24/7. Waiting for CBT at the moment
Hi i know this post was 3yrs ago but do u still get the foggy head?

Hi Lisa
Howling have you been struggling for ? How old is your baby? The foggy feeling was one of the worst symptoms for me - it did lift as I started to recover but would return periodically? Do you have any other symptoms?
Hi ive had anxiety/panic attacks for 7 months now. But for the past 2 months ive been fine. But i have this brain fog that comes every month. But this past 3 weeks it has come & go. Im also 6 months pregnant ive started taken my fluoxetine 20mg again this past 5 days now which has helped abit thanks for replying
Ive also depression

Are you getting any talking therapy or anything thing to help with the anxiety/depression.?
The foggyness is apparently a depression and anxiety symptom. I found exercise really helped - I inow you're pregnant so must take it easy but perhaps try and go for brisk walk . I know it's not a cure all but can help.
Even though I was in antids this symptom would come and go - pmt, tiredness could all be triggers x
Im an appointment sumtime in march i cant wait 2 go. Does it ever go away?

Don't lose hope! It took me a while with ups and downs and it was a hard journey but I did recover.
Atm your hormones will be all over the place which can make it feel like there's no end to it all. Try and work out if there are triggers and have strategies in place to try and smoother things out. Tiredness was a huge factor for me so when I had my child after the one I got Pni with, I did everything I coukd to rest as much as possible.
Cbt should be good for learning coping strategies and negative thought patterns. Really hope it helps. Other things like relaxation techniques can help too - mindfulness , yoga etc . You tube them there's loads of stuff out there x
Yeah my doc thinks its my horomes playing up. Im back on my fluoxetine so the brain fog comes every 4 weeks so im getting a break from the fog! Im wild for negitave thinking & im always thinking about the fog even wen it isnt there im wild for thinking 2 much lol but im goin 2 talk 2 mental health soon so hopefully it will help me thanks for the reply how long did it take for u 2 get clear frm the fog? X

I think it lifted within a few weeks of starting antids but would return from time to time - pmt tiredness illness etc . Hopefully once your meds kick in it'll go x
I was on fluoxetine an it lifted ryt away but after 4 weeks it came back so i wen off the meds thinking it was them & it came back so im back on fkuoxetine 5 days an it has lifted it but ive an odd feeling in my head :/ im hopeing the fog goes away completely wen i have the baby. How are you now? X

You can feel worse initially on meds then it can take time - se vreal months for them to work fully.
I found even in meds you ha e ups and downs and the foggiheadedness would return from time to time. Ups and downs are a normal if not horrible part of recovery x
Ok il keep taken them thank you x

Do keep in touch with dr for advice on the meds and whether they're working .
How has the pregnancy been in general x
The pregnancy has been good i feel alot better with the fuzzy head 2 day so defo think the tablets r helping x

That's good news. Is there a specific care plan in place for you for pregnancy and post birth? Are you getting consultant care? X
Im only 6 half months pregnant. I go 2 docs & hospital appointment. Im getting c section/seralised i think 17th june x

That's good you're being looked after. June isn't far away! X
I know roll on lol xx

How are you doing Lisa36? X
Feel awful im back on fluoxetine. I just cant get rid of this foggy feeling how r u? X

Oh poor you - the foggy headedness was the symptom I struggled the most with - it was horrible and always there.
Hopefully a week or so and you'll feel better.
All ok with me - need some sun x
Ano its so awful i hope & pray it goes away wen i have my baby. Im back on fluoxetine 11 days its helped a little but it comes an goes thru out the day every day glad ur doin ok x

It should improve as the meds kick in - it can take several weeks. Is there anything that helps lift the fog? X
The fog isnt 2 bad 2 day but naffin helps on the meds. Im maybe thinking its 2 do with the pregnancy? X

What does dr think? Pregnancy and it's hormonal changes can definately impact on mental health - perhaps it's made you more anxious which has triggered the foggyness or vice versax
I think the foggness came 1 month b4 the pregnancy wen i started taken anxiety/panic attacks but they have wen away so the foggness is still these. The doc thinks it cud be the pregnancie :/ x

I'm not a healthcare practitioner so can't say . Perhaps the panic attacks and anxiety triggered the foggyness then the pregnancy worsened it ? I was told by a cpn that this is a depression/anxiety symptom. In my case it seemed to precede the anxiety but I was absolutely exhausted by everything .
The main thing is that you're recovering - take it easy and look after yourself x
I was thinking that myself im always thinking about the fog so im gona try not 2 an hopefully it goes away. I forgot bout the anxiety/attacks & they went away so fingers crossed thank you & take care x

In my experience it did take some time for the foggy feeling to go away - it would come back with pmt, illness, tiredness and stress but it does lessen in time. If you can work out triggers, then trying to avoid them as much as you can , will help x
I think im same. Mine used 2 come every month but as my pregnancy grows its coming more the fuzzy head is gone 2 day but my head feels heavy did u get this? X
Hi rocky my heads clear for now lol where you on any meds for the brain fog? X

I was prescribed antidepressants (citalopram) more for the emotional side effects. I suffered from the worsening physical symptoms which seemed to trigger awful anxiety and depression and after 4 months I was a mess so out of desperation took them. The brain fog cleared fairly quickly with in a month but would return with pmt, tiredness, illness or stress.
Really pleased it's disappeared - as long as it's heading in that direction overall it sounds positive X
I was on them for a month then i found out i was 4 weeks preg & thats wen i got the brain fog. I started them wen i got the anxiety/attacks then wen i found out i was preg the doc took me off them an put me fluoxetine an after 4 weeks the same thing happened with brain fog but clear within a week then i wen off them for 8 weeks an the brain fog was mostly everyday lyk wen i had low blood pressure it came bk ect x

How are you doing? Hope you're continuing to feel better. Did Drs think the brain fog was caused by low blood pressure? X
Yes im getting better but i know in a months time it will be back. My doc thinks its the pregnancy im not so sure i think of my child hood past alot in i think that has sumthin 2 do with it altho i had a good up bringing gud parents just a thing or 2 happened in ive been thinking bout it alot but the health anxiety/attacks brought it on how are you? X

Hey I'm crazy busy thanks - sometimes feels as if my head will explode! But ok though!
Your childhood stuff - do you want to talk about it here - no pressure though. It's common for stuff to resurface during antenatal or post natal period . Would you consider counselling or something similar? It can help although can feel rough to begin withx
Yes ive an appointment for next monday. X

Good luck with the appt - is it for counselling. It can be tough especially initially but can help you move forward . X
Im not sure this my first appointment mental health thank you x

Often you're assessed at the first apptx
Wat happens? Ive waited near 8 months on this appointment! Nyt mare x

7 months is rubbish ! But that's NHS - I waited 2 yrs!
At my first appt the counsellor asked about my symptoms how I was etc. I was in some respects recovered but had relationship issues so I got 10 sessions of counselling x
Its awful the waiting time! X

Yes it is especially when you could do with it now. It might be worth phoning to up to see if the my ha e cancellations. I don't know what your financial situation is like but perhaps could you afford to pay privately? Sessions are usually £35-£55 x
I did ring them 2 weeks ago an still waiting on them getting back 2 me lol but i see them on monday which isnt 2 bad x

That's good. Let me know how you get on x
I will thank you x

How did your appt go? X
It went ok i go for councelling in 4 weeks x

Glad it went well - do you know what sort of programme you're going to follow? X
No she just said i have low mood past trama / anxiety x

Hopefully this will be targeted in the sessions and really help you. Happy Easter! X
Thank you same to you x

How are you Lisa36? Hope life is good x
I havent been 2 bad i havent had brain fog in 6 weeks so fingers crossed but ive had weired feeling in the head but i can cope with that im hopeing it will go away wen babys born & also the headaches how r you? Xx

That sounds so positive. How many weeks are you now? What's this weird head sensation like? How long have you had that? X
Ive had that from the fog wen the brain fog goes away i get these headaches coming an goin but thers this odd feeling in my head i cant explain it im thinking its my horomes? Im 30 +1 x

The feeling is it a physical sensation or one where you sort of feel out of it and not here?
Wow it's the final push! How are you feeling in yourself? Must be quite tiring at 30 weeks! X

Hi Lisa36
Just wondering how you're feeling? X
Hi i havent been 2 bad but i never took my tablets for 2 days & my head was abit fuzzy! I defo think its the horomes lol im hopeing wen the babys born i can get off the tablets. I havnt had the brain fog in 9 weeks thank god how r u keeping? Xx

Missing days off meds can do that! Especially in the early days . Just be careful coming off meds too early - it can make you blip quite badly. For most they say at least 6 months of feeling good before withdrawal. Saying that I don't know if it's any different during pregnancy etc .
Great to hear you've not had the gig for over 2 months. It's so debilitating.
I'm fine thx - tired and sooo cold! Hate this weather! Xxx
Im defo gona stay on the tablets for at least 6 months! I know im so glad it hasnt come back. Im just hopeing it doesnt come back wen i do go off the tablets lol where abouts are u from? Xx

Come off the meds slowly - my dr made a plan for me for tapered reduction. Some weeks I felt it was a bit too much so I'd stay on a particular dose for an extra week or two. If you're not breast feeding I was advised to take vit B and evening primrose supplements to help counteract any withdrawal side effects .
How's the pregnancy going?
I live in Surreyx
I was fluoxetine for 8 weeks b4 an my doc just told me 2 stop them i was fine but the fuzzy head came bk after 8 weeks so thats y im bk on them. I think its the horomes thats doin it :/ my doc thinks so an mental health thinks so awel but wen im on them longer il get 10mls in the liquid 2 come off then im frm belfast. The pregnancys been great x

Love Belfast! In fact love N Ireland. My ex was from there so have been many times!
So good to hear your pregnancy is going well. It's very exciting - even for me and I've never met you!
It sounds like there's a robust plan in place for your care postnatally too which is fantastic and will go a long way in helping you x

Hi Lisa! I had the foggiest head for almost 2 years. I sometimes could not even figure out where I was going. The fog has I would say 85% lifted for me, but it has taken a lot of trial and error. I am still off balance, but I am able to complete tasks pretty efficiently, and have no problem with directions. I still forget things, and have to think a wee bit harder to get things done, but overall I would say 85% better. Through my studies, I found out that I was gluten and dairy intolerant. Cutting these helped a lot- I also did a food allergy test which reveiled other foods, which I now avoid. I also had Avery tramatic birth, post party eclampsia, thyroditis and depression, so being treated for these has helped too. I also think I had what they call post party depletion, so I have been supplementing vitamins, yoga and eating healthy. Please feel free to email me. Emily.hunnersen@hotmail.com
Keep us posted
Hi Emmiesh
Great you found a solution - I think it can be different for everyone - that's both the cause of symptoms and the cure but either way hugely frustrating not to know why you feel so well. It's really positive that you're so much better. X
Hi thanks for the reply i dont think my fog had anything 2 do with me eatting dairy ect mine all started wen i started taken panic attacks/anxiety im glad ur feeling better x
Hi Ness
Sorry for late reply. How r u doing?
I too was plagued with odd physical symptoms postnataly which turned into horrendous anxiety. Later after some of the physical symptoms abated due to antids I was left with residual depression.
Can I ask what drs have said re foggiheadedness etc? I ask as no one initially commented on it . Later on a cpn specialising in pnd said that was a common depression symptom.
Cbt is great in combatting negative thinking patterns so I hope that helps. Keep talkingx
Hi JB Cuison
How r u doing? I think u started on antids a while back. Have they helped?x
hi i feel better now.The dizziness waned now and is not as worse as before.I really can't believe that ppd or ppa can give u such horrendous symptoms.I now can go to malls and not feel as tired as before.I am also taking fish oil as it also helps with depression as my doctor said.All in all this experience I never want to experience again.
as for the fish oil please2x go to your doctors first before taking it.Have everything checked first to rule out anything.I also took anti di and when my doctor was slowly weaning me off it he recomnended I take it at night.thank you!for all the women suffering this there is hope
I've just come across this thread and I have all the same symptoms, heavy /light headed ness, weird vision, back /neck pain and headaches. My baby is 4 months old and it started when he was three weeks, I've also recently started getting pins and needles all over my body, has anyone else experienced this?
I have had all of the above symptoms for the past few weeks and unlike all I did not just have a baby .after visits to the dr mri and every test under the son I ended up in an ent specialist where I received testing for my inner ear .viola!!! Inner ear inflammation causing all symptoms especially major anxiety. Definitely worth checking out .cN be caused by a virus ,injury to ear or stress to body .i do know of a few that this has happened to after pregnancy as well..can take a couple of months to go away ..hope this will help some of u .good luck
Hi there! I know this post is 3 years ago but hoping you will see it again. How did go your symptom? And how r you feeling now? I'm having exactly same symptoms as yours. I'm 4 months pp. please say something. Thank you!
Hi Sainaa,
I had these symptoms at a very similar time to you and I remember this being such a frightening time but they do ease off... my advice would be to keep yourself busy whilst also making sure you take some time out for yourself. I never got a clear diagnosis of what mine were but they do gradually get better x
Hi Sainaa
I'm sorry you're struggling with these symptoms. Have you been to see your dr? Have you had any tests? When did this start ?
Weird physical symptoms started when my baby was 4 months old and my mental health plummeted quickly after. Hormonal changes can trigger these things it's always best to get physical symptoms checked out as sometimes there could be other causes - thyroid imbalances can do this too x
Hi there
Mine started in 5 days after my c-section. It's getting a little better than the very first time but still so worry about it. It's so annoying. I supposed to enjoy with my LO but this thing bothers me. I run all kind of tests and those came back normal. Even I did CT and all kinds of heart tests too. My dr says its hormone imbalance it must take some time to recover. I know lot of new mothers who around me and they don't have these kind of symptoms. I can only find it from Internet basically propel like you. You know what I mean? I'm having anxiety that it would go pop up again like the very first time 😟. I was advised to take a yoga class and I'm taking it and it's not bad so far. I'm crossing my fingers. Sorry I'm not a native speaker so there could be some mistakes 😜
Hi Sainaa
Your English is excellent! I'm part of a face group group for women suffering for these strange symptoms. Did you have a spinal epidural? Some believe this causes the symptoms you're struggling with. Others believe it's hormones.
It's positive you've had a lot of tests and have ruled out other causes. Do your symptoms retirn at times?
Thank you for the compliment!
No I didn't have epidural. I had GA which is just put mask and IV. Yeah, I heard and read about that from my search, too. They said that maybe epidural is causing some spinal leakage or something.
One more thing is when I close to my period it fluctuate a lot. Now, I feel like it gets better as time goes by. In my opinion, it relates to my brain too coz when I have bad thoughts or fear it gets worse.
I'm no expert but it does sound hormonal if you're getting relapse which coincides with pmt. why some of us are plagued by physical symptoms post natally - I don't know.
I was physical and mentally in a dreadful place so my dr put me on citalopram which worked really well. My physical symptoms largely eased off quite quickly but my anxiety turned into depression and some of the physical symptoms would return with pmt, illness or tiredness.
It's really positive things are improving for you albeit slowly which can be very frustrating. Exercise helped me hugely - perhaps try that? X
Hi know this is an old post but wondered how everyone is? Rocky77 your symptoms are same as myn I feel spaced out not in the room, heavy head & poor concentration feel like I'm starring into space a lot like my brain has shut down.
What anti,d,s were u on & how long before u we're feeling better?
Feel like I'm going insane with this horrible feeling in my head, I can't believe this is all caused from pnd x
Hi Bolts123 and welcome
I'm really sorry you're struggling with these awful symptoms - they are so debilitating .
I'm assuming you've had a baby fairly recently - when was that?
If I'm honest I wasn't especially happy finding life hard with two children and put a lot of pressure on myself. However my physical symptoms preceded any anxiety and like you I couldn't believe for ages that they were linked to having a baby.
My GP put me on citalopram I by this point I was a wreck, initially 10 mg then upped to 20mg. I don't know why she chose this one but after an initial period of 2-3 weeks of feeling worse things started to improve in terms of mood , the foggiheadedness lifted as did many of my other symptoms. The anxiety which appeared not long after disappeared but turned into depression when I had 'blips' - periods when you feel worse. This is 'normal of the recovery process but hard.
Have you been to see your GP? Is there a diagnosis? Did you also suffer from anxiety/depression? X
Hi yes seen gp I'm on sertraline 50mg good for anxiety to?
Can you explain fogginess??
I'm struggling to find the words to describe how my head is feeling?
Did you feel zoned out, I hate feeling so sad we're on holiday in Devon & trying my best to be happy for my kids.
I have twin boys 4 and my little girl is 6 weeks old!
How did they diagnose what u had by your symptoms? X
I was told by a psychiatric nurse (therefore I'm assuming she knew what stress talking about) that the foggyness was a well known depression symptom.
I felt as if I wasn't here or really deep inside myself and my body wasn't my own.
It's so hard to be 'happy' when you feel so rubbish, isn't it? How long have you been on meds? You can feel worse for several weeks then hopefully you should start to improve.
I was diagnosed with pnd . At the time I felt my awful physical symptoms led to horrendous anxiety mainly because I felt so unwell and no one could diagnose me. It got to the point I could t do anything, felt so ill, couldn't eat/sleep. It was more because of the emotional stuff that my diagnosis was based on . My GP did refer me for tests though for the physical stuff - all came back normal.
The meds really did help me. Exercise was amazing in lifting that foggyness and general mood. I know you're old six weeks post partum but maybe give that a go too x
Thanks for replying so quickly, what tests did u have done?
How long would u say it took for the feeling to go away once meds kicked in?
Did u say u had cbt?
That's how I feel that my symptoms have made me depressed but I guess that how it works your body & mind fighting to work so hard with lack of sleep ect just gives up!!
I'm on day 9 of meds hoping they kick in soon, I do feel slightly brighter than 9 days ago so guessing there taking effect?? X
Hi Bolts 123
Just wondering how you are doing on the meds?x
Hi thanks for asking my mood feels a bit better been crying a lot!!
Still have this heavy fuzzy head did that take a while to lift ? It's still worrying me that I have something else
Just resting at mo! I feel scared that I'm not going to feel like me again x
I felt like you too - the fear that I was stuck with these symptoms for life.
I guess you've been on meds for 2 weeks - give another two . It can take several months for meds to kick in properly but hopefully you'll be feeling much better by then.
I was told the fuzzy head can be a depression symptom ! X
Great news you're feeling brighter. Really hoping you've turned that corner.
Re tests I had the full blood count plus cortisol (stress hormone), thyroid levels. All normal. I also saw numerous eye specialists , neurologist ent specialist and had ct scan of sinuses - all ok. That was the frustrating thing - no one could say why I felt the way I did.
How are you today? Do you ha e any time just for yourself? X
I didn't have cbt although wish I had. I was taught a couple of techniques which I found really good .
After recovering I had counselling (v long wait list) . By that time I was ok really but had relationship issues and basically I wasn't ready to challenge that. It's good to offload though and discuss why you feel the way you do and look at coping strategies etc to make you feel better x
My baby is 2 months and the same has been happening to me after I had my baby I started feeling dizzie foggy my head was hurting my neck they told me I had preeclampsia my high blood pressure started to go up they had run every single test there normal I don’t know was going on with me they told me the high blood pressure would go away in a couple of weeks and I still have it is this ever going to go away
i there! I'm going through exact same thing, have you get out of yours? what did you do/take. please reply.
Hi fattia I thought I’d replied to you ! What symptoms are you suffering with? Have you been to Drs. This time of life can bring with it horrible physical symptoms - I had this - eye issues, feeling exhausted, not realkyvwith it .
I can give you some pointers to help you ?