Dizziness and foggy feeling in head for 6 weeks - PNI ORG UK


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Dizziness and foggy feeling in head for 6 weeks

Bilonze profile image
25 Replies

I've been feeling ill for 6 weeks now, constantly dizzy and tired, no energy or motivation to do anything I had lost my appetite too which caused me to end up in hospital over Christmas. I got my eating back on track and although I'm eating properly again I'm still feeling unwell. I started feeling really low a week ago due to feeling unwell and started having suicidal thoughts. My gp prescribed me mirtazapine which I take at night to help me sleep better which is helping me sleep but still wake up feeling dizzy. While in hospital I had lots of blood tests and everything was normal, my heart rate was in the 120s was 150 at one point but managed to get it down again. I do have a history of overactive thyroid but my levels have been normal for several months now so isn't that. I'm finding the slightest thing difficult at the moment like doing the school run, I used to be able to do it fine with no worries but wasn't able to do it for over a month due to feeling weak, dizzy and nauseous but now when I think about doing the school run I get really nervous and feel like I'm going to be sick then my heart starts racing and I panic thinking I'm going to be sick while doing the school run (I have a fear of being sick) I never used to have these worries before but now it's like it's taking over my life. I was convinced I had cancer or some serious underlying condition that health professionals haven't picked up on but my gp said he doesn't believe there is anything wrong with me and that it's all in my mind which is making me ill. I just feel really fuzzy in my head and like I've got a pressure feeling by both ears and constantly dizzy yet no ear problems. I think it's all to do with anxiety and depression. I've been getting some headaches too. I just want to feel "normal" again and be back to how I was last year it just feels like I'm never going to be better :( I'm only on day 4 of taking mirtazapine so don't feel better yet but is there any hope? I'm just so fed up with feeling like this :(

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Bilonze profile image
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25 Replies
rocky77 profile image


I'm so sorry you're struggling with these odd yet so very debilitating symptoms.

I'm assuming you're post partum? How old is your baby?

My post natal illness started when my baby was 4 months old with very similar symptoms to yours and as in your case all tests were normal yet I felt exhausted, I had visual disturbances headaches bum patches tingling patches over my body. Anxiety quickly crept in to the point I could t eat/sleep leave the house and function in general.

Antidepressants turned my life around. It can take time for them to kick in and you can feel worse for a few weeks but fingers crossed things will lift.

Are you getting any other support fro friends family doctor? X

Bilonze profile image
Bilonze in reply to rocky77

Hi rocky77 thanks for your reply! The strange thing is I haven't just had a baby, my youngest child is 4 years old. It's like all this fear and these symptoms just come on suddenly out the blue. Just thinking about doing simple things like the school run causes me to panic and worry incase I throw up on the way and then I feel sick overthinking that fear! I never had these fears before it's awful :( just thinking of leaving my bedroom makes me worry it's awful feeling like this :( my mum and partner help with the school run when they can. My doctor is referring me to the mental health team for therapy, I'm not sure how long the waiting list is but I hope it's not too long as I feel I'm driving myself mad with worry x

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to Bilonze


I wonder what has triggered these anxieties . Coukd it be your child going to school? Stressful events? What is your age if you don't mind me asking? I'm perimenopausal and have noticed I definitely feel lower for the past year or so.

You can buy books on cbt which can help negative thoughts - give that a go. Also do try exercise/ relaxation techniques. I'm just off to Pilates and find the breathing v relaxing x

leanne_h profile image

Hi! I didn't suffer with the physical symptoms but I did feel extremely suicidal and didn't want to leave the house and it is such an awful feeling! I second the CBT - my gp recommended a book called CBT for dummies which I found helpful. I know some drs do books on prescription so could be worth asking about that. I was also referred to the mental health team and they did some CBT work with me which I found helpful. Also the you tube breathing videos and things helped to calm me down when I needed it.

If you can try and get out even if you have to force yourself. My psychologist always used to say fake it until you make it and I never believed her but it's true. Maybe not the school run as that is more pressured but maybe go for a walk around the block in the morning to start with and try and plan things into your day which get you out with not much pressure. Eventually it will get easier and you will stop faking it and it will feel ok!

I thought I was never going to get better but would say now not even 2 years on I am almost back to where I was pretty much. I'm certainly not far off! The main thing is to be kind to yourself and lean on other people where you can. Also talk to people, as often as you need to - tell them what you are thinking and get It out of your head. don't feel embarrassed about it because that got me through it. You can always talk to us here xx

Sainaa profile image

Hi there

I have been going just like you for 7 months now. It sucks.

How r you doing these days? Any better?

leanne_h profile image
leanne_h in reply to Sainaa

So sorry you're struggling Sainaa. Have you had any help or support? How old is your little one?x

Sainaa profile image
Sainaa in reply to leanne_h


Thanks for your reply!

My LO is almost 8 months old now. I have been seeing my GP and other doctors. I have some good days and some resly bad days. Im taking antidepressant so that makes me a little better I guess. How are you feeling these days? Lightheaded is the most annoying and scary thing 😒

leanne_h profile image
leanne_h in reply to Sainaa

I'm doing well thank you! How long have you been on the antidepressants? It could be worth considering whether to speak to your gp about whether they are the right ones for you if they are causing uncomfortable symptoms such as lightheadedness. I'm not a medical professional but just worth a conversation with the gp mainly? Have they referred you for any counselling or other talking therapies?xxx

leanne_h profile image
leanne_h in reply to Sainaa

How are you doing Sainaa?x

Sainaa profile image
Sainaa in reply to leanne_h

Hi there!

I’m sorry I have been to this site after I found a support group.

I feel a little better than 8 months ago. I still have up and down days. Still have foggy, lightheaded and blurry visions. I’m still on the antidepressant. Hopefully, it will get better when time goes by. I’m praying for the day to become old myself again. 🙏

How are you doing these days?

leanne_h profile image
leanne_h in reply to Sainaa

Is that a local support group? That's great that you have found a support network as I think that makes all the difference in the recovery process.

I'm doing well thank you!x

Sainaa profile image
Sainaa in reply to leanne_h


It’s not a local support group. I think it’s British.

How long did you take to fully recovered from your postpartum?

MoniT38 profile image

I'm so so sorry you are feeling this way. I was in the same boat about 2 years ago with no answers. Finally after endless tests and labs my functional dr ran a CD57 test and it was extremely low, suggesting I had a stealth infection. Sure enough in Feb. 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. I'm a little better now however it's been a roller coaster ride to say the least. I'm on a supplement now that has helped me get my sleep back, which was the worst! Would be happy to share my story and journey with you.

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to MoniT38

Hi MoniT38

Please do share your story including symptoms. Many physical symptoms can be attributed to Pni but for some there is an underlying physical cause. It's so frustrating not knowing what's wrong and these physical symptoms are extremely debilitating.

In my case I do think I had Pni which started off with a pressure sensation behind one eye then headaches , numb patches tingling and a feeling of being deep inside myself and not really being here.

I know others are convinced it's due to a csf leak following epidural, Lyme disease or vit B toxicity. This can cause crippling anxiety and depression.

Can I ask where you like? I know testing is more rigorous in the USA.

MoniT38 profile image
MoniT38 in reply to rocky77

What is Pni? I am in the USA. My immune system is still extremely low (CD57 test was at a 53 my last reading) meaning chronic Lyme. I was actually tested with the Western Blot lyme test and had 1 lg band I also had blood microscopy and saw many spirochetes in my cells, Lyme. I'm doing a bit better now however I'm having more muscle and joint pains.

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to MoniT38


Pni stands for post natal illness more commonly known as post natal depression. This can trigger strange physical symptoms which at times can precede any anxiety and or depression.

I'm so sorry you're been struggling with this. Have you had any treatment for the Lyme? Which supplements have you taken for the sleep? Did this all start following birth of s baby? X

MoniT38 profile image
MoniT38 in reply to rocky77

very interesting. I did not take the traditional route for treatment of Lyme, which was weeks, months to years on antibiotics I went a more holistic route. Supplements, ACS Silver, among other things. Learning a lot. The thing that's helped me most for sleep is called Protandim, it's a pill synergistically combined with 5 herbs. It was a life safer and game changer for me. Sleep came 3/4 weeks into taking just one pill a day! Have been on it for 8 months now and feeling alive again. That and the Lords hand in healing. Hope you are feeling better.

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to MoniT38

It's wonderful to hear you're feeling better. With Lyme do you have it for life? It sounds like you're managing symptoms well. Lack of sleep is horrendous so it's crucial to be able to get quality sleep regularly .

I suffered with Pni moderately but it was hell on earth for me. Antidepressants changed my life for the better and alleviated many of the physical symptoms and anxiety but it was a slow journey of ups and downs for two years before I considered myself recovered x

MoniT38 profile image
MoniT38 in reply to rocky77

well I'm NOT claiming I will have it forever as I know my body and my Lord can heal me, but it's said to only go into remission for most.

I agree the sleep is essential for our healing. I also believe in natural supplements. The only thing that worked for me was opening up my Nrf2 pathway with a pill that has 5 synergistic herbs (all natural) that help with reducing my oxidative stress by 40% in the first 30 days of taking it. It's helped tremendously with my sleep, anxiety and energy. IT was a game changer for me. So glad to say I only take bioidentical thyroid med and praying I'll soon come off of that the longer I'm on this oxidative stress reducing pill.

So glad you are recovered! I totally understand the roller coaster. :)

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to MoniT38

Hi really it's so good to hear you're better. Who advised you on the natural supplements to take?

I took antidepressants and they gave me my life back . I was such a mess physically and emotionally it changed me life around . Saying that I still struggled with the ups and downs of Pni . I imagine my recovery especially earlier on was quicker than without the meds x

MoniT38 profile image
MoniT38 in reply to rocky77

Thanks, I met an MD who treated herself naturally for Lyme and she put me on her protocol which included all natural products. I wasn't sold on being on meds for the rest of my life. I believe birth control pills messed me up more than helped me. Have been going all natural ever since and finally seeing improvements.

Bilonze profile image

Hiya, I still have the constant dizziness, it's not my head it's in my eyes if that makes sense? Whatever it is it's been going on for 3 months now :( it's got to the point where I'm spending most of the day in bed because I can't see straight and this dizziness in my eyes is just making me feel so poorly :( I've just turned 28 x

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to Bilonze

Hi how awful for you. It sounds so debilitating. Sorry I can't remember - what does your dr say? What tests have you had? Are you taking meds? Feeling so rubbish is bound to make you feel depressed.

I had similar symptoms for 4 months . The physical symptoms seemed to precede the emotional ones like anxiety and depression . I took antids in the end out of desperation and after a couple of weeks of feeling worse the physical symptoms and the emotional ones started to lift. X

leanne_h profile image
leanne_h in reply to Bilonze

Has your gp looked into it at all? Are you on any medication which could be causing them?x

MoniT38 profile image

i'm so so sorry you're going through this. Have you tried consulting with a holistic or naturopath? I've found these all signs our body is screaming at us for help, and we need to get to the root cause. I've been on a few products and supplements for 9 months now and feeling much better. The dizziness is the worst! Mine is not nearly as bad as it used to be, it's hit and miss but I finally have my life back. I'm still working on my thyroid levels but way better now. Good luck!

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