Feeling like ppd is back after feeling so good ... - PNI ORG UK


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Feeling like ppd is back after feeling so good for 4 months!!

tealgirl2003 profile image
29 Replies

Good morning,

I was wondering if ppd ever fully goes away? I have dealt with anxiety in the past, well probably my whole adult life so far to some extent. I never took anything for it. I had ppd with my first child at 29. I know now i suffered ppd but was never diagnosed properly. My 2nd child 35 i had gestational diabetes with no ppd at all. Third child 39 and had ppd very bad. I took anti dep. For a year with talk therapy. It helped but still had fogginess/haziness all the time. It did help with anxiety and racing thoughts. When my third child turned 1 i was so happy the fog lifted and was finally feeling back to my old self. I got off anti dep. Ive been off antidep. For 4 months now. And ended talk therapy. Now its creeping back in. Haziness, light sensitivity, sometimes anxiety attacks waking me up out of sleep on occasion. Head feels full, dull headaches. Feeling like im headed back to square one. I wanted to know if anyone has tried cbd oil verses anti dep. Any help would be appreciated. Will ppd ever go away? Or willi always have GAD? All my bloodwork and body is good. I am low in vitamin D. My doctor said to take 1000 mg daily. Can this be why?Ugh frustrated...

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tealgirl2003 profile image
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29 Replies
Jdjsjs profile image

I’m so sorry!! So a friend of mine tried CBD but recently mentioned she didn’t take it anymore so I’m not sure it worked well? A different friend had ppa, was on medication for 1.5yrs, got off, ended up getting back on them until 3 years pp then got off again and has been fine for like 10 years now! So sometimes I think it’s just that you need more time, especially with little ones!!

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to Jdjsjs

Hi jdjsjs

How are you doing? Hope life is treating you well and you’re feeling better x

Jdjsjs profile image
Jdjsjs in reply to rocky77

I am doing much better! Still have issues sometimes but I’m feeling like my old self again some days!!

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to Jdjsjs

That’s great to hear. Recovery can be a bit of an arduous journey with ups and downs but so positive there are more good days x

tealgirl2003 profile image
tealgirl2003 in reply to Jdjsjs

Thank you,

Well im waiting on my cbd oil..i dont know anymore its back everyday the fogginess just so depressing. I feel like i can function and manage to some degree but its not easy. I have a gyno appt. Next week. My primary doctor gave me refill for my medication. Im still breastfeeding my 16 month old. I would start back up today but i always fear the medicine is going to affect him. But i am going to wean him off this summer. Maybe i should just go ahead and wean now..

Jdjsjs profile image
Jdjsjs in reply to tealgirl2003

I totally understand! My daughter was born Oct. 2017! My issues started around January 2018. I am also still breastfeeding and take lexapro 20 mgs. I hate taking it while breastfeeding also but I have always watched my daughter closely and have never noticed any changes from the medication. How often is you baby nursing? I’ve been reading that weaning can cause a temporary flare up with ppa/ppd. Could it be that they aren’t nursing much anymore so your hormones are changing?

tealgirl2003 profile image
tealgirl2003 in reply to Jdjsjs

Oh thats cool! 2017 babies. Well i always thought maybe the breastfeeding is a big part of it. But i have been doing it since beginning. Why did i feel so good for 4 months then bam back to feeling depressed and anxiety at times? How do you like the lexapro? Did you have any side effects? I wanted to try t

it but my NP said i had to stop breastfeeding. She said she would like me to stick with the fluoextine that i was on. My son is 15mths now and 25 lbs. She gave me 5mg lexapro but its sitting in my closet. Waiting to hear back from her. But i read some women are breastfeeding with lexapro. Im confused. Thank you for responding!

tealgirl2003 profile image
tealgirl2003 in reply to tealgirl2003

My son nurses 3xs a day. I think im going to wean but i need to get back on something first. Just scared. I know my hormones will be acting up plus my period will come back. Mainly bc its my last baby and no more breastfeeding....

rocky77 profile image

Hi Tealgirl

I’m sorry the symptoms have resurfaced- v frustrating and disappointing for you.

In my experience and hearing mind I’m not a professional for many women PNI can linger for a while . How long were you on meds for? I ask because the bumf with meds usually states you should take them for at least 6 months after feeling better but my dr recommended a year. I think I took them for nearly two years in total.

Many women find they dip after finishing with the meds - I had one bad dip then seemed ok. Others start up meds again as they are knocked for six and it lingers on. Have you talked to gp? Perhaps try the talking therapy, relaxation route for a bit - if that doesn’t help or it gets worse take meds again? It won’t be forever . Keep talking x

tealgirl2003 profile image
tealgirl2003 in reply to rocky77

Thank you,

I had my son oct. 2017 started fluoxetine for 6 months. 10mg. Then bumped up to 20mg. 6months. It helped with anxiety and depression but definately still felt fogginess. I was in talk therapy too. They wanted to bump me to 40 mg but never did. On my sons 1st bday i came off and felt great for 4 months. Was great. Then bam back to where i was to some degree.

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to tealgirl2003


Just a thought but maybe you weren’t on the meds for long enough and that’s why you had seen your symptoms return or perhaps this is just a blip - how long have you felt like this this time round? I know when I cane off meds I felt ok initially then had an almighty blip but fortunately after that I felt ok.

Re breast feeding it’s a funny thing as some women feel worse once they stop or reduce; others feel better and more still no change. Very personal.


tealgirl2003 profile image
tealgirl2003 in reply to rocky77

Yes could be,

Felt like this about 3 weeks. Just got my cbd oil been using couple days and definately helps take the edge off. Helping me sleep better last couple nights. Going to try this month. If my symptoms dont get any better then im going to start my meds again. Hoping just a dip. XX

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to tealgirl2003

Let me know how you get on! Really hoping you pick up x

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to tealgirl2003

Hi how are you? How’s the cbd oil going? X

tealgirl2003 profile image
tealgirl2003 in reply to rocky77


I finally started feeling little by little better couple of weeks now. My medicine kicked in antidepressant and fogginess has lifted alot and heaviness some. Thank you for checking on me. CBD oil worked ok but i definately needed something stronger and needed faster so i decided to lay that aside and start my medication.

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to tealgirl2003


Great to hear you’re doing so well. I’m sure the other symptoms will continue to fade too. Which antids are you taking? X

tealgirl2003 profile image
tealgirl2003 in reply to rocky77

I am taking Lexapro 5mg for 4wks now. So far so good..i am going to stay for at least 8 wks. If everything goes ok i will stay. But i have 10mg if i decide to go.up some. Im just glad it took the edge off. And thank gosh spring time is here. Winter was harsh😒

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to tealgirl2003


It’s great to hear things are going so well for you. And that there’s the option of meds increase if you need it.

You reminded me how dreadful I felt during the winter too when I had pni and the longer days and better weather brought huge relief. I’d never felt like that pre pni.


tealgirl2003 profile image
tealgirl2003 in reply to rocky77

Yes i am definately loving change of weather. Even if i feel.little off some days the sun helps and birds chirping. And actually getting outside. Thank you

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to tealgirl2003

That’s really great to hear! A nurse specialising in pnd recommended going for a daily walk . It can get those endorphins going! X

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to tealgirl2003

Hi Tealgirl

Just wondering how you were doing? X

tealgirl2003 profile image
tealgirl2003 in reply to rocky77

Feeling alot better. I am having more good days than bad. Tried upping my antid but started feeling more anxious so i am going back down. But things are definately better than 2 months ago. Thank you!!

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to tealgirl2003

Great to hear from you. So pleased you’re on the up. Seems like youhabe a good handle on the meds. If you’re feeling anxious have you tried relaxation techniques /exercise? X

tealgirl2003 profile image
tealgirl2003 in reply to rocky77

Trying to justbbe mindful and yes taking walks when i can. So hot here right now. Need to back off caffeine and sugar. I seem to know my triggers. But yes exercise helps alot. Thank you!!

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to tealgirl2003

That’s great you know what your triggers are and have insight into your own Pni. For me tiredness and pmt seemed to trigger me the most consistently.I found understanding the illness a huge source of comfort.

It’s really nice here in the UK weatherwise - I’m guessing you live abroad as it’s certainly not very very hot!

tealgirl2003 profile image
tealgirl2003 in reply to rocky77

What is pmt? Yes most definately im finding tiredness and stress overthinking will make symptoms flair up. I am little nervous about weening my soon to be 2yr. Old. As my cycle comes back after 2.5 yrs. Yes i live in US north carolina. Tjis week is nice. Not too bad.

rocky77 profile image

Sorry this is the third time I’ve started replying to your post - I never press send and lose it!

Pmt - pre menstrual tension. Symptoms can often flare up !

Good luck with thexweanjng! How often do you breast feed your child? Have you not had a period since giving birth? Mine returned after 9?months with my youngest child whilst bf.

I have an English friend who used to live in N Carolina before moving to Texas - he said it was hot and humid - then one winter they had snow ! X

tealgirl2003 profile image
tealgirl2003 in reply to rocky77

Yes no period since birth.. Going to wean soon..hoping to get everything back to some normality like i was before birth.

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to tealgirl2003

Hopefully you’ll feel better. Does your little one sleep well?

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