Yesterday, or was it this morning? Jennifer, our East Anglia support group organiser, completed the 6 mile night walk in London, from the BFI Imax on the South Bank, and here she is in all her splendour. Everyone was talking about her amazing hat, that she had made out of real carrots, but unfortunately it disintegrated by the time she got to the end of the walk. Kate was there to greet her before setting off herself on the 15 mile course. She teamed up with Team 'Olivia's Vision', a charity supporting research into uveitis. At the 12 mile checkpoint Kate got a bit worried because the legs just didn't want to move. It felt like the old PMR tightness might be coming back. But a cup of tea and a banana worked wonders and she completed the course in good time, at 4.30 in the morning. There was a lot of interest in GCA among walkers and next year we hope to field a bigger team. As it is, we've raised £2500 so far for the FightforSight research fund into GCA (earmarked for PMRGCAuk) and this will be doubled by FightforSight. So it's worth £5000. Result!
We did it! Team PMRGCAuk completes the Carrots N... - PMRGCAuk
We did it! Team PMRGCAuk completes the Carrots Night Walk

Well done Jennifer and Kate - as for "completing at 4.30 in the morning"! I'm in awe of you both. Such a tremendous achievement.
So well done, both of you. Wish I could have been there too.

What stars!!!!Excellent job.I can only dream..........Hugs.Sue
Well done Jennier and Kate. The way I feel this morning I must have walked every step of the way with you!
Great effort. You must feel so good about yourselves - and possibly a touch thinner too!
Well done both of you. It is so encouraging to see that there is life after PMR and that Kate can now manage a 15 mile walk.
Congrats and so well done what superstars you both are.
Congratulations to you both and thank you.
Well done to both of you, perhaps there will be more of us next year. I did a 3mile walk 3 months after my Heart By Pass 10 years ago, but with this awful illness PMR and GCA I will have to be a lot better next year to join you.So lets keep our fingers crossed.
You're both an inspiration. I can't even manage a mile at the moment, but you never know I hope to join the 6 mile short walk next year (lol). Even registered my interest to give me something to aim for.

That's great! There were so many times that I thought I would never walk any distance ever again.