Hi…I’ve come across two books about PMR on Amazon UK both written by a Cheryl White and appear to have been self published in the last 12 months. They are entitled Polymyalgia Rheumatica: Cutting Edge Research and Polymyalgia Rheumatic: Exposing Myths and Dangerous Treatments. Both books are short between 130 and 100 pages respectively and each costs £10. I just wondered if anyone on the forum had read either of them?
New books about PMR?: Hi…I’ve come across two books... - PMRGCAuk
New books about PMR?

Never heard of them never mind read them. However - since it is under £4 as a Kindle ebook I have just bought the Myths one to investigate! Ms White appears to have a rather eclectic range of offerings - I am intrigued.
there is an Amazon method of writing books, (and selling) you can even do a course in how to make a very good living doing it, writing on subjects you don't know anything about! I bought a couple of travel guide books like that, felt cheated... be very wary buying 'how to', or 'about' books from Amazon!
Though to be fair - Kate Gilbert self-publishes her book and it IS worth it but she is also one of our own!
It is something I would normally NEVER do - whether they are ebooks or paper, self-help is usually rubbish ...
yes horrific! I did a free zoom on how it works and then of course was invited to buy the course and get on the money tree and realised that those awful guide books I had bought had exactly that in common.... books about dogs, health, conditions, seem particularly popular for this method.. AI, copy/paste, you could 'write' several in a week it seems!
Could???? I think they do. There is one set about diet - includes one for PMR, as well as each autoimmune rheumatology thing individually. And the content looks the same.
Have just opened the myths one - so far so good, perfectly reasonable, I could have written it!!! However "PMR requires careful managements under the supervision of qualified medical professionals" - ah, so true. But patients are looking for other answers precisely because that is so often not available.
on the polymyalgia rheumatica diet book outline, I found this bit odd .....' inspiring real life stories like Pat, a young girl living with pmr ' .... from what ive read here, not the typical sufferer profile. Ill be interested in what you think PMRpro
"A young girl"???? Very very unlikely to be PMR ... One of the criteria for classification as PMR is "over 50", it doesn't mean it doesn't happen before you are 50 but it REALLY isn't common and a polymyalgic presentation of something else is far more likely.
unfortunately I bought that one too! auto immune disease diet is a good subject for this sort of vaguery
I was wondering though, if you just did a general healthy diet book and then more or less reproduced it with different conditions in the title, the advice could be fine if less targeted than you are led to expect? Is the story of Pat convincing?