Any tips for suitable vitamins. Constantly getting sinus and throat infections. Wait for them to clear up themselves with over the counter remedies but always end up going to doctor after about 10 days of misery. He then gives out to me for leaving so long. Down to 5 mg with weekly injections.
Vitamins: Any tips for suitable vitamins... - PMRGCAuk

Save your money and spend it on a better diet - naturally obtained nutrients are better for you than any out of a bottle and while the right amount of nutrients is beneficial, too much of many are actually bad for you and can cause illnesses and disorders. The exception is folic acid if you are on methotrexate - that is essential. So are other nutrients that you know youare are deficienct in because the doctor has done blood tests.
However - is this your GP? Are you also under a rheumatologist? You are probably not fully getting rid of the infections so the aftermath drags on. When they worsen you need antibiotics quickly to get a good result - and that is why the doctor is telling you off. It probably isn't vitamins you need but the right treatment with abx sooner.
You have never told us much about yourself and your PMR but I assume from what you say that you mean you are on 5mg pred and weekly methotrexate injections? When you have these infections, do you stop the MTX until the infection has cleared and you are off the abx? That is also an essential as MTX suppresses your immune system so it cannot fight the infection. It is one of the first things you should have been told when you start the MTX injections.
Thank you for your reply. I have a very healthy diet. Yes down to 5mg a day. Yes on Folic Acid. Was taken off Methotrexate 1 month ago as had side effects causing breathing difficulties. Now moved to adalimumab on a weekly basis to try get me off the steroids. No I have not been told to cease injections when on anti-biotics.
I think I would check with that - I'm on a biologic and stop it if I have an infection. I'd have thought it was the same with Humira/adalimubab.
Being on it is absolutely a reason NOT to try to ride out any infection on your own but to go straight to the GP for appropriate antibiotics if needed. The lack of immune response won't be improved by vitamins - but does mean proper management is needed.
Sounds like infection has locked in and keeps being given the chance to get going again. Have you had a blood test recently to check your cell counts?
There is some evidence that, in the UK certainly, supplementing vitamin D particularly in the winter months helps to prevent seasonal viruses. During Covid, the Scottish Government actually sent out a supply of pills with an explanatory letter to everyone on the shielding list. I have continued to supplement with Vitamin D ever since during the winter. This is in addition to taking a daily Vitamin/Mineral supplement. Yes, I am aware that many doctors dismiss supplements, but, given that the body gets rid of most things it doesn't need and my diet isn't always what it could be, I view them as a safety net.PS Either supplementing or old age is working because I'm not getting so many viral things as I used to.
Thank you
In the case of vit D there are increasing voices saying that supplementing vit D doesn't make a difference. What they almost never say is that it doesn't make a difference if you are already replete, i.e. have an adequate level in your blood. If you are deficient and your blood level is barely up to a decent level or too low, then vit D WILL improve several things. If it is already OK - they are probably correct. But very few of us are replete for a few reasons - including the latitude we live at and lack of sun, especially in winter, age as the skin process slows with increasing age, and being on pred, which depletes vit D. So it isn't doing any harm to take it and is probably good for us.