The nearest support groups to me are Wimborne and Havant so wondering if there are any other PMR/GCA sufferers around the New Forest who would like to get together in a cafe or garden centre in Brockenhurst or Lymington or Milford on Sea for a chat?
New South Coast/New Forest Support Group - PMRGCAuk
New South Coast/New Forest Support Group

Great idea - good luck!
Thanks 👍
Is there a way of sending private messages on here to anyone interested?
Chat - the aeroplane icon on the bar at the bottom of a phone screen, top right on a computer. Type their name and select from the drop down menu to enter it
Or click on the name/avatar of the person to go to their profile page and click on Chat there and follow the instructions
Thanks for that. Just had a quick look and looks as if you can also set up a group chat - like a WhatsApp group - so will be able to set up support group chat?
Don't dismiss What's App altogether - there are people who may like to meet up but aren't on this forum [and before you ask why not, I don't know😏].. but discovered that with local group last week. I put them right of course 😊

Good luck -sure you’ll get some takers.
Would love to. Am in Salisbury. Can't drive atm (spine compression fracture) but could use public transport!
Sounds good. I’m in New Milton. Thinking of other possible venues eg Ringwood, Fordingbridge - both on bus route from Salisbury and even Romsey - on train line from you?
Let’s see if anyone else interested and keep in touch via Chat (now I know how 😊)
Romsey would be great for me. I could get to Brockenhurst by train too if the meeting was somewhere near the station although I haven't been on a train since getting these conditions and it would be quite an adventure!
I’d suggest Lyndhurst…if people live north, getting to Brockenhurst involves going through Lyndhurst currently delays if 15 mins due to road works, but so bad in school holidays, can be 20 - 30 mins delay. If you choose somewhere north, like Romsey, then you’d have at least an hours drive (on a good day), I think. Lyndhurst has many cafes, but you’d have to go to edges of forest for any garden centres, really! Good luck!