Following on from my previous post and my mums fall we have just been to doctors to get her wound checked and her stitch removed.The nurse was really happy with the wound it's very clean no signs of infection and she said it looks like it should heal well. They are going to check it every few days and at moment she has still to keep it dry and covered as they don't want to take any chances.
So all good on that front. My mum was very nervous going to nurse but seems to have settled down now and my dads wound on his cheek is looking great so she is less worried about him now.
Our gp was happy with me increasing dose to 12mg as per flare protocol as he said it should hopefully help reduce crp and esr quicker as well as help with current situation and we are now on
are on day 11 of increased dose and we have just had her bloods done.
My question is if the crp and esr haven't reduced or worse have risen after her fall should we stay on 12mg longer and start slow taper from there again or are we okay to mayb drop back to 8mg instead of the 7mg we were on.
She had been doing so well to but the recent increase in esr and crp were causing me concerns even before the fall so I'm just concerned I don't want to drop her back down only to need to increase it again.
I also know our rheumie will not be happy when we go to see her in March if I've upped pred as she was thinking we shld be of them by time we see her even though our gp and I felt to get to 7mg in 2 years from where she started was amazing.
Anyway apologies for going of on a tangent there but it's been a difficult few weeks and to top it all of my sister-in-law goes in to hospital today to get a tumour on her bladder removed so I feel my heads all over the place at moment and i just want to make sure I do right thing with regards to my mum.
Thanks once again for listening and all your support.