Been on Steroids since Aug 2023. Have been unable to lower my dose below 12. Have been as low as 11.5 but suffered palpitations. I have read that at or around 10 mgs this represents the point where the adrenals start taking up some of the cortisol production again. I have also seen some comments about HC being used at this point to help with lowering.
I have hashimotos too (hypothyroidism). Getting really fed up with it all. I am a reasonably fit man but am considering going onto a steroid sparer. I have been a runner, fell runner, triathlete and know my body well, these steroids are killing me.
When hashimotos came a calling, it was thought I might have addisons (lazy adrenals), which makes me think my adrenals won't wake up.
I can still cycle and run intervals but I am simply struggling with palps and this indicates to me I need to raise my dose, as they dissapear when I do so. Either they have fiddled with the medication or winter (vit D) seems to indicate its a seasonal change.
Fed up.