Had anyone tried Pregnenolone tablets taken with Prednisone when tapering.I have read good some good reviews but still a bit unsure.
pregnenolone: Had anyone tried Pregnenolone tablets... - PMRGCAuk

I haven’t actually heard of this. Have you been prescribed it by your doctor?

Why would you? I'd never heard of it either so - as is my wont I looked it up.
"Pregnenolone can inhibit the production of cortisol, meaning it is an effective stress reducer, can aid with weight loss and helps immunity. By reducing cortisol levels, pregnenolone has the effect of naturally boosting testosterone levels which can increase metabolism and lead to weight loss."
When tapering pred at low doses the last thing you want is to further inhibit the production of cortisol. When taking pred, the reason the body doesn't produce as much cortisol is because it knows too much corticosteroid is bad for you so reduces its contribution in the form of cortisol. However, as the pred dose falls below a certain level you DO want cortisol again. And higher testosterone is likely to introduce some of the less pleasant pred effects - like excess hair in women.
Who are giving the reviews and what were their circumstances? One thing I looked at said it shouldn’t be taken for more than 12 weeks.
Just found the article but can’t seem to send it .Google drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Common HormonalProblems-Adrenal
Ah - all questions answered ...
Is your opinion the same?
As piglette's opinion you mean? It is. She has been banned from practising as a GP. Really does have some very strange ideas.
Ok thanks everyone will avoid it just thought it might be worth a try but obviously not. Thanks oh wise ones👍
You will find we are a very sceptical lot on the whole!! If it sounds too good to be true - it probably is ... Spend the money of good food!
Yep I do eat well no sugars plenty vegetables not a meat eater.Off to spend Christmas in Lanzarote hope the sun helps 🌞🌅
Happy Christmas everyone & Healthy New Year x
Oooh, that'll be nice. I have lovely sun here but not the bathing variety at below freezing! No - I meant something you wouldn't normally splash out on. What do veggies eat as something extra-special? I've ordered venison and duck breast for me as a die-hard meat eater. I don't eat much and been a bit vegan recently but can't give my meat!!
Vegetarian Christmas; with several veggies in the family I searched and came across Moroccan Spiced Pie on the BBC Good Food website. A ‘filo parcel’ would be a better description than pie - but it is absolutely delicious - so much so that everyone wants a bit alongside their turkey! Can be made day before and refrigerated overnight. (The recipe is simple enough especially if you purchase a tub of ready-made Moroccan humous).
I think she actually resigned from the GMC because of the hounding - there are a lot of people who follow her somewhat unconventional ideas though.
Good for them - but we as representatives of the charity aren't going to support her.
Some people actually tried bleach as a cure for Covid after someone suggested it ...
Wasn’t that Donald Trump who mentioned bleach for Covid, on TV. It was the doctor’s face in the background that was so amusing, she could not believe it. I think later on he said he was joking!
It was, yes, both Fauci and that woman - who was it? - looked a trifle taken aback. And do you remember one of our female experts looked utterly flabbergasted at one of Hancock's or BoJo's utterances ...
Ah, so Pregnenolone is a precursor to Cortisol. So, I’m confused, do you mean to take it in order to need less Pred like a steroid sparer or to try to counteract the adrenal gland suppression by the Pred? Or another effect entirely.
If it is as a steroid sparer I can’t see how it would work because all it can do regards cortisol is help make more of it. The problem with that is that cortisol is less potent than Pred so it wouldn’t help with the inflammation reduction to any great degree. If cortisol was that potent all us stressed bods would never get PMR and we’d all have round faces and beards. To my mind at least.
To counteract the effects of adrenal suppression I can’t see how that would work either. The reason the adrenal glands are suppressed is that the body is positively swimming in artificial cortisone so the glands switch off because for now they are redundant and the brain has stopped telling them to work. It isn’t adrenal fatigue. When you get to low doses and they need to start working it isn’t clear which part or parts of the complex chain of events isn’t responding. Preg is one tiny ingredient. Taking Preg might be like going a big feast with a packet of peanuts expecting it to be a major contribution after someone forgot to book the caterers. Not sure what dusty corner of my brain that analogy came from!
Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Ah the notorious Dr Myhill!!
Oh dear doesn’t sound good
She is quite an interesting person it seems. A long time ago she worked for the NHS and was interested in chronic fatigue syndrome. She rather overdid it and was suspended from being a doctor for a while. Probably around fourteen years ago. She said she was not allowed to practise Good Medicine, so she set up her own ‘private’ practice after the suspension. She then got struck off again in 2023 I can’t remember what for but she was involved with some bright ideas of hers during Covid. She has written books and lectures. She says she treats ‘the diseases of civilisation’. Probably an interesting person to meet, but probably not a good idea to take advice from her!
Yes, she practiced in my area of Wales until she was involved in some rather nasty cases . She did some good work alongside more notable names on improving B12 treatment which is likely to be her only plus point.She is more notable in being the doctor that holds the record for the amount of reports and cases opened against her with the BMA.
The GP she originally did some research with was disgusted when she got yet another report and suspension during the COVID crisis for actively telling people not to get vaccinated and to use Vitamin C and alternative treatments if you caught it in YouTube videos basically being classed as a danger to public health.
She has a huge amount of faithful followers whom promote her work and fight on her behalf to get her reinstated, and many of them get very vicious in their online replies if you speak up against her recommendations and books being suggested on various forums. But from speaking to some of the actual Welsh M.E/CFS patients that were treated by her she does deserve the bad press she receives , the only reason she didn't end up with a lifetime ban was because various patients that were made ill by her bad advice while she practiced as a GP would not give evidence against her.
All she does seem to do now is milk an income off the books, workshops and various " natural" treatments she sells via her website ( many of the products are of the cheapest generic quality from India and Mexico being sold at top end prices), with any luck it will remain that way.
I would seriously research any product or treatment advocated by Myhill and unless there is very good medical research behind it found on legitimate medical sites I'd suggest you avoid it.
( If anyone is reading this whom advocates for Sarah Myhill , I am allowed my well researched opinion , please don't reply to me to get into an argument about her merits because I won't respond and I'm too unwell at the moment to cope with that sort of stress. If you want to give a different view just add it in as a separate reply please)
Up your way? I thought her practice was at the Knucklas near Knighton? Powys.
She was up north before moving to continue to work.
In 2009 she had the first ban which came after a group of GPs from Yorkshire claimed she had provided "inappropriate" treatment to a patient. I did not realise she worked in Yorkshire. She is anti the pill as well. After her first ban in 2010 she had to remove a load of things from her website.
I've read all the posts and I must be a total idiot ad I'm honestly quite confused by this info. Not sure what to think??
Basically - don't take anything you read on her site as reliable. She was a GP but now is a peddler of very alternative ideas. I won't even call it alternative medicine because it isn't.
Pregnenolone is not licensed in the UK
It is generally well-tolerated, but side effects can include acne, diarrhea, drowsiness, hair loss, skin rashes, sweating, and tremor. There isn't enough reliable information to know if it's safe to use for more than 12 weeks, or if it's safe for pregnant or breastfeeding people.
Don’t think I’d chance it! Look it up on the NHS site…& as always if you are taking prescription drugs…speak to your doctor first before embarking on anything like this.
Not licensed as a pharmaceutical. but it is available as a supplement so not subject to any of the checks drugs are.
Yes, all the usual health sites sell it.It's not that it hasn't been tested to have some advantages, some people consider it with thyroid problems or as a HRT alternative but it is early days in testing and it has a lot of nasty side effects.
One big issue is that it is recognised by the liver as "unnatural" in the dose quantity and it causes the body to go on the defensive with the potential of increasing clotting , much like the effects of certain older HRT supplements that aren't used anymore.
And it's totally inappropriate to use with many different chronic illnesses or for those with a family or medical history of PCOS , endometriosis, or ovarian and breast cancers or thrombosis.
It's definitely not right for using while on higher doses of steroids or for those with autoimmune disorders either.
But I'm sure alternative pharma makes a pretty penny from it, much like with collagen and various other "super" supplements.
One should never added anything to the prescription drugs they take without running it by the doctor who prescribes those drugs.
Any innocent sounding supplement can react & either eliminate the prescribed meds efficacy or double them ….with a very unwanted outcome.
Of course - but very few do. And most doctors haven't a clue either.
If you look on other hubs on HU you-will be surprised how many people do not understand how adding anything can upset the intended action of a prescription medication.
If you don’t trust your doctor to know if a certain substance will affect the drugs s/he prescribes …do ask a pharmacist.
Often a thin line between the insane and genious !
I dare not take this supplement on top of prescription drugs but heard about it with interest from a Dr. Lisa Mosconi who studies the female brain. She says when stressed, our bodies need to draw from the hormone reservoir by stealing pregnenolone. With resources diverted into cortisol production, there is not enough left for your sex hormones so they plummet