Hello everyone. I have been taking 5mg prednisolone for 2 weeks. Unfortunately I can't sleep at night, I feel restless, I sweat and I can hear my pulse in my ear, which scares me. Blood pressure ok. Little Headache. I only have a few PMR pains. Is it the adrenal glands? Should I increase Pred and see if it gets better? I don't have an appointment with the GP until Tuesday. Thanks for the support.
Restless nights on 5mg: Hello everyone. I have been... - PMRGCAuk
Restless nights on 5mg

If it is adrenals, then increasing the Pred is not really best option… it only means you’ll have to drop back and probably have go through the same things again.. if it’s bearable try and stick to current dose. If it become too bad then maybe an extra mg or half a mg.
But if you think it’s a combination of PMR and adrenals you may need to address it with a small increase… sometimes it’s a bit difficult to know.
Many thanks DorsetLady
So I'm trying to persevere with 5mg. I want my adrenal glands to work again. I hope this feeling of stress and restlessness is nothing else. I had no problems at all with 7.5. As many say: the lower the harder.
Good luck to all🍀
Have you gone straight from 7.5mg to 5mg? If so - no wonder you are wobbling!! Below 10mg it should be 1mg at a time maximum - no drop should really be more than 10% of the current dose - that was 33% if that was what you did!!!
Your doctor needs a reality check- you need to go much slower at lower doses -for both PMR and adrenals - and wanting you to be at zero in a few months time is bonkers -and dangerous in relation to adrenal function.
see this -

This is a common effect of low adrenal function - they haven't caught up with the reduction on pred dose. The trouble is that if you go back to the last dose, you are only postponing the problem. What dose were you taking before the last reduction?
Since 10.2. with the slow taper plan from 7.5 to 6.25. then my GP said I had to go to 5 immediately. Since 1.3. I have been on 5mg. During the day it is much better.
What is it about GPs and being in a hurry!! If you go slowly,, you feel it less. And as you reduce the dose of pred, you need to go SLOWER not faster. You are getting closer to the dose that will be the lowest effective dose for managing your PMR/GCA - but at this stage the return of adrenal function is also a factor. That doesn't happen overnight, like a light switch flicking on or off, it is a slow process and takes a lot longer than most doctors think - even endocrinologists were surprised in a study in Leeds UK about how long PMR patients needed.
I'm so glad for your advice PMRpro🌷 My GP wants me at 0 this summer 🤔
What do you think, should I go back to 6.25 or 5.6 (the smallest dose I can cut is 0.6) and then go back to the slow taper plan? Like I was actually planning to do? My GP is making me unsure.
PS i have 20 and 5mg tablets breakable in 4 pices each.
"My GP wants me at 0 this summer "
Ha! He does does he!!! Oh dear - he may be very disappointed because that isn't how PMR works. Does he tell his RA patients they must get off whatever drug they are on? PMR doesn't always go away either ...
I think you need to stick to your plan. 20mg tablets are useless in PMR - no chance of 1mg tablets? Or a more informed GP?
I'm trying to think of ONE paper that patients could print off and give to their GPs about tapering that they would take seriously. The old Rheumatology guidelines are too difficult to read and vague to follow but will hopefully be updated soon. Can you think of anything? Kate's next book of course when it comes out, but in the meantime?
Christian Dejaco's t2t paper is probably the nearest. And Prof Quick's paper is helpful.
What I forgot to mention: GP gave me beta blockers and antidepressants
They may help the symptoms - but I would be annoyed that they reached for an antidepressant without thinking. Are they helping?
I took them for 3 days because I had such bad nights.
"Did they help" Not a bit!
Antidepressants take weeks to take effect - but the bad dreams in this case have a different underlying cause, low adrenal function. Doubt antidepressants would have any effect however long you took them!!
The 20mg tablet can be break into four = 4x 5mg
So also the 5mg = 4x 1.25 mg
I cut the 1.25mg with the cutter = 2x 0.6mg (GP was surprised about this idea)
I will now increase the dose to 6.26mg and then go down slowly again. Hope the nights goes better so.
On Thuesday new joung GP hope she knows better.
As you Moderators and us regulars on here well know from the amount of similar questions we get on here, most GPs have a scant and cursory knowledge of how PMR works and at the same time it's been drilled into them about how dangerous steroids are. GP training HAS to be the priority for the charity to work on
Don't know if this helps, although misery loves company: When I was at a certain level, in my case it was closer to 7 than 5, I had a feeling of panic with no external reason for such a sensation. I remember this lasting for a bit, a couple of weeks perhaps, and then I guess it just went away without my noticing. Have always attributed it to the level of pred at the time and that particular symptom has never recurred (nor had I ever had it before). In those days I was following the Dead Slow Nearly Stop tapering plan and was reducing in 1/2 mg steps, and not on any other medications.