Meant pred blooming predictive text. I wished newyweds recently Good f. ..K instead of good luck. Got me into lots of trouble. Ha ha. X
Predictive text : Meant pred blooming predictive... - PMRGCAuk
Predictive text

Greetings Morrison
You beat me to it re. the predictive bit in your other post. I assume you typed-in 'pred...' meaning prednisolone and the technology got one-over on you?
I'm hooting about your msg to the newlyweds - but maybe just a case of Freudian slip in the Predictive text algorithm..?
I love the predictive texts on here, they make me giggle. I myself ‘typed’ naked spuds today, should have been baked spuds.
Did the newlyweds reply?
It’s a particular irony to me that prednisolone comes out as predictive.
Was thinking earlier we should have a funny thread to collect them. A good laugh is always morale boosting.

Mmmm......... doesn't always help when you read it through afterwards either🤦🏻♀️
Nearly choked on my breakfast cereal with laughter!
Very funny!

Gave me good laugh though!!!!!