For several years, since 2020, I have Zoomed church services with a church in Hallowell, Maine, with my old friends. I skipped last week because I was a mess and thought I'd go yesterday. What a stressor! I couldn't read the hymns I'd printed; everything and everyone were fuzzy, my head and jaw were as shaky as if I had Parkinson's, and I did not feel like being the smiley face folks look for.
My sullenness stayed with me, and I knew my fuse was short. I relaxed with an audio book and then felt clear, sharp, and told my OH that I was out 'to accomplish something'. I puttered around and then sat to write when a wave of fatigue came. It felt heavy, and I was wiped out. Then I got teary and sad. At the same time, I felt like screaming and yet being silent.
I sat! begrudgingly and eventually said ________ prednisone! Give it up, girl, and ride with it. By taking the 60 mg at 4 am, my days had been improving in their way, and I think #1, I didn't chill out soon enough, and #2, I got so angry internally; it was just an added stressor. My body was telling me something, and I didn't listen. The day ended with me just saying that tomorrow is another day.
The first thing I did when I got up was acknowledge out loud that GCA and Prednisone were 'the boss of me.' This will be it until at least October 21 and who knows. Did I learn something worth sharing? I think so and I hope for my fellow buds here on the forum. The harder I tried to take over and push.....the worse I felt. Today has been much better and I was thrilled to get on and read all the posts of all my mates who travel this same all matter so much!💞