Hi - started at 20 after diagnosis in January of 24 and my reductions were as follows - each after 4 weeks and a rheumy visit 20 -15 -12.5 -10 - 7.5 -6.25 -5– 4.5-4 and most recently to 3.5. When I went to 4 I noticed a bit of hand swelling and loss of grip strength. Now at 3.5 I notice it a lot. I have OA in a thumb and use Voltaren and that helps. When I told the Rheumy about the hands he checked them out and said RA was a possibility and asked history. We agreed to wait and see what occurs next. Clearly next is this is a bit worse. The other symptoms seem to be OK - nothing close to when we started in January. Biceps / triceps have felt like I worked out the previous day a lot of the time but no real difficulty and not new - glutes and thighs seem fine.
any thoughts or suggestions? My gut is saying hang at 3.5 and start skipping the monthly decrease…..
Thanks very much