Well my PMR journey continues. January 20th, 2022 had a phone appt with my rheumy. Blood work shows inflammation up, her thought PMR has not burned out, could be possible RA development? She started me back on prednisone 20 mg 4 days, then 15 4 days, then 10 4 days then 5 4 days and methotrexate as well.......15 mg for 2 weeks then up to 20 mg...........Today January 30th, my eyes and head have been bothering me..........my eyes feel like they are bulging out of my head, just a sensation and I have a headache? Feels like I have a lot of eye pressure? Not sure what is happening, anyone else with words? My optometrist advises I call my rheumy, since it is after hours, yes a good optometrist calling after hours, I have left a message for my rheumy for tomorrow. Any thoughts PMR friends?
Anyone had this? Advice : Well my PMR journey... - PMRGCAuk
Anyone had this? Advice

Did you have appointment with optometrist or did you just query your symptoms with him?
Whatever, he is correct you need to speak to Rheumy, but my thoughts are if he suspects GCA which it MIGHT be as you have raised inflammation markers and eye issues he hasn’t called you in for examination himself. That would be my next move, as well as discussing with Rheumy.
Not sure about RA…why is that suspected- see you’ve mentioned in previously.
Please keep us informed.
Hi Dorset lady and thanks for your reply............I called my optometrist yesterday and she called me back after office hours, I have an appt with her today! Left message for rheumy last night we will see if and when she calls today, she is pretty good! RA because at the beginning of this month after a good 6 mths off of prednisone and 2 mths off methotrexate my fingers, knees, joints were all hurting so she thought possible RA? Hence the quick motion of adding prednisone and methotrexate once again? Hope that makes sense?
Hopefully you’ll get some answers today - please let us know …and fingers crossed
Hi Dorset Lady well home from the optometrist who confirmed all looks okay from her end. She did many tests and was content with findings. I have very dry eyes, always have! I will probably be going to an opthamologist for dry eyes and how to deal with even greater dryness than before. My Rheumy called today and she has referred me to care under a Specialist in Vasculitis, as she is not familiar with PMR and GCA. I have to commend her for being forthright and honest! She said the testing will now move forward under the direction of the specialist.

I'm not quite clear what you mean with the doses and the time frame - but my concern wouldn't be possible RA but possible GCA and your rheumy needs to see you f2f asap.
I was told that any concern with eyes, get to emergency. Failing that I would jump back to 20mg pred. until I saw the rheum.
Thank you! Yes the rheumy told me that as well! So....................I will see how it goes! I am teaching kindergarten in virtual school, online all day, hmmmm maybe part of the problem too? But I so love it!