Hi all
Firstly, just wanting to explain that my user name is a reference to the nickname of the football team I support - I'm not interested in knife crime or anything like that! I might change it actually to avoid any confusion or concerns!
I've got another appointment with Rheumy Consultant next week in relation to my GCA and treatment. Currently on 15mg Prednisolone with plan to reduce to 12.5mg from 1st Sept. Also weekly Tocilizumab injections (started 24th June).
After initial improvement following diagnosis in Feb, I returned to work early April but then went backwards and had to go off sick 2nd July - exhausted a lot of the time with spacey fuzzy-headed feeling. Very little mental, emotional or physical energy or stamina. Probably some improvement but still off sick and not feeling ready to return yet. The bottom line is that I don't feel at all confident that - should I return to work - I won't soon need to go off sick again quite soon.
The following are the things I want to raise with the Consultant and I'd be very interested if anyone has any views based on their own experiences.
Firstly, the main thing that I'm feeling unclear about is to what extent the way I'm feeling is relatively "normal" (or not) given the GCA and adjustments in medication. My most recent conversation with Rheumatology was with a Nurse on 14th August who told me my blood test had come back normal. To be honest, my impression was that she couldn't really give any explanation for the way I'm feeling. However, since then, after reading up on the subject - on this forum and also Kate Gilbert's book on PMR/GCA - it seems that the way I'm feeling isn't at all untypical for people with GCA and / or undergoing changes to steroid doses.
The GCA booklet I was given lists fatigue as one of the most common symptoms of GCA. However, one thing I'm unclear about is whether or not I should still be experiencing any symptoms of GCA if my blood tests are coming back okay? Are stable blood tests indicating that I no longer have any inflammation? If so, is it possible that it's the medication that's causing the fatigue?
Secondly, the Tocilizumab. In the booklet I was given, it says Tocilizumab will work within three to six months, if it's going to work at all. I started it 24th June so am not yet at the three-month mark. What's happening before I get to the point at which Tocilizumab is effective, bearing in mind that the steroids are being reduced? How will I know whether or not the Tocilizumab is working? Is Tocilizumab also classed as a "steroid sparing" drug in the same way as Methotrexate?
The booklet also states that Tocilizumab can cause dizziness. Could this partly explain the spacey feeling I've been getting? However, the spacey feeling pre-dates the start of Tocilizumab so is there another possible explanation - the steroids, the GCA?
Is it possible that thyroid and / or blood sugar levels and / or vit B12 could be issues?
Thirdly, prognosis. My employer's Occupational Health doctor wants me to ask about this (to inform discussion about return to work) but acknowledged this is probably difficult given the unpredictability and variability of the condition and recovery from it.
Obviously, I am going to raise these queries with the Consultant next week but, in the meantime, I'm interested in any views on / experience of these issues.
Many thanks all.