Methotrexate added to Pred now: Hello lovely... - PMRGCAuk


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Methotrexate added to Pred now

potterylady profile image
37 Replies

Hello lovely support group,

20 months into my PMR GCA journey now. I saw my rheumy yesterday and she wants me to get lower on the Pred. She suggested Methotrexate before, but I pushed back. I was on Actemra before but it was causing worse headaches so I had to stop it.

This past week, I was on 10.5mg but had a flare so had to go back up to 15mg. The flare head pain was so bad I was fantasizing about being in the hospital on a morphine drip. It was the worst pain I've had so far and I have had A LOT. I've read about the risks and side effects of Methotrexate and really don't want any of those to happen but if they do, they do. I hope it works for me and that I am able to reduce the Pred. My doctor thinks Metho isn't as bad for me as long term Pred. Any thoughts?

Before my flare, I had been feeling pretty hopeful. Now I'm back down, feeling pretty sad about losing my health again. I know you all understand and I'm so grateful for you.

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potterylady profile image
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37 Replies
SheffieldJane profile image

My Rheumatologist is a great believer in Methotrexate. She said to me” ask any Rheumatologist and they will tell you that they would much rather take Methotrexate than Pred. Like you I am afraid of the side effects and believe that its efficacy in our conditions is a bit hit and miss. I was tempted to try it at one point and reassured by the fact that I could just stop it without tapering if it didn’t suit me. I didn’t in the end and am now at a low dose of there is no real reason to take it. I will always wonder whether it would have eased my journey which has now been 8 years. It is a dilemma I think.

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to SheffieldJane

Thank you Jane. Hum..... I took an injection yesterday and am still questioning if I should keep doing it. I'm glad to hear that I can stop it if it doesn't help. How low have you managed to get of Pred? I know it's been a long journey for you. I appreciate your good attitude and honesty.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to potterylady

I have been at 5 mgs for what seems like an age. I have been as low as 3 mgs.

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to SheffieldJane

Wow, this disease doesn't give up. It seems like 5 or 3mg would be a lot less harmful than 10mg and up. But I'm sure you were on higher doses for a long time too. I wish you great health. Life is so different like this.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

"ask any Rheumatologist and they will tell you that they would much rather take Methotrexate than Pred"

Which suggests to me they have probably never taken either so don't REALLY have a clue what it can be like!

And her saying that does make me wonder about her impartiality on the study on MTX.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to PMRpro

Perhaps she was just frustrated with me.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

Don't think the word is in her vocabulary!

Rugger profile image
Rugger in reply to SheffieldJane


potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to PMRpro

Wow. I agree with you on that! What info you know about the study on MTX? Is it worse than Pred? I'm so scared.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to potterylady

It is still ongoing.

It depends - for some people there are no bad side effects and for a cohort of PMR patients it works brilliantly. For others it doesn't help and for some they find it unpleasant - I did, the fatigue was horrendous. But you can stop it immediately if you can't tolerate it and if it doesn't make you unwell - it doesn't matter does it? You do have to try it to find out if you are one of the lucky ones. And you are always well monitored.

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to PMRpro

Thanks for your reply. It did really make me tired. I'll take note of the fatigue as I proceed slowly.

HeronNS profile image

Have never tried it myself but, as others on the forum have said, it can be worth a try as it is helpful for some, and like SheffieldJane says, if it doesn't work you don't have the bother of tapering off, you can just stop. But your description of the extreme head pain concerns me. Have your symptoms been pretty well taken care of at any level of pred, only to recur as you tapered?

potterylady profile image

Yes, my head pain will go away with Prednisone. I mentioned in my post before this one that I had had dental work done which might have set it off. I took 5mg additional and it improved slowly over 3 days. Thank you for responding

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to potterylady

Glad it's better, and also interesting that the increase in pred was what helped. Take care!

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to HeronNS

Yes, pred makes it go away. It's the only thing that does. Thanks for your support

Bcol profile image

Good that the head pains are under control again but even though Pred seems to sorted them I think I might/would be tempted to see the doc and investigate them further. In the end I guess the Methotrexate do I or don't I comes down to you and as said, at least you can stop it if it's not joint right. I imagine a number of related posts have also come up so probably worth a read of those as well.

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to Bcol

Yes, thank you so much for your input.

Ozziedays profile image

It was recommended to me after I’d flared twice at around 5mg pred (no symptoms, just very high blood markers).

I didn’t notice any side effects. I got to zero pred with no other issues about a year later, and came off MTX about a year after that. Whether it was a factor in my journey I’ll never know but something worked for me.

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to Ozziedays

Wow. I'm happy for you that you've done so well!!

Rynn33 profile image

I’ve been on Methotrexate 15mg since November after being stuck at 5mg for most of 2023 and it does seem to be helping as I am now down to 3.5 mg ( tapering 0.5 mg per month after the initial 12 weeks on Methotrexate).

It takes a number of weeks to kick in so you’re unlikely to be able to make a judgement on whether it’s working for a while.

I had nausea the first month but then it settled and do get tired on day 2/3 after taking it but otherwise no other side effects - taking the folate acid is important. They regularly test your blood for liver/ kidney function mainly and so far so good.

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to Rynn33

Great information Rynn, thank you. I'm doing the injection to avoid the nausea but it wiped me out for 2/3 days afterwards too. Thanks for your feedback!

Doublef profile image

I have tried it tablet form and injection form, the latter put me in bed for 8 days did not eat, feeling sick and lost a stone in weight. No follow up from reumy now managed to reduce pred to 12.5 and seems to be going well. I hope it works for you.

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to Doublef

Oh man! It really didn't agree with you! Wishing you the best.

DogAgilityObsessed profile image

Why do some rheumatologists love methotrexate and others leflunomide? I know both are DMARDS but from what I’ve read here they suggest one or other. Never a choice or even suggest an option. The only thing rheumatologists seem to have in common is their hatred of prednisolone.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to DogAgilityObsessed

Personal experience maybe? Trouble is, most of their experience comes from RA. And PMR isn't RA - most of the time at least! I know Sarah Mackie has used MTX and had some dramatic results. My impression is that MTX has less nasty adverse effects than leflunomide but it is difficult to assess.

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to PMRpro

My doctor did reference her RA patients when bringing up MTX

Happybubbles profile image

Hi potterylady, my personal experience with methotrexate has been quite positive. I was diagnosed in July 2023, and ended up on 60mg prednisone while being worked up for temporal arteritis (negative). I was successfully tapering until 13mg prednisone, and the usual pain returned in full force. I tried again, with the same result. I was also suffering from glaucoma and hypertension caused by prednisone. I reluctantly started on oral methotrexate in late January (7.5mg/week with folic acid 1mg daily) and had a bit of “blah” feeling for a day, but that has been all of my side effects. I increased methotrexate to 12.5mg/ week after 3 weeks, and also started decreasing my prednisone to 12.5mg - successfully! I’m now on 10mg prednisone without any issues and my moon face is starting to dissipate. I wish I had started methotrexate earlier!

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to Happybubbles

Wow! I love hearing this!! I'm so glad you're doing well and that damn moon face too! I wish mine would go away. I've got turkey gobbler neck and huge eye bags too.

harpsichor profile image

Having taken prednisolone for three years, and getting down to 5mg with some flares, my rheumatologist (Leeds based) suggested trying MTX. He said that it was less harmful to the body than prednisolone, suggesting it was like the effect of 10 units of alcohol per week on the body as opposed to 60 for the prednisolone. I was taught to inject it weekly. I started on January 9th of this year and was told to reduce the prednisolone to 4mg at the same time. I have had no ill effects - just fatigue which might be due to adrenal insufficiency, or having a lot on, or old age - it's difficult to tell! My rheumatologist asked for an early morning cortisol test three weeks ago and the result was 88, so, technically, adrenal insufficiency. But to check this, I had a synacthen test this morning and am awaiting the results. Anyway, I am hoping that the MTX will work for me, and I hope it will work for you, pottery lady, if you decide to try it.

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to harpsichor

Great information. Thank you so much! That adrenal insufficiency is another scary part of this journey. I hope it goes well for you too. Thanks again

sidra1968 profile image

I have no advice or experience for you but am interested and understand your dilemma nonetheless. Timely post, as I have my rheumy appt next Monday and I know he will suggest Methotrexate again. I cannot get below 17.5 mg right now..tried 15 mg last week and the pains came back, but believe it or not 17.5 is good for me..was stuck on 30 and 25 so..

I suppose I need to think about this over the weekend. Last time (4 months ago) he offered it and I pushed back like you said no, just don't want more drugs and possible side effects and no guarantee it'll work, either. That said, after reading a few success stories on here, maybe I should try it.

Oh the joys of PMR:) The roller coaster of it all is rough.

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to sidra1968

Yes, I hear you! I don't want more drugs either. Good luck on Monday and with your health overall.

redruth123 profile image

Hi potterylady, In case this helps ....... I've been taking weekly 10mg MTX tablet now for 2 years and have only had good results from it (so far anyway). The immediate impact of reduced fatigue and reduced stiffness was remarkable. I had no nausea.

Against rheumos advice though, I did NOT taper my pred intake nearly as quickly as they wanted, taking 2 years to taper rather than 8 months. Instead I took the advice of this forum as I've had a number of illnesses during those 2 years (gastritis, diverticulitis, silent reflux, bad cold, (none of it related to the MTX) and some personal stressful times. The wise advice from the knowledgeable folk of this forum is, as you probably know, to NOT reduce during these times, and in fact increase the dosage temporarily.

Since being on very low and now zero dose of Pred, other aches and pains have emerged with osteoarthritis, bursitis etc, etc etc so I'm now having to deal with those, but the MTX certainly changed my life for the better for a long while, until the osteo etc got bad. But that's another story :) Wishing you all the best.

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to redruth123

I taper way slower than the doctor says to as well. They don't know how it is to deal with this and how scary it is. What was your dose of Pred when you started MTX?

I have bursitis too and a shoulder tear. But nothing is as painful as PMR and GCA. Wishing you the best with everything, including the stressors you had to deal with. I hope you have more peace now.

redruth123 profile image

Thanks potterylady. Yes fewer stresses now thanks. Re the pred dose, I was on only on 7mg of pred when MTX was first prescribed in March 2022. Finally tapered to zero in March 2024, so we shall see what happens from here!

Good luck with your decision. There are so many factors to consider when managing multiple life changing ailments and we're all different. If you decide to go ahead, at least you can drop MTX quickly if it doesnt suit. Kind regards.

potterylady profile image
potterylady in reply to redruth123

My best to you. I really appreciate the info you gave me. It helps me to visualize how I can do it too. I'm gonna try. Thanks!

redruth123 profile image

All the best potterylady, crossing my fingers for you.

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