a post yesterday reminded me to tell you all that I’ve been taking my preds in gastro resistant empty capsules for a couple of months now. This means I can take them without food around midnight. But I have also taken them at 11pm ish and not noticed any difference. I asked a gp if I should still take omneprazone and she said yes. I spoke to another gp last week and she wasn’t sure and said she’d look into it. Others here with medical training might have an idea.
I got the idea from two people in North America who posted on the forum that they were doing this and buying the capsules from a company in Florida, who now has a a Uk base. So you can buy them from here:
They are vegetarian and acid resistant (hence no food necessary) as well as enteric coated. I think I read that time delay to dissolving was 2-2.5 hours. I have been meaning to test this out, by putting one in some liquid at the same temperature as the stomach, but haven’t got round to it. You can get three sizes, size 00 being the largest. I have now used the size 0 capsules with 14 mg, using 2x5mg and 4x1mg. I can get them in easily and prepare a weeks lot of meds on a Sunday and put them in my daily organiser. So much easier for me than organising around an inconvenient time, and with food.
they are nearly £25 for 1000, plus £5 delivery, but worth every penny for me. I think there’s an offer on at present, which saves £5.
Be warned, their customer service is non existent for the Uk- I asked for a phone call about delivery over Xmas to west wales, where I was on holiday and didn’t get one! I emailed and didn’t get a reply. The package arrived promptly to my home, thru a courier within 4 days, including New Year’s Day, I requested a safe space, as I was away, but it was lying on my mat when I got home, having been put through the letter box!
there was an online chat option, open during US hours, but I didn’t try that, as they are undoubtedly geared up for US customers.
There are other gastro resistant empty capsules advertised for sale on eBay and Am***n, but they are just capsules in a clear plastic bag, so I don’t trust that. The capsuline ones have a listed ingredient of Hypromellose Phthalate, which is the enteric coating (lots about it on t internet).
Also, be aware that the Dr T and T ones only have a delay of about thirty minutes.