I posted a week or so ago that I was getting a really upset stomach churning away but not burning like acid. I got the gastro resistant pred as I have problems with the prozole group of anti acid meds , been on them a week and my stomach is worse than ever bubbling and growling . Any ideas what to do reduced down to 3.5mg of pred so it’s not like I’m on a lot , tried slippery elm for a few days and spoons of Gaviscon to tide me over , but to be honest they aren’t doing it at all . Any ideas
Stomach still upset on gastro resistant prednisol... - PMRGCAuk
Stomach still upset on gastro resistant prednisolone

Hi gaz227, where aboutsvis the main noise/discomfort? Left, right, centre...all of the above? Does it get worse after certain foods? Certain times of day? You need to speak to the doctor again I am afraid. I would say take buscopan but it's not recommended people over 40 take it without see the Dr first.
Me. I had a ferocious tummy bug last year that left me with post viral IBS. Along the way I had diverticulitis and still have inflammation on the left side of the bowel. When I flare it gurgles and grumbles really loudly and is tender on the left side but feels a bit prickly too. I have found leeks and other members of the onion family don't help now. But at the beginning I had to get rid of all dairy from my diet for 3months. Though I could sneak in baked halloumi and single cream more than milk. I have had scans and colonoscopy which were fine. I have a flare every few weeks and have to take buscopan.
Like I say Dr first then take it from there.

It’s like the middle of my stomach is a tumble dryer going over and over about 45 mins after i eat still going now 2 and half hours after my lunch ,I can’t taste acid just gurgling and muscle tightening up , I took 2 spoons of gaviscon but didn’t help.
I have cut out dairy couple of weeks now . Going to try a little lemon juice in water 30 mins before my next meal I have read that can help some people, Strange with it being an acid also .
It's a nuisance when you cant find the key. Acid cancelling out the acid? I know it's hard but try and relax too. The body lives to do something like that with the slightest bit of concern or worry about it.
Sometimes problems are due to a shortage of acid, not an excess.
That’s a very good point , but how would you know either way. I don’t get reflux or stomach burning , just gurgling and cramps with some bloating .
Could you answer a question for me , when we take gastro resistant pred , it has to dissolve into your system at some stage what’s to stop it aggravating for body a little further through your system. Or am I missing something with how it works ?
Yup - needs the far less acid conditions of the duodenum, the bit past the stomach. Anything can upset anything if you are a delicate little flower
So basically gastro resistant pred isn’t a winner with everyone , just depends on where the irritation occurs . As soon as I have eaten my stomach goes into tumble dryer mode , my wife just said is that your stomach , yep it’s off again 😩
Perhaps organic cyder vinegar. I used to have a capful raw years ago
....acid again.

I put a tea spoon in my green tea every morning 👍
It could be something else - you sound like my husband's twin!!!! PPIs are a disaster for him - as if he wasn't bad enough anyway!!
At least it has a good name when the tummy growls...borborygmi...I can copy and paste it...but I can't pronounce it!!
Re your final sentence: I was once told, by people promoting 'natural' medicine, that when your digestive system 'receives' acid substances, it produces alkaline substances to restore the necessary acid/alkaline balance. So treating people with 'acid stomachs' by giving them alkaline 'ant-acid' remedies was actually counter-productive because the system's reaction was to produce yet more acid to balance the alkaline. Is there truth in that?
Thanks for the input, yes it all sounds counter intuitive doesn't it . I am trying the teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass of water 30 mins before a meal , it worked with my evening meal last night , just had my breakfast so waiting to see what the reaction , had a little dyspepsia but nothing concerning . Fingers crossed .🤞
Depends on the medication being used - the H2 antagonists and the PPIs actually prevent the production further back in the chain reaction so that is a different matter altogether.
The "acid produces alkali" theory is a not particularly scientific theory - and these
debunk it a bit ...
I am a specialist nurse in food intolerance. I will probably be able to help you as I suspect you are intolerant to a regularly imbibed food or drink. I am still working despite the fact I cannot test people. If you would like my input please send me a private message.
I've been on Pred for GCA since 2011.
Your problem sounds just like mine was until I came across an article for Siberian Pine Nut Oil.
It's used for gastric problems in the Ukraine. I found a supplier - Golden Oils- and tried it.
My rumbling, burping bloating & pain were significantly improved after a few days.
Many years on I still take it - 2 capsules before breakfast & 2 before evening meal. When I try to reduce further or skip a dose , I have another debillitating attack of what you've described.
The owner of Golden Oils (Elena) is very knowledgeable and helpful.
I know we shouldn't advertise on our forum but this oil isn't widely available.
Google Golden Oils.
All the best.
Just to say that like all supplements you should speak to your doctor before trying this. Above all, be careful if you have allergies, especially nuts, as it may trigger an allergic reaction, It contains a lot of linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, which are contraindicated if you have seizures. You should also be careful if you take anticoagulant medication as the fatty acid content can increase bleeding risk.
I take pred with plenty of water and avoid alcohol to stop upset tummy - also had large bowl of porridge when on higher dose when took pred after breakfast - mint tea helped if got upset tummy
As someone else said it might be low stomach acid and below is some information about it. I have low stomach acid and was treated with the opposite meds for many many years! You may not suffer from Hypothyroidism but below is a way of checking out low stomach acid. I have been taking this for a long time and decided to have a rest from it not so long ago. Big mistake!
"Betaine-HCL – Most people with Hypothyroidism also suffer from low stomach acid – in particular when mineral and vitamin levels are low – and it is advisable that you test yourself for the possibility of suffering from low stomach acid:
Buy some Betaine HCL caps (Viridian or NOW) and take 1 caps in the middle of a high protein meal. Wait for a minute or two. If you feel a burn under your sternum, then you have enough stomach acid and you do not need supplementation. If you feel nothing (likely) then your stomach acid is too low and you should supplement 1 caps of HCL with every main meal. But NEVER without food. These caps contain hydrochloric acid and can do harm when taken on an empty stomach. You should also read in Dr Myhill’s article linked below about dosing Betaine HCL. If you do feel a burn when you take your first caps, please do not worry. No damage is done and the burn will subside quickly.
Please read the following link
I wonder if taking medication to stop acid being produced for so long, once you stop taking that medication your body is slow to get back to normal. Like your adrenal glands not firing up after being on pred for so long , maybe your body needs time to kick start the acid production again , just a thought .
Did you slowly taper off the ppis? After 17yrs it took me a while and a few attempts to come off very slowly. But my stomach seems ok now apart from with lots of dairy and onion family.

I couldn’t get on with them , tried about 3 different prazoles and all of them gave me bad headaches , prior to that I was on ranitidine before it was partially banned I had no troubles on that . When I got to 2.5mg I didn’t have any stomach protection and it all seemed to be ok , but after a flare I went back to 6 Mg , that’s when all the trouble started trying all the prazole meds . Back down to 3.5mg now and hoping to drop again very soon . 👍
Can you explain how taking a capsule of acid shows you have enough gastric acid?
Only that if you.take.one.as.per.the.instructions and experience a little heartburn.It indicates that you already have sufficient stomach acid. I would volunteer to post one capsule anyone.interested but I expect.that is against the rules. People who do have low stomach acid tend not to assimilate their food and/or supplements very well. I do know that years on any acids for IBS didn't work well. Shame they didn't test me for Diverticulitis which IS the problem not IBS.
I got that was the idea - but the science behind it escapes me
If you add extra stomach acid to a stomach with already enough in - you will experience a little heartburn. Thus indicating that there is already sufficient. I am not a scientist - sorry.
My stomach problems have been soooo much better since adding stomach acid with each meal.
No please don't!
~Gaz227 - my sensitive gut would not tolerate prednisone (no enteric coated available in NZ) when started steroids.
Ulcerated gut as consequence, PPI caused nausea so have since had my meds (hydrocortisone) made up in acid resistant capsule which is costly but been worth it. This breaks down much further down the track & leaves gut alone
Not sure if this is a consideration where you live?
It does take time whilst sorting through these pesky side effects ~
Just another possibility. May not apply at all. If you take vitamin D, my directions on it said take with food. No precise description of stomach problem that could be caused. My best, 🤗
You've had a lot of good feedback but I thought I should mention that I had the same issue for ages. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, it all went away when I was diagnosed with celiac disease at 69 years of age, and began a gluten free diet.
strange you should say that one of my daughters has just been diagnosed with celiac disease she struggled for months before finally getting a diagnosis, good luck to you hope you manage to cope. all the best
In which case - you should ask for, at the very least, the blood test although nne of the diagnostic tests are valid unless you have been eating a gluten-containing diet for at least the previous 6-8 weeks.
OTOH - trying a gluten-free diet for a while will give you an answer. I have a problem with wheat starch - not gluten, Taking wheat out of my diet made a big difference.
Agree with PMRpro a blood test may be a good ideal. Celiac disease is genetic. I was told to advise my siblings and children to get tested and even if the tests came back negative they should be retested every few years, or if symptoms arise.
With gastr issues last year it was the first test they did before the CT scan and colonoscopy were considered.
It is beginning to be recognised it isn't always a lifelong disorder - another friend was only diagnosed in his mid-50s. After they realised the episodes occurred after summer BBQ events where he drank more beer and ate more bread than he was used to! I now like visiting them - because I know I'm safe to eat anything on the table!!