Michael Mosley and Prof Janet Lord Podcast on inf... - PMRGCAuk


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Michael Mosley and Prof Janet Lord Podcast on inflammation

tangocharlie profile image
โ€ข50 Replies

Sorry if this is duplicated, I'm sure someone posted this recently but now I can't find it to thank whoever posted it. It's a cracking good listen


UPDATE .the podcast following that one is about the benefits of doing acts of kindness and it specifically mentions that it lowers chronic inflammation from IL6, which is involved in PMR. So being kind is actually good for your health.


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tangocharlie profile image
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50 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

it has been posted twiceโ€ฆ.

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toDorsetLady

Tried a search of 'Michael Mosley' and 'podcast' but couldn't find it. I haven't been on here as much these last few months so missed it. That'll learn me to check in more often :)

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteerโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

Iโ€™ve just scrolled through - and they have different titles.. but others may not have seen them either, So no probsโ€ฆ and HU not that good with โ€œsearchโ€ at the best of times..๐Ÿ˜Š

artisam profile image

The whole series is fascinating. The amount of things leading to inflammation in the body or the reduction of it is just amazing. Probably nothing you didnโ€™t already know, but the experts explain the science behind it all in such an engaging way. Recommended - BBC Sounds Michael Mosley Just One Thing. And thank you to the person who first posted about this series - I canโ€™t remember who either.๐Ÿ‘

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteerโ€ข in reply toartisam

Dochaz & Eatsfruitsandleaves โ€ฆ

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toDorsetLady

Thanks Dochaz and Eatsfruitsandleaves for bringing it to my attention

Eatsfruitsandleaves profile image
Eatsfruitsandleavesโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

I have listened to every one from the very start. Nice and short so easy to "take in". Not sure my partner appreciates my singing though, which was one of the earlier "Just one Thing" episodes!

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toEatsfruitsandleaves

๐Ÿ˜†I haven't listened to that one yet but I am making an effort to listen to more cheerful tunes and try and dance along. I watched something called something like Britain's top 50 karaoke tunes on Channel 5 over Christmas and sang along to most of them. Funny how we all know the words to Bohemian Rhapsody innit. But can't bring myself to join one of those pop choir things, I really can't sing a note in tune sadly

yogabonnie profile image
yogabonnieโ€ข in reply toEatsfruitsandleaves

haha. I was JUST singing loudly and my husband thought I had lost my mind. I never sing because I cannot but over and over and over I was singing I met a boy called Frank Mills from the musical Hair trying to remember the words. !!! I love his podcast!

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toartisam

I thought it was going to be generic, or general stuff dietitians trot out like avoid cheese/tomatoes and eat more broccoli and blueberries but she quotes the science, and I got up and walked around every 10 minutes or so when listening to it as she advocates

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

I'm reading A Silent Fire: the story of inflammation and disease by Shilpa Ravella. Brilliant.

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toPMRpro

I know there are many different types of inflammation and no one thing is going to cure PMR but it's interesting what she (Prof Lord) says that chronic ill health in later years basically comes down to inflammation. I've got such a huge backlog of books to read ATM on everything from photography to architecture to holidays to health to curing back pain to mindfulness to air fryer recipes but one of the next ones will be the one recommended by the psychologist Dr Leah Bousie at the last PMRGCAuk AGM called 'When life hits hard' by Russ Harris. I need more time to read! I haven't even had time to read the last issue of Newswire yet which has been lying round since before Christmas

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

That's what my book is about - the mechanisms of inflammation and disease

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toPMRpro

Pass it on to me when you've finished as I've vowed not to buy any more books til I've read the ones I've already got ... ๐Ÿ˜€

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

Can't, like all new books for me, on Kindle! I only get a book when it is an offer of the day, at 99p! And my daughter pays for them - it is my birthday and xmas presents in perpetuity.

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toPMRpro

I've got a Kindle I never use, I should dig it out. That's a good New Years resolution

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

I have too many books on shelves here - so the only books I get are on the Kindle. Have over 500 there, the majority have been read though I do need to catch up. Maybe I need to spend more time reading and less on the forum ...

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toPMRpro

I resolved I wasn't go to go on the computer until late afternoons and here I am, not even noon yet. I think I have my answer as to why I'm not getting things done. Email is a particular time-waster as I find I'm waiting for responses.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

No - I never wait for responses unless making an appointment for the same day. And if I didn't do online until the afternoon - you might notice I'm not here!!!!

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toPMRpro

I notice you're here all the time and on the rare occasions you're not I worry if something's happened, and worry that might not be good for YOUR health, being on call 24/7 LOL and not even days off for Christmas and birthdays. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you thrive on it. Same for other admiins and ambasadors on here

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

Not on call 24/7 here - it isn't good for anyone, had that towards the end with OH. There are only 2 of us that put in the 7/7 hours though - DL and me and we read or at least skim every post and reply as required. No-one else really has an overview of what goes on on the forum though. But we do take time off and don't worry, you would hear soon enough if anything happened.

yogabonnie profile image
yogabonnieโ€ข in reply toPMRpro

HMMMM THAT is the way to do it. it's just the opposite for me. All my family kindle users are using MY kindle account!

Kendrew profile image
Kendrewโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

I'm currently listening to his 'Just One Thing' podcasts each night before I go to sleep. He discusses the benefits of all sorts...

- drinking green tea

- kindness

- weight loss

- exercise

- sleep

- cold therapy

- music...... and so much more

He can back up everything with scientific studies and in my opinion speaks a lot of sense.

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toKendrew

I agree, he backs things up with science. Prof Janet Lord seems to know her stuff too, I like her common sense confident approach, she should be on telly more. MM does recommend Vit D though yet Tim Spector says the Jury is out on that one, there is no evidence either way that it helps or doesn't. I've got all Michael Mosley's books though and trust them, they opened my eyes to the low carb way of eating

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toKendrew

I particularly like the idea of kindness being shown to be good for you as that's one of my New Year resolutions, to do more small acts of kindness and saying thank you more often. For example eg bus drivers avoiding collisions and waiting for me to sit down before moving, GP receptionists (it worked, they accelerated a referral for me) people offering to help when they see my white cane, even if I don't need it I thank them for offering

Kendrew profile image
Kendrewโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

Yes, I agree with you on all counts.I do hold Tim Spector in fairly high regard, but his halo slipped a bit for me when he joined forces with M&S and produced the ZOE gut shot....for ยฃ2 a bottle. As one of these bottles is meant to be taken daily, that works out at approx ยฃ60's a month. I suspect he'll be receiving a plentiful profit from it and for some reason that just doesn't sit so well with me..

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorโ€ข in reply toKendrew

It's been the things he seemed not have known that to me as a physiologist were glaringly obvious. And the mercenary aspects ...

Kendrew profile image
Kendrewโ€ข in reply toPMRpro

Yes, he clearly knows a lot more than I ever could, but I can appreciate that from your point of view, as an accomplished physiologist, there's been quite a bit lacking.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorโ€ข in reply toKendrew

I wouldn't go THAT far!!!! But one thing I did learn as a scientist was there is a lot we don't know and not to take everything as true ...

Kendrew profile image
Kendrewโ€ข in reply toPMRpro


tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toPMRpro

And things that doctors think are true at one point in time turn out to be false some years later. 'Facts' go out of date or the research that made them 'facts' in the first place may be flawed leaving myths behind, as well we know in PMR

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

That's right.

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toKendrew

The only thing I liked and that was useful on the Zoe program was the CGM. Tim Spector reckons he makes a loss on Zoe so maybe that's his excuse to recoup on the merchandising. MM is busy plugging his Fast 800 products on the back of his books and TV work too

Kendrew profile image
Kendrewโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

You're quite right about Michael Mosely. I've no idea why, but that doesn't seem to irk me quite as much, although it probably should!

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toKendrew

I get more angry when things are promoted as healthy but aren't really, like mass produced processed kimchi and kefir. So thinking about it, I trust M&S with or without Phil's backing ๐Ÿ˜€

yogabonnie profile image
yogabonnieโ€ข in reply toKendrew

I felt vindicated about cold plunges!!! I love Just One Thing and of Course are trying to do them ALL

Kendrew profile image
Kendrewโ€ข in reply toyogabonnie

๐Ÿ˜„ hahaha...me too! X

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toKendrew

I keep thinking about cold plunges but worry that if my immune system has already gone haywire, surely I don't want to agitate it more? My PMR gets worse in winter months with the cold

yogabonnie profile image
yogabonnieโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

I do it now regularly ... It has been a year. Once a week in a lake and once or twice in the tub. The tap water is 53 now.. I am in MN. and I go though the ice with a group or at home. I havenรคt noticed any change in my PMR however I do notice the my overall arthritis seems better.. maybe my imagination.. but also it is GREAT for my mood! Always dread it . Always glad I did it! I cannot for the life of me take a cold shower however and some people say that works too. I have a cold now so skipped this week with the ice plunges.

yogabonnie profile image
yogabonnieโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

also I had actually hoped that my immune system would be so shocked by the cold that it would somehow knock everything back into place and the PMR would disappear and all those little autoimmune soldiers would stand back in formation and I would be healed!!!

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toyogabonnie

I was hoping you'd say it had! That's what I'd hope would happen if I braved the cold water in Marsden Canal basin

yogabonnie profile image
yogabonnieโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

go for it! However if it is colder than 50 you might want little neoprene booties that can be had for $15 dollars or so on amazon.. and be sure and dry off fast and bundle up! ENJOY. let me know if you do it! I am sure there must be many who are doing it since it has become quite popular!!

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlieโ€ข in reply toyogabonnie

I'm still going to need a lot of persuading. A few friends already do it and one was a total couch potato until trying it and now loves it, in the sea! Maybe spring or summer when it's ever so slightly warmer than winter in the UK. I enjoyed swimming in Austrian lakes a few years ago, maybe start by going back there.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrewโ€ข in reply totangocharlie

I know! There are so many considerations with this condition. All gets quite baffling at times.

PMRCanada profile image

I had not listened prior and learned about DHEA in relation to stress and inflammation. Iโ€™m certain having work related PTSD did me no favours in the the stress/cortisol area! Nice to know my diet and kindness are on trackโ€ฆthe challenge remains physical activity vs sitting (sigh).

Thanks for sharing! Iโ€™m also curious now about the book PMRPro is reading. Great resources folks!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorโ€ข in reply toPMRCanada

I missed out part of the title! A Silent Fire: the story of inflammation and disease

yogabonnie profile image
yogabonnieโ€ข in reply toPMRpro

Just got it on the kindle. thanks!!

Kaaswinkel72 profile image


As far as I am concerned; repeat this post every now and then there are always new people that have never seen it! Very helpful.

AshPen9 profile image

Thanks for that tc! I had missed the previous references to it. Just listened to it. Fascinating and very 'listenable'. I really like Michael Mosley, he talks in language that I can understand, and it's always very relateable.

Freshairfiend profile image

just listened to bith episodes. Really really useful.. should be required listening for us all. Thanks for re posting.Iโ€™m missed the first one. I did keep tutting, unkindly , though, that I canโ€™t get up every hour to walk around when Iโ€™m laid up with PMR! Having said that,Iโ€™ve been making more effort to do that when I can. Janet lord would be very interesting on PMR. I might write to her when i have the energy.

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