Very interesting and amusing,a mixture of science and humour .. just been listening
The Infinite Monkey Cage - The Immune System - PMRGCAuk
The Infinite Monkey Cage - The Immune System

Loved it and this one earlier broadcast :-
The Infinite Monkey Cage, Series 17 Episode 3 of 6
Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by comedian Chris Addison, Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies, and Professor Martha Clokie to look at the history and future for antibiotics.
I had difficulties locating, then broke it up into, called up main channel, then put in a search for 'The Infinite Monkey Cage'. Bingo. Huge fun, 100 programmes to choosefrom.
Can't believe Cox is 50 yrs old. He looks like 24'ish ! Fun scientist -
sorry about the link, you did a great 'workaround'. I'll be very interested in the Antibiotics one. Good for those winter days, as scats says, so many great programmes on R4 and World Service (my nightime companion, trouble is I get so interested I forget to go to sleep...) I think Brian Cox is probably an alien whose lifespan is measured in 1.000s of years!
Love this programme but always manage to miss it, it's at strange times. We have them all on i-player ready for a cold dark winter day.
I live in France - can't get iPlayer...nuisance. We are 'banned' from receiving. 'Believe' there may be a way round it, but, requires a whole load of equipment...
Shame. I'm with slowdown great fan of radio 4 and world service, except with me if its interesting I'm guaranteed to fall asleep. I've lost count of the number of comedy programs I missed the end of.
God, I wish I understood British humour!!!!! American's just are not wired for it! The science parts were interesting... thanks for posting!

We all need some mysteries in life, Melissa! At least you've spelt humour 'properly'
Hahahahahahaha, HURRAY to the mysteries of life... one of them being, British Humour! I resisted for years, and then finally changed my Language Setting Preference to British English, because I got sick of being "corrected" every single time I tried to use a "z!"
It never stopped!!!!