Sky high hba1c: I was diagnosed May/June 23. I... - PMRGCAuk


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Sky high hba1c

Noideas profile image
21 Replies

I was diagnosed May/June 23. I had just had my diabetes check and all was OK. Fast forward to December check and definitely not ok! I had been eating low carb and had lost weight. Life became very difficult from October with a nasty fall, mental heath crisis for our grandson while we were looking after him ( not caused by us) mother in law ill, caught covid, mil died , so lots of stress! I was trying to stick to low carb but difficult when you're travelling, staying in hotels and visiting people. In December my diabetes meds were adjusted and I thought, once Christmas was out of the way, guests gone home etc , my blood sugars would be fine. Finally have a blood glucose monitor and no it's not fine. I've been so careful about what I've been eating, no refined carbs, no sugary fruits, no alcohol, no fizzy drinks. I don't know what to do now, don't want to inject insulin. I've changed my overnight oats, which Iove, to plain yogurt. I've started swimming again and trying to be more active in general but you know, pmr! I'd be grateful for any tips or suggestions. Sorry it's so long, I had sarcoid 20 years ago and was on steroids for a out 7 years with no problems that I knew of except weight gain.

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Noideas profile image
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21 Replies
sdowney717 profile image

IF you are on steroids, it will raise blood sugar. For me it raised it a huge amount. I would get to upper 300's and had to about double my insulin dose, it became a real problem, my glucoses were like a roller coaster experience. I suffered for 6 months until my rheumatologist appointment. MY GP offered me nothing except take lots more insulin. So for 6 months of prednisone use, I suffered. Rheumatologist told me they would get more off steroids, and put me on methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine, and wow it sure did work. Took down my prednisone use from 30 to 20 to 15 to 10 to 5 to 2 to 1 to none in about a month and a half.

As of Nov 6, 2023, my latest CRP is 6.4, at first diagnosis was 103 in February 2023. I am now tapering my methotrexate use, down to 5 pills from 6. i plan to get off all of it in a few months as I have missed both those drugs will no ill effects yet. CBC and chem panel are all normal for me.

Koalajane profile image

hi, and know your problems. Steroids give me sugar spikes but I have got my type 2 into remission. I walk a lot (and rest a bit)

I have stopped having lunch because my pred gives me sugar spikes between 12 and 5 pm

I eat low carb like you. Mostly salads and no potatoes. One slice of wholemeal bread for breakfast with peanut butter.

Dinner is often salad or stir fry with fish, chicken eggs and pudding is natural full fat yogurt with berries.

If we have a roast I have above grown vegetables with no potatoes or yorkies.

Testing has shown me what I can eat and when. Usually before breakfast my sugars are around 4.9 and when I have my evening meal I test before and 2 hours after which shown me if the food has spiked my sugars. I then go for a 10. Knute walk after my meal.

If you need any help please let me know. It may be you are eating more carbs than you think.

Noideas profile image
Noideas in reply to Koalajane

Thank you for your reply, no potato products except 1 small piece of roast on Sunday, no yorkshires, no toast since covid in October. I cook everything from scratch, lots of veg, home grown as much as possible. I know carbs lurk so will cut down carrots and anything else I can see hiding. I'm really at a loss what else to do. Will bring forward my drop to 8mg and see if that helps.

Noideas profile image
Noideas in reply to Noideas

Oh no pudding but 1 square 70% chocolate after dinner

Koalajane profile image
Koalajane in reply to Noideas

I am on 4.5 and still get spikes!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Koalajane

"my pred gives me sugar spikes between 12 and 5 months" - autocorrect?????

Koalajane profile image
Koalajane in reply to PMRpro

Yes I will change it thanks

sdowney717 profile image

Nov 6, 2023, my A1C is 6.4

My endo is happy with that and says keep doing what I am doing.

These doctors know people can only put up with so much forced diet restrictions, people will eat what they will eat. I am on 35mg 70/30 Novolin 3 times daily as it works for me. And it has been little trouble to stick that needle into me, as I know without it I will be wildly out of control.

And why suffer if you don't have to. Do what it takes to live your life like you want.

Noideas profile image
Noideas in reply to sdowney717

Thank you for your replies, I'm not really unhappy with how I'm eating at the moment, I've been doing it, not quite as strictly, for a long time. I suppose I miss treats like going out to dinner and having a free choice but day to day is fine. I have salad or homemade soup for lunch and fish or chicken and veg for dinner, I real.y don't miss potato at all. For me I know it will feel like I've failed if I have to have insulin, that's just me. I'm pleased that that your regime works so well for you and that your consultant is happy. I know something similar works for my sister in law, don't know why I feel so against it.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Noideas

DO you wear glasses because your vision isn't perfect? Insulin isn't any different when your pancreas isn't working perfectly ...

Noideas profile image
Noideas in reply to PMRpro

Yes and hearing aids! I know, I know, but it's hard to get over things sometimes. I'm meant to have another hba1c in mid March but think I'll try to talk to my diabetes nurse before then.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Noideas

I know - but sometimes thinking that way grows on you!

Koalajane profile image

are you on medication? Gliclazide helped me a lot and one of my friends who has GCA is on that as well

Noideas profile image
Noideas in reply to Koalajane

I'm on semaglutide 3 my can't take higher dose due to nausea and retching Linagliptin 5 mg since mid December. Can't take gliclazide as kidney function just below cut off.

sdowney717 profile image
sdowney717 in reply to Noideas

That diabetic syringe needle is very tiny. I found an area that I dont usually even feel it, right at my waistline where a belt will normally sit. I also use that needle over and over till the numbers wear off or the needle gets too dull. I keep it and the Insulin in the fridge.

I have been getting 4 vials for $40 at the insurance price at the Walmart pharmacy in the USA. I get about 3 weeks out on one vial of Novolin 70/30. That ratio is the fast and slow insulin together in one vial.

What is Novolin 70/30?

Insulin is a hormone that works by lowering levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Insulin isophane is a intermediate-acting insulin. Insulin regular is an short-acting insulin. This combination insulin starts to work within 10 to 20 minutes after injection, peaks in 2 hours, and keeps working for up to 24 hours.

Novolin 70/30 is a combination medicine used to improve blood sugar control in adults with diabetes mellitus.

Bramble2000 profile image

Hi, I chose to inject insulin for my diabetes. It’s great because it’s completely flexible. It’s super easy to inject, I don’t even feel it. My last A1c was 6.9 and considering I’m five stones overweight, I’m happy with that! I’m not on steroids though. They play havoc with my blood sugar but again, easily controlled with insulin.

Noideas profile image
Noideas in reply to Bramble2000

Thank you for your reply. I think I probably just have to get over myself! I'm really struggling with the steroids this time around, I took them about 20 years ago when I had sarcoid and didn't have any problems.

Viveka profile image

You have had a lot to cope with and you are really good with your diet, so well done! The blood sugar spikes will improve as you reduce pred but as you are inclined to type 2 there will be more work to be done. You mention you have got a CGM. I have just invested in one and it is a revelation. What is really clear is the impact of exercise on glucose levels. The advice is to exercise within 20 mins of a meal. This really works for me in bringing things down more quickly. I've found moderate exercise like a walk or standing posture yoga is needed. Before I had a CGM I optimistically thought doing a bit of hoovering was enough. Swimming is fantastic overall but it is the timing of exercise that is important. If you can only do a bit of activity at the moment, do it after a meal and then rest.

The other thing is you did not mention any of the diabetes hacks on Zoe website; presume you are doing them like apple cider vinegar half an hour before meal, veggies first - can't remember the others.


Noideas profile image
Noideas in reply to Viveka

No I don't have a CGM monitor, just the old fashioned finger prick thing.

Viveka profile image

Getting one would be the best thing you can do. I have just got freestyle libre 2. Extremely easy to set up and use. Another make is available, can't remember its name. They are available on the NHS for Type 1 - not sure about the position for type 2. Zoe does a free research based trial people can sign up for. Some people on Forum have done it.

Sensors costs around 50 quid a fortnight - they can be used to find out any patterns with food and exercise, and but once you know your patterns you could go back to finger pricking and only get one occasionally. That's what I intend to do.

Noideas profile image
Noideas in reply to Viveka

Thank you for that, definitely something to think about. I think I was a bit blasé about steroids having been on them for years with no problems except weight gain but that was years ago and I'm old now and definitely feeling the side effects this time around.

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