Hi all Warriors
Since being on prednisone (since July 2023 at 60mg, now at l6mg) my A1C has slowly crept up.
Had blood work yesterday and A1C is now at 7.1. I have been told by my rheumy this is steroid induced and will start going down as I taper. Even though I have been tapering by 1mg every 2 weeks from 20mg my A1C creeps up marginally which is evident after every monthly blood test.
Rheumy says he is not treating this now with metformin. He believes A1C will come down. Has anyone experience with this and does the A1C eventually come down to more normal levels?
I weigh 127 lbs. Have gained only 2 lbs since the beginning of this journey. I do not eat sugar, avoid carbs and my fruit is berries only. What else can I do to keep that A1C down? thanks for your input.