I've had diarrhoea on and off for over a year. It started after breakfast and stopped around lunch time, not every day, but about 3 days a week. It's been slowly getting more frequent. A month or so ago I spoke to the GP who first diagnosed me with PMR/GCA. She tested me for coeliac and cancer, both negative. I had no exam as she only does phone appointments. I tried stopping alendronic acid for a month, no difference.
Her response was that I would just have to put up with it.
Meanwhile I tried stopping magnesium, then omeprazole (after finding some 2.5mg enteric coated pred in the back of the cupboard). No difference. In fact it's worse, as it now hits me at 3am. I keep soiling the bed.
So I got an appointment yesterday, with a locum GP. He actually examined me, palpating my abdomen and did an internal on my rectum. He didn't find anything. He has asked me to produce a specimen for a calprotectin test. However it needs to be the first poo of the day. I am not awake enough to do this at 3am!! Maybe I need to set an alarm! Then I'll wake hubby who works long hours. Also I can't put the bathroom light on because that will wake him too (the doors have glass in the top).
Anyway, I read that calprotectin measures inflammation in the gut lining, and the level of inflammation tells you if the problem is IBD (high reading) or IBS (low reading). This then dictates the treatment and potentially saves the patient from having a colonoscopy.
He wants to see me again when I've got the results. I am so glad that at last I'm getting something done.
He agreed that the cause was probably drug related and said I could stop taking the Alendronic acid now I'm down to 2mg pred as of Thursday. He agreed that with my initial T score of -1.1 I should never have been put on it in the first place (before PMR diagnosis). However he declined my request for a repeat DEXA scan (as discussed with PMRpro the other day) as he said it has to be 3 years gap. Also he said there are no 1mg EC pred available DorsetLady on prescription. So I have to continue with uncoated and omeprazole. I kicked myself - I forgot to ask for the H2 antagonists. I will try to remember next time.
I invite the experts' comments. Thanks.