Hi All
Should I take Alendronic Acid?
Have been prescribed 70mg in a once a week tablet by my Rheumy, and have not taken them.
Last Rheumy appt was Sept 2016 when he said I needed to be taking Alendronic Acid. I questioned him and he agreed to arranging a dexa scan.
Just got the T scores:
At neck of femur -3.0 Total spine -1.1
I believe that -1.1 is fine but not sure about the -3.0
I'm male 57 in UK first diagnosed PMR March 2016 and started off at 30mg Preds by GP. "Magical" response to steroids. June in hospital with suspected GCA (it may have been a flare caused by too quick a reduction), but steroids upped to 40mg.
Have tapered the reductions much more smoothly and slower and am currently on 7 mgs and doing ok most of the time.
I am scared truthfully of the Alendronic Acid. I seem to have had most of the side effects associated with the pred. As well as a reaction to the first and second eye drops for steroid induced high ocular pressure. Am worried I may be more susceptible to side effects from the Alendronic!
However have seen GP yesterday who agreed not to take the Alendronic. He said that from a previous blood test my bone health appeared to be good, and with the pred reductions going well, the low dose, and that -3 is not too bad, weight bearing exercise as best you can, eat well, there’s no reason why the T scores should get worse and may even show small improvement over time.
Next appt with Rheumy is next week.
Sorry to have gone on so long, but any thoughts much appreciated.