Hi everyone,
I haven’t posted before but read all posts and comments daily and find the information very helpful
Here’s my story…sorry if it’s too long…
- PMR started in February 2023
- diagnosed PMR April 2023 after a week in hospital with a specialist and put on 25 mg of prednisone
- appointment with Rheumatologist a week later who confirmed diagnosis and upped prednisone to 30 mg
- following Rhumetologist appointment diagnosed with additional RA went on methotrexate tablets and vitamin d and folic acid tablets
-gradually tapered prednisone by approximately 2.5 each fortnight, to 10.5 in late October but flared and went back to 12.5 on Rhumetologist advice, and changed to methotrexate injections to see if it helped with runny, itchy eyes
So now to my questions…
Is there a link between chronic fatigue and PMR & RA.?
Is it common to feel more fatigued as prednisone is reduced?
Is there a way to manage the fatigue?
Thank you for your help